b'40American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comMcCarthy completeslargest public port project on Texas Coast - Port Freeport Berth 8McCarthy Building Com- crete relieving platform, dry panies,Inc.hascompletedexcavation, combi-wall bulkhead constructionofBerth8atinstallation, construction of the Port Freeport, Texas. Part ofnewwharfwhichincluded theVelascoTerminal,Berthwharf piling, mechanical and 8featuresover925feetofhydraulic dredging, mudline/berth and an associated roll- shorelineprotectionsystem, on/roll-offdockextension.andmooringandbreasting The expansion represents thesystem,plustherehabilita-single largest project built bytionoftheexistingBerth7 apublicportontheTexasfendersystem.McCarthy The Atlantic Sail is one of ACLs G4 combination container/roll-on roll-off vessels. Gulf Coast. McCarthy beganself-performed all aspects of constructionin2020andthe project except for hydrau-ACLS Atlantic Sail named asachieved substantial comple- licdredging,electricaland tion in May 2023. crane rail installation.The scope of work included(PROJECTcontinued on an official station of the ICOS demolitionofanexistingcon- page 42)The Atlantic Sail is one of ACLs G4 com- GEOMAR enlisted ACL to participate in their binationcontainer/roll-onroll-offvessels.Itocean project. ACLs crew on the Atlantic Sail wasnamedasanofficialIntegratedCarboncarries out autonomous measurements of sea-ObservationSystemNetwork(ICOS).Thewater temperature, salinity, and dissolved CO2. ICOS stations are coordinated and run by theThis data is used to study the inter- and intra-ICOS National Networks in 14 member coun- annual variability of the Oceans CO2 uptake tries. These stations operate in three distinctfromtheatmosphere.Themeasurementsare domains: Atmosphere, Ecosystem and Ocean. madebyaglobalnetworkofvessels,which For almost two decades, ACL has been ahave joined voluntarily to execute this program. collaboratorwiththeGEOMARHelmholtzThisdatacontributestotheannualGlobal Centre for Ocean Research, a leading researchCarbon Budget which, in turn, forms the basis institute in the field of marine sciences locatedfor the assessment reports of the Intergovern-in Kiel, Germany. GEOMAR investigates themental Panel on Climate Change. This work chemical, physical, biological, and geologicalis supported by the International Ocean Carbon processes of the seafloor, oceans and ocean mar- Coordination) (IOCCP) under the frameworkPart of the Velasco Terminal, Berth 8 features over 925 feet of berth and an gins and their interactions with the atmosphere.(OFFICIALcontinued on page 41) associated roll-on/roll-off dock extension.'