b'28American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(APPROACHEScontin- tors,medium-dutydeliveryAFKLMP Cargo opens its newly configured, ued from page 26) trucks, and Class 8 vehicles. Lay took delivery of 15 elec- The company installed a one- renovated warehouse at Chicago OHare tric Tesla Semi rigs, also formegawattsolarcarportwith regionalhauling.FourTeslaenergystorage,whichdou- International Airport750kW charging stations pro- bles the amount of solar gen-vide the semis with 400 mileseration capacity at the facilityAsexpertsinconnectivity,AirFrancea sizeable 40%. This growth is supplemented ofrangeafteronehourofbysupplementingthesitesKLM Martinair Cargo (AFKLMP Cargo) wantsby a streamlining of operational processes and charging.one-megawattofrooftopto ensure that its customers cargo can get toreassessing the safety compliance of our ware-Many companies are nowsolar panels. The facility alsoasmanyplacesaspossible.Theopeningofhouse, ensuring that our ORD cargo hub has testingelectricvehicles,buthas2.7megawatt-hoursofAFKLMP Cargos newly renovated warehouseoptimised efficiency in order to offer to our Air Frito-Layschangesattheon-site battery storage to helpat Chicago OHare International Airport meansFrance and KLM customers a best-in-class ser-Modesto facility go farther thanreducethesiteselectricitythis is now not only a wish, but a guarantee.vice to serve the Midwest Region. most and represent a model forcosts and support grid capac- ChicagoOHareInternational(ORD)isWith greater capacity and leaner processes, companies looking to removeity by reducing the facilitysthe largest international cargo airport in NorthAFKLMP Cargos customers can expect faster carbonemissionsfromtheirelectricityloadonthegridAmerica. Since 2022, ORD has been consid- service, while being able to send more cargo supplychains,accordingtoaduring peak times. ered the worlds most interconnected cargo air- withease.Therenovatedwarehouseboasts reportfromCalstart,aPasa- port. It is the AFKLMP Cargos third cargo hub.improvedsustainabilitycredentials,while dena-basednonprofitorgani- c aliforniac limaTe ORD has seen a significant increase in net- havingincreasedcapacityforpharma,plus zationfocusingonthecleani nvesTmenTi niTiaTive work capacity and cargo volumes since Novem- 60%moreplugsforACTcontainers.This transportationindustry,andTheFrito-LayModestober 2020. Over the past few years, there hasmakes it possible to handle greater volumes of which provided consulting forproject was supported by thebeen a notably higher demand for freight in thespecialised cargo, including from other airlines. the Frito-Lay project. CaliforniaClimateInvest- pharma, aerospace, chemical and e-commerceJamie L. Rhee, Chicago Department of Avi-The Modesto project, saidmentsinitiativeinconjunc- cargo sectors. It became increasingly evidentation (CDA) Commissioner: OHare Interna-thereport,providesatestedtionwiththeSanJoaquinto AFKLMP Cargo that, with the promise oftional Airport is a vital economic engine for the exampleofsuccessfulheavy- ValleyAirPollutionCon- continuedgrowth,along-termexpansionofentire Chicago region, and air freight has been a duty vehicle deployments, car- trolDistrict,andtheCali- full-freighter supply was required.predominant driver of our growth over the last rying out operations that dieselforniaAirResourcesBoardAFKLMP Cargos job is to connect. Thatseveralyears.AFKLMPCargoswarehouse vehiclesonceperformednow(CARB),whichprovidedmeansprovidingcustomerswiththecapac- renovation in the South Airfield helps bolster with no emissions, significantlygrantstotaling$15.4mil- ity they require, so that their cargo can get tothe capacity and efficiency of our cargo opera-lower fuel costs, and improvedlion to cover a portion of thewhere they need it to be. With demand increas- tions at one of the worlds great cargo hubs, and worker conditions. Frito-Lay transformation.ing, expansion became essential to ensuring thatI thank the entire team at AFKLMP Cargo for In addition to the changesCARBsapproachtoAFKLMP Cargos operational processes remaintheir commitment to the Chicago market. in vehicle fleets, Frito-Lay, infightinglocalairpollutionrobust, enabling to fulfil its business potential.AFKLMP Cargos newly renovated facil-order to achieve lower emis- is to work with industry andAirFranceCargoExecutiveVicePresi- ity meets its sustainability goals. By utilising sionsacrosstheModestoother partners on projects thatdent,ChristopheBoucher:TheAirFranceenergy-efficienttechnologies,suchasLED facility, also had to considerdemonstrate how a fleet canwarehouse at OHare is a key asset with goodlighting and electric forklifts, it has reduced its how to include backup powerprotect public health by shift- growth outlook, which is why we have investedenergy consumption while maintaining opera-foritsproductionplantanding to clean vehicle technolo- inbothinfrastructureandmoreresourcesattional efficiency. how to use electric infrastruc- giesandequipment,saidour Chicago hub. After a six-month renovationAFKLMPCargos AirFranceandKLM turetosupportthechargingSteven Cliff, CARBs execu- period, we are proud to share that the capac- wide-bodybellyflightsoperatesixtimesa needs for forklifts, yard trac- tive officer.ity of our Chicago warehouse has increased byweek for each airline.'