b'JUNE 26 - JULY 23, 2023RO-RO TRANSPORTATION 41(ZEROcontinued fromThere is a growing call forlytics,artificialintelligence,percentage of their future pur- (OFFICIALcontinued page 38) industry-widebestpracticesandtheInternetofThingschasing to clean technologiesfrom page 40)offerings and standards for alternatively(IoT) to improve route plan- in this decade, this will createof the United Nations Educa-There are dangers aheadfueledvehiclesandelectricning, vessel performance, anda market tipping point thattional, Scientific and Cultural due to the increasing demandvehicles, particularly for deep- cargo handling.willacceleratetheirafford- Organization (UNESCO).for electric vehicles. Batterysea voyages. The International4. Collaboration: Ro/ro shippingabilityanddrivelong-term,ACLsweeklytransat-firesonboardro/rovesselsMaritime Organization (IMO)companies and terminal opera- net-zero transformation acrosslantic service calls at ports in areaconcernastheuseofhas established a task force totorsareincreasinglycollabo- industrialvaluechains.AllEuropeandNorthAmerica. electricvehiclesincreases,address these challenges and israting with other stakeholders,FMCmembersmustdeliverACLstraderoutewasof WalleniusWilhelmsensaid.expected to focus on safety andsuch as governments, technol- their commitments by 2030. highinteresttoGEOMAR While there are regulationshandling of electric vehicles. ogyproviders,andresearchAndreasEnger,CEOofbecause the North Atlantic is and best practices in place toCollaborationanddigi- institutions,todevelopandHegh Autoliners, said the lineknown to be one of the stron-mitigate the risks, the poten- talization are watchwords forimplementinnovativesolu- is committed to addressing thegestsinksforatmospheric tialforcatastrophicconse- thero/roindustry.Herearetionsforreducingemissions.long-term transportation needsCO2. ACLsvesselsoperate quences underscore the needsome developments:Forexample,theGettingtoofmajororiginalequipmentalongastablecruisetrack forcontinuedvigilanceand1. Alternative fuels: Ro/ro com- ZeroCoalition,apartnershipmanufacturers(OEMs)byover a long span of years, so innovation in handling thesepanies and associated termi- betweentheGlobalMaritimeestablishinglastingrelation- they became the ideal vessels vehiclesonboardvessels,nalindustriesareexploringForum,theWorldEconomicships with customers in its coreto use. saidHenrikMeyer,seniortheuseofalternativefuels,Forum, and Friends of Oceantrade networks.ACL has always led the quality manager, ports, termi- such as liquefied natural gasAction, aims to accelerate theEngersaidtheintroduc- waywithtangibleactions nals & stevedoring at Walle- (LNG), biofuels, and hydro- development of zero-emissiontionoftheenvironmentallytoprotecttheenvironment. nius Wilhelmsen.gen,toreducetheircarbonvessels and fuels. friendlyAuroraClassves- ACL was one of the first car-footprint. For example, Swed- 5.Carbonoffsetting:Somesels in coming years will offerriers to install an Exhaust Gas ishshippingcompanyStenacompanies in the ro/ro ship- clients the industrys lowestCleaning System on its entire Linehasinvestedinthepingandterminalindustrycarbonfootprint.Joiningfleet. ACL vessels have been development of vessels pow- are investing in carbon offsetFMCisadecisivesteponused by the German Meteo-ered by methanol and batteryprojectstocompensateforour path to zero and our ambi- rologicalServicetolaunch technology. their emissions.tioustargetofbeingcarbonweather balloons for forecast-2. Energy efficiency: Ro/ro ship- neutral by 2040, he noted. ingandclimateanalysisin ping companies are investing inimoandr o /r o Through the Aurora pro- Europe. Most recently, ACL energy-efficienttechnologiesTheInternationalMari- gram, We firmly believe wehelped the United Kingdoms to reduce fuel consumption andtimeOrganization(IMO)haswill be able to meet or exceedMarineBiologicalAssocia-emissions.Thisincludestheset a target to reduce the ship- the aim of having 5% of ourtionContinuousPlanktons Henrik Meyer, senior qualityuse of advanced hull designs,ping industrys greenhouse gasdeep sea operation on carbonRecorder Survey to study the manager at Wallenius Wilhelmsen airlubricationsystems,windemissions by at least 50% byneutral fuels. It is a defini- health of marine plankton in Tomitigatetherisksofenergy, and waste heat recovery2050 compared to 2008 levels. tive step in Heghs commit- the ocean. Andrew J. Abbott, fire,logisticsandshippingsystems. Terminal operators areIn a related development,ment to a net zero emissionsPresident, commented on the companies,includingWalle- implementingenergy-efficientone of the first shipping com- future by 2040, Enger said. latest steps taken by the com-nius Wilhelmsen, have imple- equipment,suchaselectricpaniesintheFirstMoversThe82-memberFirstpany,ACLandourparent mented strict regulations andcranesandautomatedguidedCoalition, Hegh Autoliners,Movers Coalition was launchedcompany, the Grimaldi Group, bestpracticesforhandlingvehicles, to reduce emissions atcommitted to running at leastduringCOP-26inGlasgoware committed to being a leader electricvehicles.Theyregu- the port. 5% of its deep sea shipping oninNovember2021andwason developing environmentally late the state of charge (SOC)3. Digitalization: The indus- zero-emission fuels by 2030,initiatedbytheUSStatefriendlytransportation.We ofallbatteries,andonlytryisembracingdigitaliza- enabledbyshipscapableofDepartment,throughSpecialtry to help organizations that accept vehicles with a desiredtiontooptimizeoperationsusing zero-emission fuels. PresidentialEnvoyforCli- are researching the issue and stateofchargeof50%orandreduceemissions.ThisFMC said if enough globalmateJohnKerry,andthetrying to come up with practi-lower, preferably below 30%.includes the use of data ana- companiescommitacertainWorld Economic Forum. cal solutions to the problems.CHANGECHANNELYOURMove cargo more efficiently. Scale operations for future growth.Big changes are happening. The Freeport Harbor Channel will soon be the deepest in Texas with a new modernized berth and cranes to welcome larger vessels and over 500 acres of land available for development.Its time to change your channel.1.800.362.5743 | PortFreeport.com'