b'South Jerseys Port of Salemnortheast to Swedesboro where itview Salem as a potential manufacturingto put off dredging the four-mile stretch of connects to Conrail, which, in turn, hooksand fabrication site for secondary windthe Salem River that leads to the Delaware up with the Class I carriers Norfolkcomponents. The rail line could be used toRiver. Several parcels of abandoned Southern and CSX Transportation andbring in steel to fabrication facilities, andindustrial real estate could be put to use the continental rail network. Also inthe expanded berth can be used to bargeas sites for wind-component fabrication Swedesboro, short-line operator SMSfinished components for final assembly atfacilities and for cargo marshaling Rail Lines serves the Pureland Industrialthe wind port. activities.Complex, a 3,000-acre facility that isGranting a New Vision for Salem The big nut to crack is the deepening home to over 120 companies, many ofof the Salem River, said Dugan. With a which utilize local rail/truck intermodalBut the $15 million dollars now being16-foot authorized depth and six-feet capabilities to distribute goods to Newinvested in port redevelopment will not betides, the river has adequate draft to Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, andenough to bring that vision to fruition. Theaccommodate wind-component vessels Maryland. grants received were less than what theat high tide, a situation that presents Now that the port has receivedSJPC requested, and that necessitatedobvious problems.grants for its revitalization, Dugan viewsscaling back immediate plans for theIdeally, wed like to bring down the port. What was originally planned as a Salems rail prowess as a key advantage,first-phase wharf expansion to 500 feetdepth another ten feet, said Dugan.Philaportespecially since the wind port will notThat would also give the port more enjoy that kind of connectivity. Therenow stretches to 400 feet. Plans call forflexibility with regard to handling bulk is not enough room at the wind port foreventually expanding the wharf to 1,250and breakbulk cargo vessels. But those all of the manufacturing required forfeet. plansas well as further wharf expansion regional offshore needs, he said. WeThe port also had to scrap plans toand acreage acquisitionwill have to acquire some backland acreage and hadCamdenPENNSYVANIAPort of Wilmington NEW JERSEYSalemDelaware River American Journal of Transportation24 DELAWARE'