b'38American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comRo/Ro: Zeroing-in on netRO/RO TRANSPORTATION 2023zero and sustainabilityThero/roindustryisfacinganumberofchal-lenges when it comes to the pursuit of decarbon-izationandnetzero.Besidesfindingaroadto decarbonizationofthevesselsandthemselves, there is also adapting to an emerging EV supply chain infrastructure.By William DiBenedetto, AJOTThe challenges facing thetrucks.ro/ro[roll-on/roll-off]ship- Renewablesinterminals pingandterminalindustryand processing centers. are many, including emissionsTheintroductionofcar-regulation,alternativefuels,bon-neutralserviceby2024 technologyinnovations,anthrough, for example green evolving market, supply chaincertificatesforelectricity; uncertainties coupled with thewithcarbon-neutralfreight drive for sustainability and netoffered by 2024, enabled by zero decarbonization. biofuel balancing. The landscape is chang- Aplatformforcarbon-ingrapidlyastheworldneutralandzero-emission attempts to deal with a post(ZEROcontinued on fossil-fuelreality,souncer- page 41) The ro/ro ship Orcelle Wind underway. ( Courtesy of Wallenius Wilhelmsen)tainties abound. ACL_RORO_AJOT_23_Layout 15/17/234:28 PMPage 1Inaninvestorpresenta-tion early this year, Wallenius Wilhelmsen noted that despiteONE SHIPthecurrenteconomicslow-down,weexpectcontinued strongvolumesandatight market balance at least for the first part of 2023. But there ismore2023uncertainty towardsthesecondpartof and into 2024, especially due tolabor,the2024newbuildContainers, RORO, Breakbulk Cargo & Oversized Cargodeliveries and any escalation of geopolitical tensions.v eHiclem arkeTWalleniusWilhelmsenis,420 Ton2however,cautiouslyupbeatQuarter Ramp 28,900 m RORO Spaceabout the trends for global light vehicle sales as more people aremovingupinthemiddle class, (which) will lead to an increased need for mobility and more vehicle sales.A widespread parts short- 3,807 TEUs age, port congestion and general1,300 Vehicles Container Capacitysupplyanddemandimbal-ances affecting supply chains thisyearareexpectedto abatesomewhat.Theywere improvingas2022ended, saidRobertBerg,market analysis and finance manager at Wallenius Wilhelmsen. He stressed that they wont disap-pear completely due to limited new vessel supply expected in the ro/ro segment.Theeconomicoutlook variesfromnationtonation, Wallenius Wilhelmsen said in its review.Risingenergyprices, inflationanddecliningcon-sumer confidence are weighing on the global economy, which is forecast to grow only mod-estlyatabout2.2percentin 2023, according to the Organi-zationofEconomicCoopera-tion and Development.T Her ace Ton eTz ero UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIESThecompanyunveiled an aggressive goal of net zeroTo/From North America & Europeemissions by 2027.The plan is to introduce zero-emission end-to-endserviceby2027 featuring: Methanol (later ammonia);800-225-1235and shore power on vessels Battery-electric or hydrogen'