b'MAY 16 - JUNE 19, 2022GULF COAST PORTS 17M/V Capt. John E. Graham, with dredge Arulaq, manages Atchafalaya Bar Channel mud buildup at the Port of Morgan City. Port Fourchon, the southernmost Louisiana port, bustles with vessel activity related to deepwater energy production in the Gulf of Mexico.(ROLLcontinued from page 16) selection of the Port of Greater Baton Fourchon officials pursuing promisingRouge by Grn Fuels LLC for a $9.2 future opportunities related to energybillionrenewablefuelscomplex, production in the Gulf of Mexico. slatedtobegincommercialopera-tions in 2025 on port land under long-P ort ofm orGAnC ity term lease. The base plant, on which Afterseveralyearsofhavingconstruction is to begin this year, isA custom-made, barge-mounted pedestal crane heads to the Louis Dreyfus Commodities grain vessel operations stymied by buildup(ROLLcontinued on page 18) dock at the Port of Greater Baton Rouge.of fluid mud, known as fluff, along the Atchafalaya Bar Channel, the Morgan CityHarborandTerminalDistricts Port of Morgan City is back in busi-ness, thanks to $60 million in federal funds and successful efforts of a spe-cially built dredge to alleviate the fluff problem and consistently maintain a 20-foot-deep,400-foot-widenaviga-ble channel. Managing the sediment concernisBriceCivilConstructors Inc.s M/V Capt. John E. Graham and dredge Arulaq.The port has scheduled the Atch-afalaya-RedRiverMaritimeRound-table for June 7-8 to discuss progress and opportunities.Located at the confluence of the AtchafalayaRiverandGulfIntra-coastal Waterway, the Port of Morgan Cityisadvancingmultipledock expansion projects. Loading and lay-down areas at the ports East Dock are being expanded under a $5.9 million initiative, largely paid for with state funds,whilea$18.1millionproj-ect,with$15millioncomingfrom Louisianas priority port development program,isfacilitatingpurchaseof properties to allow the Western Dock to be extended to nearly 1,900 from its current 800-foot length.P ort ofG reAterB Atonr ouGeBackupontheMightyMissis-sippi, the Port of Greater Baton Rouge is seeking additional U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Adminis-tration funding to acquire permanently affixedhigh-efficiencycontainer-handling equipment to shore up con-tainer-on-barge operations that began in 2016 via public-private partnership with Seacor AMH. The north point of the shuttle service is Memphis, with plastic-pellet-filledcontainershead-ingfromLouisianapetrochemical plants to New Orleans for export.The Port of Greater Baton Rouge is helping tenant Louis Dreyfus Com-modities resolve issues with loading andunloadinggrainduringhigh-water-level times on the river with a custom-made, barge-mounted pedes-talcranebroughtinfromGermany. Andrehabilitationandexpansionof theportsnorthernmostdeepwater berth is being pursued to accommo-date growing activity.Anevenbiggerdealmaybe'