b'MAY 16 - JUNE 19, 2022GULF COAST PORTS 21(HELPScontinued fromAirportandforourtrucks page 20) accesstothePortsGlobal energy transitionsPlex facility.Rightnow,wemoveIn St. Charles Parish there 100millionshorttonsofis proposal to fund a proposed grain60% of the nationsI-310flyoverrampaimedat grainexportscomeoutofeasingtrafficcongestionon ourPort.ButwecantrestU.S. Highway 90 that would on our laurels andso weincrease truck efficiency in and are now looking at buildingout of our port.abrandnew$600millionHeishopefulthatproj-grain terminal which will beects will soon be built: We the first new grain terminalhave discussed these projects built in Louisiana in almostwith the Louisiana delegation 40yearsThisterminaltomakesurethoseprojects will boost our throughput ofare properly funded.grain by 10% and will be aThe Globalplex Intermodal state-of-the-artfacilityandTerminalisadeep-draftbulk environmentallyfriendlyterminal dedicated to handling anduptoEPAstandards.materialsincludingcement,(WELCOMEScontinuedwe need to be successful.siana. It truly takes the entire Thecomplexisbeingbuiltmineralores,andwoodchips.from page 20) Wearethrilledtohavecommunity workingtogether byGreenfieldLLCtheThe Terminal is a public ter- we can expand the site whichSunny Point Aggregates hereto achieve in economic devel-companyhascompletedminal, owned by the Port ofwasacriticalpartofourat the port, said Justyn Dixon,opment.Congratulationsto $100 million investments inSouth Louisiana and operatedgrowthplan.Secondly,thePresident and CEO of NorthThePortofCaddo-Bossier soft costs, and they are final- by Associated TerminalsforfutureI-69serviceroadwillLouisiana Economic Partner- andeveryoneelseinvolved izing permits right now. Thisboth vessels and barges thatgive trucks carrying our prod- ship.Eachtimeacompanywith this win. is a private development. provide handling and storageucts quicker access to Haynes- grows in our region, it makesConstruction of the new ThePortsupportsinfra- for bulk, breakbulk, and con- ville Shale wells. And lastly,anincredibleimpactandproject should be completed structurespendingforfloodtainerized cargoes.the Port had the infrastructurespeaks highly of North Loui- in August. protection:Weareprotect-ing our facilities by support-ingtheWestShoreLevee Project to get us up to 100-yearfloodleveeprotectionThat project broke ground several months ago. The proj-ect is moving forward thanks totheeffortsoftheLouisi-ana Congressional delegation. We, at the Port, recognize that EXPANDING CAP Y TOprotectedandminimizeriskO ACIT Aour developments need to beFL RID Sto riverfront communities in St Charles, St Johns, and St James Parishes. The levee is 17.5 miles long.According to a July 2021 EngineeringNewsRecord report: Its taken over fiveDISTRIBUTIONdecades,afast-trackingofHUBfederalfundsandovertwo yearsofsurveying,acquir-ing and clearing land, but on July26,Federal,Stateand localofficialsfinallybroke groundonaleveeproject along the western shores of Lake Pontchartrain designed toprovidehurricaneand storm protection to a three- No congestion Expanded terminal capacity with plenty of parishareawhere60,000room for growthpeoplehavelittletonoTampa/Orlando I-4 Corridor: 400 million SF defenses in place. of distribution center space Multiple round-trip truck deliveries per day MatthewsnotesthattheE-commerce, consumer goods, perishablesfrom Port to distribution centersPortofSouthLouisianaisand building materials New and expanded container services with anoilandgasimporterandCentral America, Mexico and Asiaexporter: We have 115 mil- One of the hottest industrial real estate liontonsofpetrochemicalmarkets in the U.S.productsthatcomethrough our Port, operated by compa-nies such as Shell, Valero, and MarathonthatoperatewithWWW.PORTTB.COMrefineries that move about 1.1 million barrels per day.He noted that infrastruc-ture projects to support better roads to the Port and the com-munity are also important and noted three priorities:Widening Louisiana State Highway3127fromatwo-lanehighwaytoafour-lane highwaytorelieveconges-tionandimprovecapacity andcargomoveslocatedin St. James Parish.InSt.JohnsParishwe wanttoaddanadditional interstateexittoconnectto thePortofSouthLouisiana'