b'22PACIFIC COAST PORTS ajot.comCybersecurity initiative a wake up callPort of Oaklands Brandes for US ports cites port upgradesPort of LAs Seroka calls President Biden cybersecurity initiative a Wake upBy Stas Margaronis, AJOTcall for US ports. BryanBrandes,Maritimeon dock rail into the TraPac Stas Margaronis, AJOTDirector, Port of Oakland says thefacilitysharedbetweenthe Port is working on a numberETS(EverportContainer American Journal of Trans- ofprojectstoimproverailTerminal) and TraPac termi-portations California-based portserviceandupgraderefrig- nals. Now, in order for any of correspondent Stas Margaro- eration capabilities. this to happen we would need nis in a recent video interviewBrandes spoke to AJOT attohaveanagreementwith with the Port of Los Angelesthe TPM24 conference takingtheterminaloperatorsthat ExecutiveDirectorEugeneplace in Long Beach, CA. they want to take this as an Gene Seroka addressed theTheOaklandInterna- ondockrailsolution.Right cybersecuritychallengestotionalContainerTerminalnow,everythinggoesout USportsandspecificallyto(OICT)isthelargesttermi- the gate, everythings treated the Port of Los Angeles. nal at the Port and presentlythesame.Ondockrailisa Margaronis: In February,doesnothaveondockrail,revenueopportunityforthe PresidentBidenannouncedbut Brandes says on dock railterminals, but its a complica-amajorcybersecurityinitia- is feasible: Right now theretion for the terminals as well, tive, somewhat to the surpriseisaroadseparat-ofsomemaritimestakehold- ing OICT from the ers. I was wondering whetherrailconnectionbut youcouldgiveusyourfeed- wecouldeasily back about what kind of prob- close that roadat lems the administration saw incertain times of the moving this initiative so quicklyday or permanently and in discussing a $20 billion(Top: L to R) Stas MargaronisAJOT, George LauriatAJOT, andhaveanEast price tag associated with it. (Bottom) Gene SerokaPort of Los Angeles Executive Director entrance and a West Seroka: I think, numberUnitedStatesDepartmentNow, the work in this areaentrancetoOICT. one,itsawake-upcallforofHomelandSecurity.Lastalso led us to create one of theAndnowthechal-all of us in the port to supplyyear, this cybersecurity oper- worlds first cyber-resiliencelenge is that this cre-chain industry. Here at the Portations center, or CSOC, as wecentersandthinkofthatasates an advantage, aBryan Brandes, Maritime Director, Port of OaklandofLosAngeles,weopenedcallit,stoppednearlythreeanearlywarningsystem.Itcompetitiveadvan-up the nations first cyberse- quarters of a billion intrusionallowed us to bring about twotageforOICTcomparedtobecause it creates more sorts curity operations center backattempts, an average of aboutdozen private sector partnersourotherinternationalter- andanotherlaborpoolto in September of 2014, aided63 million intrusion attempts(CALLcontinued onminals. So, we are looking at(UPGRADEScontinued on inpartbyagrantfromtheper month that we stopped. page 24) another option about bringingpage 34)'