b'NOVEMBER 21 - DECEMBER 18, 2022TERMINAL OPERATORS & PORT DRAYAGE25(CORDEROcontinuedon what happens in Chicago?Barstow:ThatisagamePier B enhancement in 2025.regard to railcar availability.from page 24) It shouldnt.changer. Several groups haveSo, in the next 8 years, youre appointed a Port Envoy to theCordero says that a newbeenpromotinginlandportgoing to see significant prog- c hassiss hortagesSan Pedro Bay complex AsBarstowInternationalGate- rail facilities but the signifi- ress in the movement of inter- Cordero is especially con-a result, I think that the workway proposed by BNSF willcanceofthisoneisthatitmodal freight here. cernedaboutchassisavail-ofthePortEnvoys(Johnbe a game changer for railisbeingbroughtforthbyaCordero noted that inter- ability at the Port: The other PorcariandretiredGeneralserviceatthetwoSouthernClassOnerailroad.ThatsmodalmovesatthePortissue is chassis and Im going StephenLyons)hashelpedCaliforniaports:Thegoodbeenthemissinglinkabouthaddroppedsignificantlytobespeakingalotlouder bring the carriers to the tablenewsisthattheBNSFonwhywehavenotimprovedduringthepandemic:Ataboutthatin2023.Thisis todiscusstheseissues.ToOctober1st,announcedainland port rail connectivity. one point, IPI Cargo (Interioranotherequipment(prob-reducethecostsincludingstate-of-the-artintermodalCordero said that he wasPointIntermodalcargoi.e.,lem)thatshouldnotrepeat detentioncostsanddemur- facility. The Barstow Interna- confident that the combina- inboundfreightthatmovesitself. I am not confident that rage costs requires a collab- tional Gateway, an intermodaltionoftheBNSFendeavorfromaporttoashippersthe chassis shortage that we orativeapproachfromtherail facility will be built on aand the Port of Long Beachdoor via a domestic or inter- saw this year and last year is carriers,terminals,andthe4,500-acresiteonthewest(PierB)railenhancementnationalintermodalmove- behind us. At the top of the Port authorities. I have beenside of Barstow, California. facility(will)both(be)ment) was down to 21% andlist is the lack of interopera-very supportive of the Agri- Thefacilitywillcon- moving on a path of comple- there were a lot of reasons forbility of chassis. So, we need culture Transportation Coali- sist of a railyard, intermodaltion at the same time. this. We have seen a sub- to fix this.tionformanyyears.Whenfacility,andwarehousesforThe result is when youstantialimprovementsinceHe said the chassis pools CongressmanGaramenditransloadingfreightfromlookatthecompetitivenessthen and I want to thank thewas a great step in 2014. But proposedthebilltoamendinternationalcontainerstooftheSanPedroBayPortUnion Pacific and Burlingtonits not the answer. The next theOceanShippingReformdomesticcontainers.Thecomplex and see the comple- NorthernSantaFerailroadsstep has to be a neutral man-Act,IthinkIwasthefirstfacility will allow the directtion of these projects in 2030,for their efforts to make thisager modelThats the next executivedirectorofaPorttransferofcontainersfromthatsgoingtobeagamehappen. In 2023, I expect tostep that we need to focus on.authoritytosupportthat.ItshipsatthePortsofLongchanger. see a normalization of supplyOn a broader level, Cor-wasabipartisanmovementBeachandLosAngelestoHe added: We may notchain issues in Southern Cal- dero said: I hope that, as (Port toultimatelyhavethatbilltrainsfortransportthroughseeenhancementsofrailifornia and equipment issuesEnvoy) General Lyons stated, pass by Congress and signedtheAlamedaCorridorontocapabilities in 2023 but cer- mitigated, but a lot of work(CORDEROcontinued on by the President. I think thattheBNSFmainlineuptotainly in the first stage of thestillneedstobedonewithpage 26)signifies how important that issue is. I think we will con-tinue to see progress in 2023 and enter into more conversa-tions about this.c hallengesw ithup & bnsf r ails erViceIn 2021 and 2022, there were considerable dwell time delaysrelatedtocongestionSPEED TO encounteredbytheClassI railroads serving the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles: theUnionPacific(UP)andMARKETBurlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroads. The result wasdelaysmovingcontain-ersoffthemarineterminals and onto railcars for transport toinlandandMidwestdes-tinations. In some cases, the dwell times in 2022 were asLOWER high as 13 days. OnNovember17th,the PacificMerchantShipping Association (PMSA) reportedCOSTthat the rail delays at the two portscontinue:Contain-ers leaving on rail, however, remainsveryhigh.Through October,rail-boundcargo remained on terminals for anExperience proves cargo shipped from Asia through averageof14.2days,downthe Seattle+Tacoma gateway gets there faster. Let from15.5daysthemonthus show you the difference less congestion, efficient before.63.2%ofrail-boundmultimodal operations, and best-in-class customer cargoremainedontermi- care can mean to you. When time to market is nals for five days, and whilecritical, choose The Northwest Seaport Alliance. NWSeaportAlliance.comstill high, it is lower than the 66.3% the month before. Cordero was asked about hisevaluationoftherail serviceprovidedbyUnion Pacific and Burlington North-ern Santa Fe railroads: I have been very critical of the Class 1railroads(UPandBNSF) duringthispandemiccrisis. More specifically because of the lack of railcars. For being the largest container gateway in the nation, to me its just unacceptablethatwehave continued to have equipment issues,whetheritschassis or in this case railcars. This hasbeenanongoingissue. We need to ask the question: Doesthenationslargest port complex in terms of the availability of railcars depend'