b'34American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1(KEYcontinued fromforforHowever,globaldemandOpage 9) totheU.S.areperishable commodities isONNEESSHHIIPPandflowersgetting stable and capacities Valentines and Mothers dayscurrentlybeingopened with a small peak for Thanks- and the (air freight) rates are giving and All Saints Day, shetrending a bit downward, she said.However,sellingsea- said. Still, the current situa- C onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggoosons have been impacted duetion with the Ukraine-Russian to climate effects that changesconflictisimpactingjetfuel farm production, Gantes noted. prices and that is still putting Theairlinehasnumer- pressure on air freight rates. ous cooling facilities for per-ishable commodities at U.S. airports.Miamiisthemain(PIVOTcontinued from airportforDHLsLATAMpage 10)perishable exports. Our coreArgentina, and Chile, it does carriers have very good coolnotincludeChicago-OHare roomfacilitiesthatallowairport in the nations bread-cold chain protection averag- basketcity.Allperishables RORO Customer Serviceing 2.8 and 15 to 25 Celsius,flying nonstop from the threeA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676saidthespokespersonwholargest South American coun- Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday Export Customer ServiceaddedthatAtlantaandLostries serve Chicago from NewFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235TO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit TimeAngelesInternationalair- YorksJFK,saidSandovalANTWERP 1620 18Export Documentation ports also have good facili- who has been with AmericanDUBLIN 12888-802-0401Import Customer ServicetieswithsubstantialairlineAirlines for 32 years, the lastBELFAST 13888-802-0403pallet storage positions. seven in cargo. GTEBORG 21LogisticsHAMBURG 13 17 15 22DHLGlobalForward- ShesaidAmericanAir- LE HAVRE17 866-821-7449ing in Miami also has speciallines hasnt operated freight- LIVERPOOL 9 13 Credit & Collectionsfacilities for pharma productsersforthelast34yearsLONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747and one can handle up to 135- before my time - how- ROTTERDAM11 20pallet positions, Gantes notes. ever,duringCOVIDitflewAs for special or promo- more than 10,000 cargo only tionalprogramsforperish- flightsusingpassengerair-ables, the Santiago, Chile-basedcraft, Sandoval said.spokespersoninsiststheDHLIs there a possibility that GlobalForwardingunithastheairline,whichsheterms specialagreementswithallcreativeanddedicatedto carriers in the market and weair freight, will again convert havethemostqualifiedandsparepassengerwidebod-experiencedpeoplehandlingiestoall-cargoflightsthat perishablesintheairfreightwouldincludeperishables? industry,SheemphasizesYou never know, she mused. that DHL provides custom- Werealwayslookingfor izedandchartersolutionsopportunities that will help us during peak season. toevolveandsolveourcus-Global flexibility includestomers different needs. Were multipledestinationoptionsable to change quick and think forLatinAmericanperish- a little deeper.ablesoneitheritsfreighters Atthemoment, Ameri-oronpassengerairlinesthatcanhaslaunchedsomesea-includeAmsterdam,Madridsonal flights that link the U.Swill there be another shutdown(ROLLcontinued fromprior model, which was there andParis,Frankfurt,andtoSouthAmericandestina- at a major port like Shanghai,page 22) werent enough chassis in the Switzerland to far-flung mar- tionsandprovideadditionalthrowingtheoceanrecov- theywouldsay,Wedontfleet and the chassis were not kets in Asia and the Mideast.bellycapacity. Athirddailyery into disarray? Or will theneedmore.Wethinkwerethequalitythatwasneeded SaidGantes,Wecanalsonon-stopMiamitoBuenosInternationalLongshoreandfine.Andthenwhenweto assure a high level of reli-offercustomerssolutionsAires flight and a third dailyWarehouseUnion(ILWU),tried to convince the provid- ability. Thats going to change using our Panama Gateway toMiamitoSaoPaolo,Brazilthe port cargo handlers on theers to upgrade the chassis andunderSACP3.0.Nowthat all possible destinations, againflight have been added to itsWest Coast of the United Statesput radial tires and anti-lockdoesntcomeintoplayuntil including the Mideast. schedule,whileaseasonaland Canada, which is currentlybrakes, LED lights, things ofOctober of 2023 based on the Meantime, the DHL offi- MiamitoMontevideo,Uru- workingwithoutacontractthat nature, they were reluc- agreementwehavewiththe cial expects post-COVID pan- guay is now operating. with the Pacific Maritime Asso- tant to do so. In conjunctionports and with the lines. demicperishablestraveltoWhile the airfreight of per- ciation (PMA), go on strike orwiththeoceancarriersandEssentially, were going to remainconstantin2023ishables is returning to normal,lockout should negotiations getthe ports, CCM was broughtcontinue under the current rules andstaythereunlessokratherearestillquestionmarkscontentious? If other disruptioninto the discussion. We trieduntil October of next year. But demand suddenly spurs. Okragoing forward. With no appar- was to happen, then airfreightto come up with a model thatduring this period between now is increasing as demand fromentchangesinCOVID-19of perishables may again soaraddressed the evolving needs.and October, were going to be the EU is on the rise. lockdownpoliciesinChina,over the port delays. Andthisnewmodel,SACProllingoutournewtechnol-3.0, coming out is essentiallyogy and our new processes and whereCCMnotonlyman- signingnewagreementswith ages the fleet from a mainte- theusercommunity,largely nance and repositioning andmadeupoftruckers,ocean facilities network standpoint.carriers and BCOs. Andthen But we also now will be theonce we have that all in place, equipment provider. wellhaveourorganization So, the big difference hereaugmented.CCM is currently is that instead of the leasingin the process of negotiating companies,threeorfourofwiththemajorequipment them or five of them, are pro- providers. Eventually we will viding the chassis to the user,have close to 60,000 chassis CCM will now have a holisticunderleaseonalong-term approach where well controlbasis in the SACP.the fleet as well as the opera- So,wereprobably90% tionalsupport.Wellcontrolthroughallthesenegotia-the number of chassis in thetions. We think by mid-year, fleet. Well control the qualityweshouldhaveitreadyto of the chassis in the fleet. Wellgo.Wellgothroughsome control where the chassis arereal life testing probably June, dispersed.So,itsaholisticJuly, August. Wellbeready approachthataddressesthetostartinOctoberof2023 The airline has numerous cooling facilities for perishable commodities at U.S. airports. concerns that took place in theunder this new holistic model.'