b'THE UNCONTAINEDLandry said the research project started off with a fewThe Water Institute website provided the following tugboats providing sounding data back in 2021and hasbackground:grown to between 50-75 tugboats today(and) we are looking1) Along with its advanced analytics, customized Resilience to include cruise ships. Now that data is compiled accordingDashboards will be created and maintained for the Ports to time, location, and depth and stored on the cloud so we canof Lake Providence, Madison, Vidalia, Baton Rouge, South develop trend lines. We started in the summer of 2021 with 2-3Louisiana, New Orleans, St. Bernard, and Plaquemines. tugs and expect to conclude our research in 2023 with over 752) These tools will assist in tracking progress and vessels providing sounding data. adaptively managing port resilience. Along with the digital According to the Water Institute one of the projectplatform, this $3 million investment will culminate in a new supporters is the Port of South Louisiana whose CEO PaulSmartPort facility to be housed on The Water Campus in Baton Matthews said: As one of Americas largest tonnage ports,Rouge.the Port of South Louisiana is focused on serving the maritime3) The facility will serve as a specialized emergency needs of our resident industries. Partnering with The Wateroperation center for ports when needed and a place for the Institute and Louisiana Economic Development will allow us toexchange of information during non-emergency times.apply crowd sourcing data and cutting-edge scientific analysis4) The Institute worked closely with the Port of New to a concern for vessel operators and shippers not only onOrleans, IBM, and Crescent Towing in developing tools that the Mississippi River, but also around the worldOur betterharvested and validated depth data to inform port dredging understanding of shoaling, and our ability to provide moreoperations. Through SmartPort, the Institute will be able to accurate, timely and precise predictive elements to shoalingscale this successful pilot project along the Lower Mississippi forecasts, will enhance the safety and efficiency of all the PortsRiver from North Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico.maritime endeavors.A tugboat on the Mississippi River passes by the Port of Baton Rouge.21'