b'34American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comMeasured growth spurtTEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED for reefers?Greg Tuthill, Senior VP CCO of SeaCube ContainersLOGISTICS TRI-ANNUALdiscusses the current reefer market and the poten-tial impact of new technologies on the business. By George Lauriat, AJOTThelogisticsofperish- years. So, the reefer markets ablesissignificantlydiffer- holding up okay, and with the entthanthatofdryfreight,reopeninginChina,thats especiallyaspertainstocertainly offering some posi-theseabornemovementoftive momentum. I think some refrigerated containers, betterof the other markets that are knownasreefers.Aswithstartingtodeveloparealso drycontainers,thereefera little bit more favorable in businessexperiencedsometerms of showing some posi-headwindsearlyinthetivegrowthdependingon year.Therewereplentyofcommodity.Theressome reasonsfortheearlyslow- areas that are a little bit more down in reefersalmost anfavorablethanothersinthe inevitability coming out of arefrigerated market.lackluster 2022. But no lessAs Tuthill points out the anauthoritythanDrewrysdemand in the reefer sector is intheirMaymarketreport(SPURTcontinued on notedtheyareexpectingpage 36)reefervolumestoincrease by 2.1% globally. Is their optimism justified given the political, economic, andecologicalconditions shapingthehighlycomplex reefer market? Greg Tuthill, senior vice president and chief commer-cial officer of SeaCube Con-tainers,oneoftheworldsRaising Expectationslargestpurchasersandles-sorsofreefers,hasakeen perspectiveonperishables andthereeferbusiness.Delivering ResultsBesides his current stint with SeaCube,Tuthillsworked ontheboxshipsideofthe businesswithNYK,CMA CGMand APL[whichwas acquiredbytheaforemen-tionedCMACGM]during his three decade plus career.100% dedicated to our customer satisfaction Transporting more than 286 million lbs of perishable cargo annually.Customizable cold-chain solutionsDedicated 40,000 sq. ft. (3,700 m) perishable handling center+2C to +8C +15C to +25 CGreg Tuthill, Senior VP and CCO Established worldwide network of SeaCube Containersn uancedd emandWhenaskedbyAJOT what impact the downturn in demandespecially to the U.S.WestCoasthadon thereefersideofthebusi-ness,Tuthillexplainedthe markets current dynamics, I think the headwinds that are characterizing the market this yeararerelatedtooversup-ply,lowerdemandandjust some of the economic funda- +305.407.3125
[email protected], higher interest rates, inflation.Thatbeingsaid, its impacting the dry marketwww.amerijet.commorethantherefrigerant market. The reefer market has been a lot more resilient, but its also been a little slower thansomeoftheprevious'