b'6American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(TACKLEScontinuedreported that there had been from page 4) nonewdevelopmentson 85 terminal calls every weekthat issue. She was, however, in Hamburg, Unifeeder couldconfidentthatamemoran-offerenoughresourcesfordum of understanding for the additional container transpor- port alliance would material-tation within the port.ize soon. Dakosy,DIHLAandHamburgport,Ger-Unifeedercoordinatedtomanys largest and Europes develop the software process,thirdlargestcontainerport, implementing a new modulehasfourcontainertermi-for integration into Dakosysnals with an annual handling Port Community System.capacity of some 12 million The DIHLA also reinforcedTEU. All container terminals the point that container trans- are equipped with integrated portationbyfeedersbetweenrail terminals that are meant Hamburg ports container ter- tostrengthenHamburgs minals were a prudent mode ofleadingpositionamongrail inner port transportation; it wasports in Europe. Hamburg port feeder ship, Elbwindthe right approach that pro- containers,thecontainerweekend to obviate excessiverently looming on Germany; vided relief to the road infra- c onTainerT raffic terminalsaregluttedwithwaitingtimeforthetruckthe ports fear that they could structureintheport,besidesi mpacTsr ail andr oad large numbers of containers,drivers and also enhance thebe sucked into the countrys being environment-friendly. The container congestioncausing delays and crampedports productivity.present economic quagmire. at the port has also impactedwarehousingconditions.ButmanyengagedinWith recession raising its HHla l ooks Toi mprove othertransportationmodesForwardersandtruckdriv- themaritimetradearealsougly head in Germany, Ham-s TakeHolderc oordinaTion such as rail and road.Withers are being urged to arriveworried that the ports prof- burgportstarted2023with TheHamburgPortandportsreceivingincreasinglyattheterminalsoutsidetheitabilityandearningscoulda slowdown in cargo traffic. LogisticsCompany,alsolargercontainervessels,peakhours,forexample,inbeimpairedwiththeonset(TACKLEScontinued on knownbyitsGermanacro- aimedattransportingmoretheeveningorevenontheofarecessionthatiscur- page 14)nymHHLA,seemstohave reconcileditselftodisrup-tionsinsupplychainsand delaysincontainertraffic. AngelaTitzrath,HHLAs chairperson,addressingan online shareholders meeting inmid-June,urgedshipping lines, forwarding agents, the railway,shippers,andthe authoritiestoimprovetheir coordination.TheHHLAhasfaced uncertainties since some time over the disruptions in ship-pingschedulescausedby COVID lockdowns in China andtheUkrainewar.Con-tainers had piled up at the ter-minals,withfreighterships often not loading the contain-ers. At the same time, export orimportconsignmentsare delivered either too early orBuildingtoolate,Titzrathsaid.This resultedincontainersclog-ging the system and the traf- what your fic operations.She also said that because of the war there was a shortage of more than 100,000truckdriversfromcustomers needUkraine,resultinginbottle-necks and shortage of cargo space leading to price hikes. Titzrathaddedthat transportationwasimpededPort Houston is investing in infrastructure now to increase capacity and improve efciency. becauseconstructionjobsOur largest-ever STS cranes at Bayport Container Terminal, double the number of truck gate carried out by the authoritiesentrances at Barbours Cut Container Terminal and expanding the Houston Ship Channelwereoftennotannouncedto accommodate larger vessels are just the beginning. Get your cargo to your in time, resulting in massivecustomers faster by choosing Port Houston.congestioninwhichtrucks are stuck for hours. Further-more,therecentportstrike had delayed clearance of con-tainers in Hamburg. ButTitzrathaddedthat theHHLAmanagement expected a moderate increase in container traffic and inte-rior transportation, as also in turnover.Thiswasalsothe result, particularly, of higher containerstoragecharges whichtheHHLAhasbeen collectingbecauseofweeks of ship delays. Meanwhile,talkswith therivalEurogatehadbeen ongoingsincemonthsover amergerofcontainerportswww.porthouston.cominNorthGermany.Titzrath'