b'Breakbulk Activity Rising In Ports Across CanadaBreakbulk Activity RisingIn Ports Across CanadaBy Leo Ryan, AJOTA s the Canadian economy engages in aRobert Hornung, President, and CEO of thebreakbulk, general and project cargo, pronounced post-pandemic recoveryCanadian Renewable Energy Association,including out-of-gauge pieces. After following the largest contraction indeclares: Canada is just starting to takedeclining to just over 64,000 metric tons decades in 2020, so is activity in the breakbulkadvantage of its massive untapped windin 2020, breakbulk volume climbed to sector of Canadian ports showing renewedand solar energy potential. 211,082 tons in 2021.dynamism. This is especially reflected inCanada ended 2021 with 14,265Logistecs Laurier terminals in several robust steel cargoes and wind farm componentMW of installed capacity, the lions sharesections of the port are specialized in shipments in response to demand for renewablesituated in Ontario, Quebec, and Albertahandling bulk, breakbulk, project cargo energy projects. but with new commitments coming fromand heavy lift. Warehouses offer ample Also driving the forward momentum isNova Scotia and Saskatchewan. storage for such products as mineral the federal infrastructure package of C$180Up till a few years ago, before worldconcentrate, gypsum, fertilizer, and other billion over 12 years that has barely begun to beoil markets declined, the Alberta oilsandscommodities. The Logistec terminal in implemented. enterprises generated substantialSection 98 provides a large laydown area In this connection, transit projects dominateshipments of heavy lift equipment. Itfor out-of-gauge project cargo near off-the list of top 10 public sector infrastructureremains to be seen what will be thedock facilities.projects currently underway or planned. Fiveimpact for investments in the Alberta oilAs Atlantic Canadas largest seaport transit projects are on the books in and aroundsector of soaring oil prices and supply(in volume terms), Port Saint John (PSJ) Toronto and Montreal. Ontario has two nuclearchain concerns in the wake of Russiasin New Brunswick handles a diverse cargo refurbishment projects in progress. A pair ofinvasion of Ukraine. base which includes breakbulk.hydroelectric projects are slated for Quebec andEast Coast Breakbulk Trends Located within an FTZ, recent British Columbia. And there is the massive Gordieprojects have included windmills and Howe International Bridge project over the DetroitAt the Port of Montreal, breakbulktransformers arriving via both container, River between Windsor and Detroit. activity has rebounded strongly fromand breakbulk specific vessels, said On the wind energythe COVID-19 world onslaught in 2020.Jane Burchill, communications, and front,Several terminals operated by Logistecsustainability specialist.and Empire Stevedoring (BickerdikeOn terminal, we offer a number Terminal) can handleof different weight bearing capacity all types ofpiers depending on the project needs, 35 acres of open area for laydown, and over 550,000 square feet of dry warehousing Port of Vancouverbreakbulk terminalscatering to strong demand. (Photo VFPA)4'