b'THE UNCONTAINEDawait the availability of additional funding. complete logistics chain, said Dugan, thebe handling some wind components Current developments and futurewind port being one and the Port of Salemimported from overseas, according to plans for the Port of Salem represent onebeing another. Dugan, which could be floated by barge component of a larger SJPC strategy toSJPCs Port of Paulsboro also hasto the wind port or to the Port of Salem. position the southern New Jersey regiona place in this strategic picture, with aAs for further redevelopment at Salem, and its ports to become an integral partfacility to manufacture monopilespartDugan said, SJPC is pursuing additional of the nascent New Jersey offshore windof the foundation of offshore windgrant opportunities.industry. We view these various nodesinstallationscurrently under construction along the Delaware River as part of athere. The Port of Camden could also PhilaportPENNSYVANIA CamdenPort of Wilmington NEW JERSEYSalemDelaware RiverPort of Salem is nestled just off the main Delaware River channelDELAWARE 25'