b'16American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(ROLLcontinued from page 12) both sides of the river between New dredging, internal roadway, rail, drain- Orleans and Baton Rouge.age,stormsurgeprotection,bargeInJanuary,PaulMatthewssuc-dockandsafetylightingenhance- ceeded Paul Aucoin as Port of South ments, as well as a recently completedLouisianasexecutivedirector.Mat-25,000-square-footlaydownstoragethews most recently was deputy port pad designed to handle potential futuredirectoratthePlaqueminesPort, containertransshipmentsfromNewHarbor & Terminal District and pre-OrleansandotherMississippiRiverviously served as community affairs locations. The port is wrapping up amanager at the Port of New Orleans.rail maintenance and safety upgrade along a 6,000-foot-long track, facili- P ortf ourChontating an expansion of railcar storageAttheGreaterLafourchePort operations. Commissions Port Fourchon, Louisi-anas southernmost port, the develop-P ort ofs outhl ouisiAnA ment generating the most excitement PortofSouthLouisiana,Amer- is the much-awaited start of the second icaslongtimeleadinggrainexportphaseofelevationoftheLouisiana port, has bolstered capabilities at itsHighway1roadway,tocompletea Globalplexgeneralcargodockwithmultimile protected route from inside additionofapairofhigh-capacitythe South Lafourche flood protection Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 portalsysteminGoldenMeadowsouthto harborcranes.Installedlastfall,the port itself. theversatileunitsboastnumerousThe$463millionLA1project operational, technological and safetydemonstrates commitment by federal features. They expand the ports capa- and state partners and others in public bilitiesformidstreamingandaddand private sectors to ensuring ongo-flexibility for future handling of con- ing access for trucks and other vehi-tainers and project cargos.cles to Port Fourchon, which serves The cranes are part of a $15 millionas a primary hub for offshore energy investment in Globalplex and its mul- operationsintheGulfofMexico. timodal connections, aiming to boostEstimates indicate closure of the unel-infrastructuralworkingstandards,evated portion of LA 1 results in a $46 includingincreasingdockweight- million negative impact per day upon bearingcapacity,whileexpandingthe oil and gas industry, as well as a warehousingoptionsandimprovingdaily hit of more than $500 million to roadway access. The Globalplex com- the U.S. gross domestic product.plex, in Reserve, on the east bank ofCompletion of the LA 1 project is the Mississippi River, is a centerpiecetargeted for sometime in 2026a date Two newly installed Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 portal harbor cranes operate at Port of Southof Port of South Louisiana, the juris- that cant come soon enough for Port Louisianas Globalplex general cargo dock. diction of which covers 54 miles along(ROLLcontinued on page 17)All freights. All weights. All business.When shippers around the globe move cargoes that require efficient, large-scale handling, The Calcasieu Ship Channel is an ideal connectionthey rely on the Port of Lake along the central Gulf Coast. Charles and the Calcasieu Ship Channel in Louisiana, recognized as Americas Energy Corridor.Our capacity and efficiency have long made the Port of Lake Charles the choice for cargoes of all weights, dimensions and handling requirements.Let us put our capabilities to work for you. PORT OFLAKE CHARLESLAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA, [email protected]'