b'44American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_Irish_ACL6/7/2410:27 AMPage 1NORTH AMERICA & IRELANDJUST GOT A LOT CLOSEROur New Container Service To Ireland Container vessel docked at Ports America Chesapeakes terminal Cuts Days Off Your Transit TimesPorts America Chesapeake adjusts to Baltimore bridgeNORTH AMERICA Arrival DUBLIN Transit Arrival BELFASTPort Departure Transitcollapse disruption New York Wednesday Sunday 18 Monday 19Baltimore Saturday Sunday 15 Monday 16ThecollapseoftheBal- CorpsofEngineers,Mary- Norfolk Monday Sunday 13 Monday 14timore Key Bridge on Marchland Port Association and the 26 thobstructed a crucial link tolocal teams and authorities forHalifax Wednesday Sunday 11 Monday 12the citys port, causing supplytheir tireless work in getting chain disruption across the Eastthe channel cleared promptlyUSA & Canada Toll Free: 800-ACL-1235Coast. While business as [email protected] not an option at the Portresume, enable employees to ofBaltimore,PortsAmericaget back to work and secure Chesapeake jumped into actionthe economic stability of the byadjustingdailyprioritiesregion. PAC also thanks our toproactivepreparationsthatintermodal partners who have wouldbothensuretheswiftbeen willing to shift to alterna-return of businessand enabletive solutions to maintain the many impacted workers to staycontinuity of business in get-employedthroughouttheseting essential cargo moving. unprecedented times. As we move forward in The ILA has been instru- this new normal, there isnt a mental in performing regulardoubt that we as a community maintenanceandupgradesare coming back stronger and to equipment on-terminal, asmore agile than ever before, well as engaging in trainingsaid Mark Schmidt, President programs to ensure Baltimoreof Ports America Chesapeake. comesbackevenstronger.ThefabricofBaltimores Inaddition,recognizingtheidentity is built on unwaver-importanceofmaintainingingresilience,andwehave thehighestlevelofservicemadeitclearthatnomatter andsupport,PACprovidedwhat we as a community areMaryland Governor Wes Moore speaking at the podiumaccommodations and specialfacedwith,together,weare requests to support customersunbreakable. Marylands Governor Moore announces and partner needs. Ports America is the pre-Thismonth,worktomierdiversifiedportopera- the full reopening of the Port of BaltimorerestoretheFederalChan- tor and supply chain logistics nel compromised by the KeyproviderinNorthAmericaMaryland Governor WesandWhiteHouseOfficeofthe reinstatement of the Fort Bridge collapse is expected towithoperationsinover70MoorejoinedUnitedStatesIntergovernmentalAffairsMcHenryFederalChannel be complete. PAC thanks thelocationsandover30portsDepartmentofTransporta- thefullreopeningoftheearlier this week. US Coast Guard, U.S. Armyon all three coasts. tion Secretary Pete ButtigiegPortofBaltimorefollowingAfterthebridgefell, welaidoutfourkeydirec-tives:Bringclosuretothe families of the victims; clear thefullfederalchanneland fully reopen the Port of Bal-timore to vessel traffic; sup-port everyone affected by this crisisfrom our workers to ourbusinesses;andrebuild #BaltimoreHealing the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Wepromisedtobringeach of these priorities to comple-tioneventhoughsuccess wasneverguaranteed,said #BaltimoreStrong Gov.Moore.Byworking together,wehaveachieved thefirstthreeofourfour directives. But in this admin-istration, we dont settle for almost. We finish the work #MarylandTough we start. We can look out onto the Patapsco and see that the Dali is gone, and the wreck-agehasbeencleared.ButI willnotbesatisfieduntilI canlookoutonthePatap-sco River from this spot and see the Key Bridge standing tallagain. Thatisthepush. www.centuryexpress.com (REOPENINGcontinued on page 45)'