b'NOVEMBER 21 - DECEMBER 18, 2022BREAKBULK QUARTERLY 33Wind projects face growing objections on environmental groundsIf litigation is successful, offshore leases may be in jeopardy.By Peter Buxbaum, AJOTSincePresidentJoeBidenwaswhere.LitigationdoomedtheCape inaugurated,thefederalgovernmentWindproject,offthecoastofCape has pushed hard to move offshore windCod, after an appeals court ruled that projectsforward.LeasingeffortsbyBOEMhadnotobtainedsufficient the Bureau of Ocean Energy Manage- site-specificdataontheseaflooras ment (BOEM), a sub-agency within therequired by the National Environmen-Department of the Interior, now includetal Policy Act (NEPA). Massachusetts 25 active areas off the East Coast. groups are now challenging the Vine-But the effort to save the environ- yard Wind project in court, alleging it ment by promoting renewal energy isthreatens fishing and vessel navigation. itself increasingly being challenged In Maine, a coalition of environ-onenvironmentalgrounds.NewmentalgroupsisopposingthestateAAL has a newbuilding program of 6 multi-purpose dry cargo ships and third generation heavy Jerseyishometoagrowingmove- governments plan to develop a windlift vessels, the Super B-class.ment opposed to the aggressive paceport on the undeveloped Sears Island(CONFIDENTcontinued fromCapacity demand for containers and of offshore wind activity, on environ- onthegroundsthatfederalpermit- page 30) commodities traditionally shipped in mental and other grounds.ting for the project would be overlytemporary or a situation we can expectcontainers is lessening. We are at the An organization called Save Longcumbersome and that it would destroyfor the next 6-12 months remains to bepointthatthingsaregoingbackto Beach Island objects to the aesthetic,protectedwetlandsandharmsensi- seen. Hansen added, The port con- normal in terms of the means of trans-economic,andenvironmentalimpli- tivespecies.AndtwomembersofgestioninmainportsinChinahaveportation and the two-year high is no cations of planting 370 wind turbinesCongressfromOregonsentaletterdecreased due to the decline in exportmore. This does impact freight rates, ascloseasninemilesoffshorethetoBOEMinJuneexpressingcon- volumes. Contractual cargo [read proj- port congestion and lay-down storage 80-mile long barrier island and filedcernsthatsitingwindfacilitiesoffect cargoes] continues to be shipped atspaceintheNorthAmericanports. a lawsuit alleging that BOEM failedthesouthernOregoncoastwouldaregularpace,whereasaslowdownThere are many new challenges ahead to prepare the necessary environmen- negativelyimpactcoastalcommu- innew,non-contractualcargoeshasof us in an ever-changing market.talimpactreportsbeforeselectingnities,thePacificCoastecosystem,become apparent.Andofthecurrentsofteningof the area for wind development. Otherand sustainable fishing. BOEM hasThe inflationary trend has damp- ocean freight rates Hansen said, The New Jersey critics say the state gov- atroublinghistoryofignoringtheeneddemandandoceancontainerbreakbulkrateshavealreadybeen ernment is moving too quickly awaymost immediate stakeholders on thisfreight rates have tumbled. Althoughimpacted by the decrease in box rates. from natural gas and nuclear power toissue, said Rep. Peter DeFazio (D),containerfreightratesarentgener- DeclineincontainerspaceonMPP the detriment of consumers. one of the signatories.ally connected to dry bulk, breakbulktonnageoverthepastquarteralong In the Long Beach Island litigation,orprojectrates,thereislinkageaswith the current slowdown in China has c apew ind (OBJECTIONScontinued oncommodities spillover between ocean(CONFIDENTcontinued on Similar trends are being seen else- page 35) shipping modes. As Hansen explained,page 35)LINER SERVICEEUROPE GREAT LAKESThe first and only year-round liner service between Europe and the Great lakesQuick transit time | Through bills of lading | Onward connectionsusing Spliethoffs European and American logistic network | Line-supplied containers, project, heavy lift, steel, forest products and bulk| Calling various Great Lake ports, including: - Valleyfield QC - Cleveland OH - Duluth MN- Rameys Bend ON - Chicago IL - Monroe MIwww.spliethoff.com or [email protected] - Now also offering a dedicated container service between Antwerp, ClevelandAnd Valleyfield. Quick transit time, liner-supplied containers and door-to-door delivery.'