b'22American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(ROLLcontinued from page 14) different. If you look at the different(NIMBLEcontinued from page 20) duty, not driving. Theyre putting in 14 flattened the traditional peak season.regions of the country: You have allnevergoawayiscongestion.Withhours total, 11 hours total drive time.So, if the cargo in the warehouses cantheWestCoast,withtheP&W,themanyoftheintermodalterminals movenow,thenthatwillcertainlyBayarea,andSouthernCalifornia.located in urban areas, getting in andt hen ewM arketplacemake a difference. Theres probably aThen on the East Coast, you have theoutoftheterminalsisachallengeA new marketplace has emerged lot of cargo blocking the warehouses.Northeast, the Mid-Atlantic, and thefor truckers. The congestion latelyinthispost-pandemiceconomy. Its going to be a challenge to get thatSouth Atlantic. And then you have thehas a significant impact on our abil- PeakSeasonisntquitethesame outofthewaysothattheholidayGulfandthentheinteriorMidwest.ity to service our customers. The bigas new sourcing and changes in pur-freight can move, and we can unloadSo, wherever there are wheeled oper- issue now is truck parking. For overchasing have altered traditional deliv-the containers that are sitting at ware- ations, you typically have a need fortheroad,thatsasignificantissue.erypatterns.Urbanthinksalotof houses waiting to be unloaded. interoperability because the railroadsPer the ATA and ATRI, the averagepeople were trying to play the stock AJOT: How did the concept of theand the motor carriers need to be abletime looking for a spot to park is overmarket race when it comes to bigger chassis pool evolve? to put any chassis under any box. In a54 minutes for a driver, Urban said.holdings compared to ocean freight. Mike Wilson: I think the under- lot of cases, thats not happening now.Andtheimpactsofthewait-timesThose [ocean freight] rates have been lying principle of chassis fleet opera- The interior markets, the Gulf . Actu- ripple through the entire process. Asfalling. So, I think people were kind tionsasfarasrunninganefficient,ally, the center of the country, the GulfUrban notes, 54 minutes So, thatof holding off in a way to see if the fluid operation is interoperability. If astraight up has fragmented into pro- severely impacts the hours of service.lineswouldgivethemsomeaddi-chassis is going to operate with highprietary models where you have three,I mean, a driver can legally drive 11tional capacity at a lower rate. Then velocity, you have to be able to usefour,fivechassisprovidershavinghours a day per DOC regulation. Thatothers, like you said, theyve flooded any chassis under any box coming inchassis in the market, segmenting theis about 10% of their time spent look- the market with inventory, not know-and out of the terminals. You have tomarket, and the customer base acrossingforparking. Andthatsjustoning. With the supply chain issues and be able to pick it up and drop it offthose five fleets, which interrupts theaverage. I mean, they might have todelays of late, they wanted to make at any node in the network. And thatsconcept of interoperability. spend two hours looking for parking.sure their product was here. And where the great value of an interoper- I think a fully interoperable poolThatsasignificantimpact.Ifyouwereseeinginventorybloating able pool comes into play. drivesamuchhigherlevelofeffi- look more specific to our [trucking]across the different markets and com-Any chassis can go under any box,ciencywhereyouhavefastertruckbusiness,itsmorethecongestionmodities as well. One of the positive and it can be used at any node in theturns, you have faster train turns, andand chassis shortage [see Made Tothings about our [ContainerPort] busi-network, whether its in Savannah, oryou have a higher level of reliabilityRoll chassis story.] It is also conges- ness and our business mix is we really Charlestonorwherever. Thatcreatesfor available assets. And I think whention at the ports, rails, and depots. Iftry to focus on the commodities that morefluidityforthemotorcarriers.you have that environment under oneyou think about it, a driver leaves ourarent affected by market swings. We Theyre not having to pick up and dropmanager like we do in the interoper- yard and has to go pick up a chassis.have a varied business mix, but specif-off chassis in between load moves.able CCM pools, the single point ofThey might wait an hour and a halfically, chemicals, and food additives, Becauseinanon-interoperablecontact, the standardized maintenanceto go pick up a chassis, right? Thenresins that are not really impacted by pool . lets say you have four, five,approach, I think that adds value. they get to the port, and theyve gotmarketswings.Whilethisdoesnt six independent chassis providers . aAJOT:Whatishappeningwithanother hour, hour-and-a-half to getmeanContainerPortisignoringthe motor carrier would pick up a chas- transitionfromSACP2.0pooltothe container off there on a good day.morevolatileretailsector,themix sis and put it under a specific box andSACP 3.0? Then you go to the customer, and youenables the company to be nimble you would deliver that box. And thenMike Wilson:Untilnow,weregot two hours of waiting at the cus- intheiroperationalapproachwith for his next move with a different lineunder what we call SACP 2.0 modeltomers facilities. Then once yourecommodities that are more stable in he has to get a chassis associated withrules, which is essentially CCM man- done at the customer, you come backtheir demand cycles.thatlinesprovider.Inthatscenarioages the fleet, but the actual number ofand need to lift off the container andContainerPort, is also adapting to the trucker has to drop the chassis, gochassis that are contributed to the poolreturn it. Thats another hour. Yourethe new marketplace through technol-pick up another one, and then put itand the quality of the chassis are underalmostlookingatsevenandeightogy. As Urban explains, Container-underthebox.Thisexchangetakesthe control of the equipment provid- hours of just pure waiting in order toPort Group is in a really unique spot time. The whole concept of interoper- ers. In the past, weve had issues withmove one shipment. right now. We are continuing to invest ability is critical for chassis fluidity. not having enough chassis in the pool,Urban added another way of look- in our business technology lines. We AJOT:Howdifferentarechas- and we would have to go to the othering at it is a driver is putting in 11have a new driver app that weve put sis operations from one section of theproviders and ask them to put morehours driving, 14 hours on duty. So,out to the market called DrayPal. We country to another? in.Thatwasalwaysadebate,andwhentheyresittingandrunningatare investing into our, what we call, Mike Wilson:Every market is(ROLLcontinued on page 34) thecustomer,thatsconsideredon(NIMBLEcontinued on page 26)'