b'2American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comTexas seaports augmenting infrastructure to meet growingGULF COAST PORTS 2022energy industry demandsBy Paul Scott Abbott, AJOTWhenfolkssayevery- struction, which kicked off in things bigger in Texas, theyFebruary with an eye toward mightwellbereferringtocompletioninMay2024,is thefactthatitisthelarg- tocreatea1,150-foot-long est in land mass among U.S.dockforhandlingmilitary states(exceptAlaska).Butequipment,windturbine theadageisequallyfittingcomponents and forest prod-indescribingtheLoneStaructs. Private partner Jefferson Statesports,whicharebigEnergy Companies anticipates and getting bigger. wrapping up construction of a Fueledtoagreatextent$35 million liquid bulk dock byenergyindustries,Texasat its Orange County terminal portsaremovingrecordin April2023. Andbuilding cargo volumes while enhanc- of a $25 million grain dock is ingterminalinfrastructureto begin in September and be andlookingtobenefitfromdone in early 2024.deeper, wider ship channels. Slatedtogotobidthis Startingjustwestofthesummer, with projected com-Louisiana-Texas line and head- pletioninlate2023,isthe inggenerallysouthwestward(DEMANDScontinued on alongtheGulfofMexico,page 6) Project cargo destined for a local petrochemical facility is unloaded from vessel to barge at the Port of Port Arthur.toward the U.S.-Mexico border, here is a port-by-port summary of whats happening:P ort ofP ortA rthur busyWE KNOWWhileextremely movingavarietyofcargos, thePortofPort Arthurcon-tinuestoadvancemultiple projects.Theproliferationof new home construction startsPEOPLEinTexasistranslatingto strong volumes of imports of dimensional lumber, medium-densityfiberboard,fencing andplywood. Alsosolidare importsofwoodpulp,mili-tary cargo moves and exports of low-sulphur diesel.ThePortofPort Arthur hascompletedthe$42mil-lionexpansionofBerth5, adding 600 linear feet of dock space, as well as projects to widentheportsentrance road and augment cargo and truck staging areas.Thebiggestprojectcur-rently under way is the $67 million undertaking to build all-newBerth6,including 1,000-foot-longberthand backlands.Reroofingof Shed 2 is proceeding as well. Moving forward this year are a5-acreexpansionoflay-down and rail facilities; a 2.2-acre augmentation of Berth 5 backlands; roadway resurfac-ing; asphalt capping, lighting and fencing at Lots 6 and 7; and the $14 million replace-mentofShed1.Additional landproximatetothepres-ent port is being acquired toMexicomadeeasy.furtherexpandthefacilitys footprint.P ort ofB eAumontJustabitfartherupthe Sabine-NechesWaterwayin theGolden Triangleareaof SoutheastTexas,about40 milesinlandfromtheGulf of Mexico, the Port of Beau-montlookstohavethree majordockprojectsplusa newrailinterchangetrack under construction by the end1000 Foust Rd., Brownsville, TX 78521(956) 831-45921-800-378-5395of 2022.The$85millionMainportofbrownsville.comStreet Terminal 1 dock recon-'