b'NOVEMBER 21 - DECEMBER 18, 2022TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED LOGISTICS 11(STEADYcontinued ontrolled logistics. Tuthill notes,dos. And that technology hasas the hospitality industry allasmuchfromaneconomic page 8) Thetechnologysgettingadvancedaswellwithmorebut evaporated with COVID- downturn as consumable retail becausesomeofthecostbetterwiththeabilitytogoactivetypecontrolled-atmo- 19lockdowns,perishabletype foods would.structures arent aligned withaheadandmoveperishablesphere technology thats reallydeliveriestohomessoared,However, while the reefer what theyre getting for someproducts for further distancesassistedinmakingsurethatand are still running strong inratesthemselveshavebeen oftheproducts.Therefore,withbetteroutcomes,lessthosecommoditymovesarethe post-pandemic milieu. stabletheneedforaddi-youreseeingsomedecline,failureratesandmorevis- certainly protected a lot betterTuthill says, Reefer ratestional cold chain space has especiallytheChilemarket,ibility, more transparency, thethan they were in the past. havebeenstable,andtheyincreased. As Tuthill said of intheNorth-Southtrades.ability to control the machin- And the long transits forprobably will continue to bethe situation, I think one that South Africa citrus market Ieryremotely.Addingthatperishable or chilled marketstable.Theyneversawthemight be changing is the cold thinkhassomepressure thetechnologywiththe[as opposed to frozen] com- upturn that the dry rates did.chain.Demandhasbeenso is it going to be just more ofcontrollers that are integratedmodities would be anywhereAnd there was some theoryhigh for cold chain services. arotationalshiftwhereyouintothesetelematicdevicesover20days,accordingtothat reefer rates might start toTherehasbeenmoretem-seesourcingcomingfromhasreally,reallyadvanced.Tuthill. This reach is impor- follow the dry rates becauseporarystoragewithreefer hot regions, or are you goingI think thats getting into thetant as Tuthill notes, Somethe slots vessels were such acontainers. And what I mean toseeanoveralldecliningpointwherewehavealotoftheEastCoasttransitshigh-priced type of proposi- by that is people are moving consumptionintheperish- more confidence in outsourc- from either the South, North- tion,butitneverhappenedproducttothefinaldestina-ablemarketbecausetheresing,again,fromareasthatSouth to East Coast, or frombeforethedownturn.So,tionandrunningthereefers beeninflationarypressuresare further away with longerSoutheastAsiatotheEastfor the most part, the reeferuntil a product gets used.thats going to turn into lesstransits required to get fromCoastwouldrequireaser- rateshavebeenstable,andOftenthismeanspeople consumption?Idontthinkorigin to destination. vice structure that has 25, 28,thevolumepatternshaveareusingreefersasportable thatsgoingtohappen,andAnotherapplicationofmaybe 29-day transits. beenstable.Itsamuchcold storage adjacent to a retail Ithinkitsstillprobablygame-changing reefer technol- moreresilientsectorthanstore as storage. And as Tuthill uncertain as to how things areogy is controlled-atmosphere.r eefernoMics thedrymarket,andIthinkexplains this is largely seasonal goingtounfold.ThereeferTuthillsays,controlled- During the pandemic, thethatsprettyobvious,justandhappensaroundtheholi-market itself is changing onlyatmosphere where that slowsreefer business was one of thebecausefoodconsumptiondays for overflow but is now becausewereseeingsomedown the ripening process forfewindustrysegmentsthatdoesnt change based on eco- becomingmorecommonand flatteningofdemandfromfruit,vegetables,andotherwas largely unaffected. Whilenomics. It can, but for theemploying international marine some of these areas. And thatcommoditiessuchasavoca- it wasnt business as usualmost part, it doesnt changereefer containers. could be because, again, the uniteconomicsdontwork for some reasons or other, or theres shifting going on. SERVICE OFFERINGS SSThe stress on the North-SouthtradesiscomplexLEONARDS EXPREand while one market mightLEONARDS EXPRESSsufferanotheremergesasLEONARDS EXPRESSanopportunity.AsTuthillLEONARDS EXPRESSexplains,Climatechange,LEONARDS EXPRESStheregionalpressureontheLEONARDS EXPRESSgrowers,thatsallchangingLEONARDS EXPRESSthe sourcing patterns for per- 6070 COLLETT RDishable outsourcing. But also, FARMINGTON, NY 14424the markets are shifting. And that is proving to be a ben- www.LeonardsExpress.comefit for us [SeaCube] because(585) 924-8140 ext.3107people need more reefers to transportfromfurtherdis- WAREHOUSINGtanceswithbettertechnol-ogy. So, I think thats worthASSETmentioning,andIthinkweROCHESTER, NYhaveseenthatunfoldingas600 TRACTORSthis time moves on. 1,000 TRAILERS DRY: 200,000 sq ftt echnology& p erishables REEFER: 100,000 sq ftTheapplicationoftech- 65% reefer(coming January 2023)nologytomovementsofcom- 35% vanmodities, especially perishables,WILMINGTON, DEis altering whats available both in terms of sourcing and markets.DRY: 40,000 sq ftTelematics,theuseofsen-sors to acquire and distributeBROKERAGE REEFER: 20,000 sq ftcargo data, is being deployed atanexponentialrate,and temperature-controlled logis-tics is a major beneficiary of the technology.I think theTOP 75NATIONWIDEINTERMODALbiggestdevelopmentaroundFREIGHT BROKERAGEtelematicsisthedataavail- S E R V I C E Sability and the ability to have predictive analytics. So, you canseesomethingfroman exceptionmanagementper-spectivebeforeyouseea failure.So,inotherwords, therespreventivemeasures you can take, whether thats thetemperature,humidity, airflow,machinery,whether its a compressor, the evapo-rator.So,therespredictive analytics that are tied to data feedsthatatleastallowforLEONARDS EXPRESSearly warning diagnostics, ifLEONARDS EXPRESSI can use that term, TuthillLEONARDS EXPRESSsays of telematics. LEONARDS EXPRESSInsomerespects,tech- LEONARDS EXPRESSnology is basically reinvent- LEONARDS EXPRESSingthereefercontainerLEONARDS EXPRESS TERMINAL/OFFICE MAPand in turn opening up new avenuesfortemperature-con-'