b'THE UNCONTAINEDThe Port of Lake Charles takes delivery of a 154-ton-capacity Liebherr mobile harbor crane, replacing a unit destroyed by Hurricane Laura.Canal sites include 60 acres of waterfront property, currentlytherefore, priority will be given to developing a hub at one site.subleased through Trunkline LNG, and 30 acres of undevelopedWe are looking for offshore wind developers and operators property across Highway 384/Big Lake Road, currently leased toand we are looking to partner with them in a joint deal to develop the Shaw Group but potentially available for the project. a wind port, said Chretien. The study analyzed the feasibility of two types of offshore- Some progress has been made on that front. The Port of wind port facilities. A wind turbine generation marshalingLake Charles has already hosted three visits with an East Coast port would receive blades, turbines, and tower sections fromwind port operator and has participated in several conference fabrication sites. These components would then be staged, pre- calls with European offshore wind developers. Chretien expects assembled, and loaded out onto an installation vessel for transita European developer to visit Lake Charles in the near future to to the offshore site. A fabrication facility would manufacturelook at the site.large components-such as blades, tower sections, turbines,In order to make the wind port a reality, the consultants transition pieces and foundationsand load them for transit torecommended that the port make some improvements at the marshaling port or installation site. the site of any potential facility. We would need to dredge Fully assembled offshore wind components are too largealong the dockside and do some repaving, noted Chretien. to be transported on rail or road, the consultants noted. TheWe would also need to build a new bulkhead for vessels and components are therefore moved from location to locationdo some groundwork in the lay down areas so that they can via waterborne transport. The fabrication facilities do requireaccommodate the very heavy pieces involved in offshore wind smaller pieces and raw materials to produce the components,developments.and these can be delivered to the site via rail and/or road. But for now, the port is concentrated on making the A multiple use or collocation scenariosometimes calledinfrastructure improvements to replace warehousing facilities an offshore wind supply hubwill also be considered for Lakedestroyed in last years hurricane. We are getting a lot of Charles. The hub scenario can create significant logisticsinquiries, said Chretien. Were putting up the new buildings so efficiencies, the consultants noted. Components can bethat we can handle more cargo.manufactured and loaded out in adjacent facilitiesand 9'