b'20American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comPharma.Aeros Van Gelder outlinesAthens International the logistics challenges for pharmaAirport joins Pharma.AeroPharma.Aero,theglobalvalueforourindustryand and life sciences collaborativeplatformforenhanceaccesstohealthcare excellence in healthcare logis- for people worldwide.InaninterviewwithAJOT,Pharma.AerosSecretaryGeneral,tics, announces Athens Inter- Athens International Air-national Airport(AIA)asitsporthasreceiveditsIATA Frank Van Gelder, highlighted the work of the platform and pro- newestmember.AIAistheCEIVPharmacertification vided an insight into pharma logistics and the challenges it faces.largestinternationalairportin2023.Since2016,AIA in Greece and the largest andhasbeenthefirstcarbon-By Stuart Todd, AJOT busiest airport in the Balkansneutral airport in Greece and, region.asof2019,throughitsini-Pharma.Aero is an interna- calpatientcarespanningthis field and is a regular con- TrevorCaswell,ChairoftiativeRoute2025,ithas tionalcollaborationplatform,almost20years,notablyinferencespeakeraroundthePharma.Aero, extends a warmannounceditsofficialcom-headquarteredinBelgium,organ transplantation whereworld. welcome to Athens Internationalmitment to achieve Net Zero dedicatedtoadvancinglogis- logistics is a minute by minuteAJOT: First of all, couldAirport,stating,Byinte- CarbonEmissionsby2025, ticsintheLifeScienceandundertaking. you give an overview of thegratingAthensInternational25 years ahead of the target MedTech industries. Today,hispassionistopharma/lifescienceseco- Airport into our collaborativeof 2050 set by ACI Europe. Founded in 2016, it fos- pursue projects and programssystem? network,Pharma.AeronotAlso, it is the first European tersco-operationacrossthecentered on end-to-end criti- VANGELDER:Theonlyacknowledgestheair- airport to launch multi-modal supply chain to address trans- cal life science supply chainsmarketvalueofproducedports regional importance butflows in the form of a combi-portationchallengesthroughandinnovativehealthcaredrugs,attheendof2023,also strengthens its footprint innation of maritime, road, and multimodal solutions encom- solutions. totaled US$ 1.5 trillion. Thethe Mediterranean region. Weair traffic. passing air, sea, and land logisticsHe also wears an academicindustry has posted a CAGRare thrilled to collaborate andCargoDevelopmentat with the aim of achieving excel- hat,lecturinginhealthcareofmorethan6%overtheleverageourindustryexper- AthensInternational Airport lence and driving positive changesupplychainandlogistics,(OUTLINEScontinued ontise to drive innovative proj- (JOINScontinued on forbetteraccesstohealthcarehaswrittenextensivelyinpage 23) ectsthatyieldsubstantialpage 22)worldwide.Pharma.Aeros global com-munityincludessome20 pharma/lifesciencemanu-facturers, among them giantsField FreshsuchasPfizer,Novartis, MSD, GSK, Bayer and John-son & Johnson but also muchWith Less Wastesmaller enterprises and start-ups specializing in very spe-cific cell and gene therapy.Themembershipalso extends to major forwarders andcargo-carryingairlines, airports,cargogroundhan-dlers,coldchainspecialists and professional bodies such astheCoolChainAsso-ciation,theHumanitarian Logistics Association, IATA and TIACA.Dallas-FortWorthAir-port will be hosting a Pharma.Aero Pharma Logistics Mas-terclass (PLMCTM) later this year, a four-day event where businessmeetsacademics for deep-dive discussions into howpharmaceuticalsupply chains are organized and what scientificmethodscanbe appliedtooptimizelogistics processes.AppointedinJanuary 2018 with a remit to scale-up the organization, one of his first moves was to push for theplatformstransforma-tionintoanon-profitorga-nizationandestablishits roleasaneutralpartnerin pharma logistics.Frank Van Gelders career background is rooted in criti-Food Waste Remote Climate Zero CO 2 Best in Class Mitigation Tech Controls Emissions EquipmentIts not just the boxits our approach to offering food waste mitigation solutions bundled with leading edge technology that makes the difference.Visit www.seacubecontainers.com to learn more.Frank Van GelderBSYA 1084 SeaCube Field Fresh Lemon 8x10 AJOT.indd 1 3/12/24 10:29AM'