b'MAY 16 - JUNE 19, 2022BREAKBULK QUARTERLY 33(ENERGIZEcontinued fromchallenges were faced with for this page 30) typeofservice.Ourfocuswasa Upper Midwest directly. directlinefromHamiltontoMon-Ian Hamilton, president and CEOtreal,butthereareotheralterna-of the Hamilton Oshawa Port Author- tives available. Cooperation between ity(HOPA),seesrealopportunitiesports can work well.forshortseaservicesthatconvertForhispart,AmandeepKaloti, more cargoincluding containerizedpresidentofHCT,comments:A cargoto the marine mode. GreatLakescontainerservicehas Thereisanappetite,heargues,been a goal for our organization since to consider new solutions and demandwe set up shop in Hamilton five years in the market for more sustainable, effi- ago. We have been creating the busi-cientandcompetitiveoptionstocon- ness ecosystem to bring this service tainer movements. to life and established the right part-Highwaycongestion,drivershort- nerships for it to succeed.agesandescalatingfuelcostsareHCTs facility is reportedly attract-allpartofachanginglandscapeofing business through its Flexi-bag lined mounting supply chain issues, industrycontainerscapableoftransporting observers note. Ontario wines, petroleum by-productsThe Port of Monroe is expected to open Michigans first marine container terminal in mid-2023.Last June, a partnership betweenand other types of liquid cargo.HOPA, Hamilton Container TerminalThelinerservicenowutilizesmul- the bi-weekly CEE sailings to Cleve-(HCT),GroupeDesgagns,Federals Pliethoff -P ort ofC levelAnd tiplevessels,andlastSeptember,land, Valleyfield, Quebec, and vari-Marine Terminals, TheSt.LawrenceP ArtnershiP Spliethoffaddedacontainer-onlyous ports on the Great Lakes. With SeawayManagementCorporation,What has, in the meantime, seem- vessel, the Peyton Lynn C. Charteredthe addition of the Peyton Lynn C., MSC and the Port of Montreal com- inglyworkedwellforthepartnersfrom Doornekamp Shipping Serviceshe says we are proud to be the first pleted a pilot shipment for a fledglingconcerned has been the partnershipof Odessa, ON, it has the capacity toand only dedicated container service container service. The MV Sedna Des- since2014betweenAmsterdam- handle over 600 TEUs.to the Great Lakes.gagnscarried282containersfrombasedSpliethoffandthePortofDue to the various issues through- The vessel, he continues, further HamiltontoMontrealwithmostlyClevelandintheCleveland-Europeouttheglobalsupplychain,cargoimprovescapacity,transittimesand scrapsteelonthefirstvoyageofaExpress (CEE) service. ownersandlogisticsproviderscon- frequency.planned feeder service for transloadingAsignofsuccess:thePortoftinue to search for alternatives to theirInterviewedonthepresentout-to overseas vessels. Clevelanddoubleditscontainertraditionalroutings,explainsDavelook, Konst commented: Especially Werehopingtodotwoaddi- volume in 2021. The long-term goal isGutheil, chief commercial officer fornow with all the logistical challenges tionalpilotsthisyear,andthenrollto handle between 50,000 and 75,000thePortofCleveland.Becauseofin the current pandemic, supply chain out a fulltime service in 2023, sayscontainersannually,versuscurrentthese challenges, the Port expects thatreliabilityismoreimportantthan Hamilton. The original plan is to buildthroughput of about 15,000 TEUs. our container volumes will continueever.Shippersarediscoveringthe things up to 20-plus sailings annually. TheCEE,whichtransportsato grow, and we will continue to makeadvantages of a direct service into the While the above container ship- combination of bulk, breakbulk, proj- thenecessaryinvestmentsthatwilleconomic heartland of America, cir-ping operation demonstrated its poten- ect cargo and containers, started withentice more cargo to our port. cumventing the congestion of the US tial, the Canadian port chief executiveonemulti-purposevesselmovingSten Konst, head of Spliethoffs(ENERGIZEcontinued on acknowledgesitalsorevealedthebetweenClevelandandAntwerp.GreatLakesdepartment,overseespage 43)LINER SERVICEEUROPE GREAT LAKESThe first and only year-round liner service between Europe and the Great lakesQuick transit time | Through bills of lading | Onwardconnections using Spliethoffs European andAmerican logistic network | Line-suppliedcontainers, project,heavy lift, steel, forestproducts and bulk| Calling various Great Lake ports, including: - Valleyfield QC - Cleveland OH - Duluth MN- Rameys Bend ON - Chicago IL - Monroe MIwww.spliethoff.com [email protected] - Now also offering a dedicated container servicebetween Antwerp, ClevelandAndValleyfield. Quick transit time, liner-supplied containers anddoor-to-door delivery.'