b'26American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(EYEcontinued fromgreenfieldGTOsareplan- zeroemissions.So,weare page 23) ningforthenextwaveofvery fortunate that there are andLosAngeleshandledcontainerships that will comea number of funding oppor-under 30 million in combinedcalling, as any day now theytunities available right now.TEU throughput.] will be on their way. Tomleycitedthevalue Runningsomewhatagainstofinfrastructurefunding the trend there has been consid- forportscomingwiththe erable interest in North Amer- (ZEROcontinued fromBiden Infrastructure law and ica. Besides the recent foraypage 23) theInflationReductionAct by TIL mentioned above, PSAhandlingequipment(CHEs)andwithStatefundingthat announced in April that it hadby 2030, Tomley said. isavailableforthisSo, an acquired Ceres Halifax Inc.She noted that a grant fromwere working with our ter-[whichoperatedthe AtlantictheU.S.Maritime Adminis- minal operators to try to put Hubterminal]fromNippontration(MARAD)providedourselves in a position to be Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha. PSAthe Port of Long Beach withabletocompetewiththat already had a presence in the$30.1 million to replace die- fundingandtobeableto Port at Fairview Cove termi- sel-poweredyardtractorssupport the conversions. So, nal. Also, in 2019 PSA boughtwithelectricpoweredyardinfrastructurefunding,zero Penn Terminals [located on thetractors that move containersemission equipment funding, International trade efficiencies allow American consumers to enjoy affordable,DelawareRiver]fromMac- to and from rail cars at Longallofthatisgreatlyneeded healthy foods throughout the year. These beautiful, 98-cent mangos were available in Dillons in Manhattan, KS, last March.(Photo: by Tad Thompson) quarie Infrastructure Partners.BeachContainerTerminalandveryhelpfulinorder It was PSAs first acquisition(LBCT).Thetotalrequire- for us to meet our 2030 goal (SUCCESScontinuedwithwaterandlaborshort- in the U.S. In February, Ceresment is $37.7 million and soof zero emissions cargo-han-from page 6) age,orpoliticalandsocietalTerminals inked an agreementthatremainderwillbepro- dling equipment. the last 10 years. There is nochanges? with the Port of Jacksonvillevided by LBCT. As part of the Ports of Long majorU.S.berryproducerThereisroomforalltomodernizethe158-acreThegrantwillenableBeach and Los Angeles Clean thatdoesnothaveMexicangrowers. We have to feed theTraPaccontainerterminal.thePortofLongBeachtoAirActionPlan(CAAP), berry production now.people. JaxportandCeresagreedtodeploythenationslargestgoals were established for zero Morebroadly,Now-a- a20-year$60millionleasefleetofmanuallyoperatedemission trucking in 2035 and days, there are more high valuep riVilegedc onsuMers while in a separate transactionzero emissions cargo-handlingzero emission cargo- handling itemsproducedinMexicoFortunately for most Ameri- Ceres purchased the previousequipment at a single marineequipment in 2030.with very good results. canconsumers,theirshop- leaseholderTraPacJackson- terminal.Theprojectwill Growth in Mexican pro- pinglistgoesfarbeyondvillefromMitsuiOSKLinereplace diesel yard tractors at duction has also been drivensubsistence. (MOL).InJune,DPWorldLongBeachContainerTer- (CORDEROcontinued bydemandinthemarket- Consumersaregain- madeaninvestmentintheminal with approximately 60from page 25)place. For example, proprie- ingknowledgeinfoodandPort of St John, New Bruns- electric, human-operated yard as we move forward to the tary grape varieties and otherhealth,especiallyafterthewickCanadainamultipur- tractors. The project at LBCTnormalizationofthesupply high-valuespecialtypro- pandemic.Withinflation,pose terminal with the aim ofwhichmovesmorecargochain we dont say everything grams have been tailored asGaleazziobserves,supple- modernizing the facility. than all but a few U.S. portsis okay now and we dont dis-part of a planned production- mental nutrition such as vita- The investments in Northannually, at 3.3 million cargocuss the issues that we need to systemtomeetconsumerminswillbereplacedwithAmerica, while running coun- container unitsalso includesandmitigatepotentialissues demandespecially Ameri- freshfruitsandvegetablester to the strategy of capitaliz- construction of electric equip- that we may face in the future canconsumerswhogotodue to cost. ing on building new terminalsmentchargingstationswiththat has caused this bottleneck grocery stores and feel theseinnationswithlesscontainerenergyefficiency-enhancingcongestion.itemsshouldbethereyear- penetration,showtheimpor- software,trainingforopera- Corderoconcludedby round, Galeazzi said.(NIMBLEcontinued fromtance of improving positioningtorsandmaintenanceper- pointingoutthatportsare Traditionally,theproducepage 22) on well-trod routes. sonnelandinstallationoffinally getting the respect they industryservingU.S.con- operations to help. The net- In the U.S. market theresoftware equipment to stream- deserve:Wehad(Califor-sumersoncehadproduc- work team, they help us withareundoubtedlysomechal- linecargo-handlingopera- nia) Governor Newsom come tion gaps, but by extendingindividualtermonfreightlenges.Terminalautomationtions within the terminal. here to talk about the supply production to many regions,mixes.Theyhelpusfocusis a sticking point for water- The Port of Long BeachchainlastNovember.For consumer demand and expec- onourstrategicaccounts.frontlabor.BoththeILWUisalsoseekingfundingforme that was huge, to have a tations are being met as theWhen we have a departmentare wary of what the auto- zero emission cargo-handlingGovernor come to the Port of gaps are being or have beenthatfocusesonourtop50matedterminalandassoci- equipment at its other marineLong Beach and talk about the eliminated. customers, they each have aatedtechnologiesmeantoterminals: We are also seek- supply chain. So not only did n otu nique toM exico singlepointofcontactandtheir membership. ing funding on behalf of ourtheGovernortalkaboutthe support. Its to help to supportWhetherindevelopingotherterminaloperatorstosupply chain, (but) his budget Galeazzinotes,Thisisour vision as being a nationalcountriesortheindustrial- try and capture federal fund- includesfundingforports: not unique to Mexico. Con- drayage carrier. izednations,brownfieldsoring focused on converting toThis the golden age of ports.sider the mandarins and cle-mentinesproducedoffshore inSouthAmerica,South Africa, and other places. Now theyre available 12 months a year because of international and domestic conditions.He believes this basis for U.S.demandfromMexicoand other countrieswill bring nothing but expansion.Wellseeincreasesfor anumberofreasons.These include food security. Youve gottoexpandproduction becausepeoplehavetoeat, andtheglobalpopulation will continue to grow. Food will be needed, regardless of the source. Conversely,givenU.S. growers resistance to imports ofMexicanproducts,Gale-azziobserves,IfMexico does not export to the U.S., thatfoodwillfindanother export market home.Heobservestherewill also be a growing demand for U.S. production. The question is how do U.S. growers deal'