b"14American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comPort of Long Beachs Cordero saysChassis are made to rollyou cant keep a good port down In an interview with the AJOT, Mike Wilson the CEO of Mario Cordero, executive director, Port of Long Beach outlines theCCM, a chassis management company, delves into the challenges and expresses optimism for the Ports future in an inter- operational complexities of the often overlooked chassis view with Stas Margaronis, AJOTs West Coast correspondent. Forportion of the services that make the supply chain work.the complete interview please go to the video at www.ajot.com.By George Lauriat, AJOTBy Stas Margaronis, AJOTAJOT: How did the supply chainAJOT: Has there been any improve-Despite the recent declines in con- of discretionary cargo. disruptions, particularly with the ter- ment with the supply chain returning to tainer volumes at the Ports of Longminals and ports, impact the chassisa new version of normal. Beach and Los Angeles, Mario Cor- ilwu-pMa c ontractt alks business? MikeWilson:Recently,weve dero, executive director, Port of LongCordero was asked about the delayMike Wilson:A chassis is madeseenanuptickintheturns.Wehave Beachsaysheremainsoptimisticin reaching a contract covering dock- to roll. If the chassis is not movingseensomebreaksincargoblockages about the Ports future. workers at U.S. West Coast ports bywith a box on it, its interrupting theand some in the DCs and warehouses. In an interview with AJOT, Corderothe International Longshore and Ware- fluidityofthesupplychain.WithAnd we are starting to see improved turn explained: We are inhouse Union (ILWU)theproblemswehadtimes with more chas-the news because weand the Pacific Mari- essentially with cargossiscomingbackinto arethemostimpor- timeAssociationbeingeitheroutoftheterminals.Ithink tantgatewayinthe(PMA). Cordero saidsequenceoroutofthis is the beginning of nation.Thelossofhewasnotworriedseasonandfillingupanimprovementthat importvolumethisabouttheoutcome:thewarehouses,con- well see over the next yearshouldbenoThere will be a reso- tainersfullofcargoseveral quarters.surprisetoanyone.lution at some point.hadbeensittingAJOT:Thiswas ThiswasforecastedBut lets keep in mindonchassisinstor- a very different Peak earlierintheyear.Ithat2014[thelastageyardsalloverSeasonthanweve saidearlierthisyearcontractnegotiation]thecountry.Andasexperiencedpre-pan-thatatthesecondwas a challenging yeararesult,thechassisdemic.Ithinkmany half of 2022 we werefor the San Pedro Bayarebeingabsorbed.thought it would be far goingtoseesomecomplex. We had sim- Thenormalchassismorerobustcoming semblanceofnor- ilar commentary thatthat would be rollingout of COVID. What malization and that isthecargowasneverisnowsitting.Andhappened?whathashappened.Mario Cordero, executive director of thegoing to come back.wevegonefromaMike Wilson, CEO of CCM MikeWilson:I In terms of the loss ofPort of Long Beach Andwhathappenedmetrics base of about seven or eightthink Peak Season was a non-issue, a volume, Im not too concerned aboutsince? This gateway is going to con- days per chassis turn on the street tonon-factor this year.that.WevebeenherebeforeItinue to be a significant gateway. Bothchassis turns in some locations overThe system was front-loaded with think history has shown that this gate- ports have had record years in the last30 days. But on average, were doingcargofromordersmadeaheadof way is going to be competitive againcouple of years. When you see that theabout 18 days. Its nearly three timesanticipated inflation. So, you have a and again. Needless to say, over thePorts of Long Beach and Los Angelesaslongasthenormalchassisturnlot of cargo in the pipeline now, and it years there has been a percentile loss(CORDEROcontinued on page 24) would normally be. (ROLLcontinued on page 22)O RA N G E , MOVING YOU FORWARDProviding Chassis Leadership in the Intermodal IndustryNACPCs goal isand always has beento provide at-cost pricing and the best possible chassis product in the intermodal industry. With the investment in Pratt Intermodal Chassis, our customers benefit from enhanced operations, high quality, U.S.-built equipment, and a larger inventory. We offer managed, net lease fleets and our premium fleets are available for daily and short-term rentals. Every chassis in our fleet feature LED lights, radial tires, an anti-lock braking system, and auto inflation. The choice is yours with our fleet of chassis products: 20' Slider 40' Chassis 20/40' Spread Axle 40/45' Extendable20/40' Tri-Axle Combo 40' Light Weight Chassis REQUEST A QUOTE | NACPC.ORG |1.877.66.NACPC"