b'30American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(DELIVERINGcontinued from page 26) can pick items from bins or conveyors COSCO SHIPPING launchestransport freight 100 percent by truck,usingadvancedalgorithmsand because its currently faster and cheaperartificial intelligence which speed up self-operated warehouse in US forourcustomerstorunontheroadorder fulfillment and reduces manual versus rail. By running on the road, welabor, he adds. COSCO SHIPPING has officiallyThe implementation of modern OMS/ can reduce turnaround times and costs. Technologyissharplyimproving launched its self-operated fulfillmentWMS systems enhances the EDI pro- Braggadded,Thetypesofwarehouseefficiencyandaccuracy warehouse in the United States. Thiscess,supportedbycomprehensiveproducts we transport are very diverse,inmaterialshandling.Rockclaims majorexpansionofCOSCOSHIP- I.T.operationandmaintenancethatandeachrequireacertainamountoftheInternetofThings(IoT)is PINGs global warehousing networkensuresstableoperationsandfullspecialconsiderationtoensuretheyrevolutionizing warehouse management. representsacrucialsteptowardsvisualmanagement.Thisenablesarrive where they need to be and on time.Thesearesensorsandconnected enhancingthecompanysabilitytocustomerstoaccessreal-timecargoSome examples of the products includedevices that provide real time data on meettheincreasinglogisticsneedsdynamics and efficiently manage var- itemsforfoodbusinesses,retail,non- inventory, equipment and environmental ofcross-borderbusinessandestab- ious operational challenges. hazardous chemicals, resins, electrical,conditions,avisibilitythatallows lishingacomprehensivelogisticsAs COSCO SHIPPING continuesbatteries, car parts, and flooring, amongfor better decision making, predictive solutiontailoredforcross-borderto innovate and expand its fulfillmentmany other items. maintenance and optimized workflows, e-commerce customers.warehouse capabilities, this new facil- Hecontinued,Thereisahe explains.Spanning 177,141 square feet, thisity will specifically address the needsseasonality with freight, with certainStill,whatwereadvanceddesign new facility is strategically located inofmediumandlarge-goodssellers,items needing to move more quicklyconceptsuntiljustrecentlyarebeing the Greater Los Angeles area, just 60offeringbothstandardizedandcus- thanothers.Forexample,withincorporatedquicklythesedays,says minutes from the Port of Los Ange- tomized logistics solutions for a rangecustomerstryingtofigureoutwhatRock.Warehouses are being built with lesandLosAngelesAirport.Theofproducts,includinghomeappli- they want, along with where and wheneco-friendly practices or green design warehousefeatureshigh-efficiencyancesandfurniture.Thisstrategicthey want it, summer months will seethatincludeenergyefficientlighting, capabilities, achieving unloading anddevelopmentnotonlyadaptstothethe arrival of items for Christmas andsolarpanels,rainwaterharvestingand shelving within 48 hours, with 95%scaling needs of logistics services butits our job to make sure everythingrecycling.Itnotonlybenefitsthe ofgoodsdispatchedwithinthefirstalso supports the growth of the globalis delivered on time and in advanceenvironment but also reduces operating 24hoursand98%within48hours.cross-border e-commerce industry. oftheholiday.Thisisthekindofcosts in the longest run, he maintains.service that gives our customers peaceButalleyesareonadvanced ofmindandhelpsusmaintainthattechnologies such as AI and machine relationship year after year. learning,accordingtoRock,which willanalyzedatatodeterminethe mostefficientarrangementof (ADVANCEScontinued from page 26) storageareas,pickingzonesand and also in how we operate within thetransportation routes.logistics industry. As we continue toWarehouse operations have already drive solutions and meet the demandsbeenadoptingnewswiftprocedures. of our customers, it would be easy toHecitesconveyorsystemsequipped see PortCity grow to 10 times biggerwithtrackingmechanismsallowing in the next five to 10 years. robots to pick complex objects at high Summing up, Bragg pointed out, Tospeed,arecentinnovationfurther describe the culture at PortCity is toenhancing accuracy and efficiency in say that were here to win. Were amaterials handling.strong competitor in our industry, and the opportunities for growth are oute-c oMMerce and theW arehousethere. As we move forward, we plan toAskedifthestronggrowthin take advantage of these opportunitiese-commerce has changed the structure so we can continue our success wellofwarehouserstodayandtriggered in the future. newdevelopmentsinhandlingof materials,Garciasaysaresounding Spanning 177,141 square feet, this new facility is strategically located in the Greater Los AngelesYes. Absolutely. Asmoreandmore area, just 60 minutes from the Port of Los Angeles and Los Angeles Airport. (RISEcontinued from page 28) retail stores make their products online, JournalofTransportation,putsityou need a place to store the goods.Arvato implements palletizing robotbluntly. You want to maximize the realEquipmentDepotsbusiness estate, maximize the storage. Gettinghashistoricallybeentoselland/or in the inbound process the most stuff in your warehouse withrentneworusedheavy-materials the least amount of space. Instead ofhandlingequipmentsuchasCatlift Arvato has successfully launchedbuilding out, were building up. Weretrucks,Mitsubishiforklifttrucks a new palletizing robot at its site inseeingtallerwarehousesbuiltwithandJungheinrichamongothers Venlo in the Netherlands. The robot40 feet high clearances. Thats wheretofacilitatewarehouselogistics. ispartoftheinboundprocessandcompanies see ROI. ThecompanysEQSOLUTIONS not only palletizes boxes from looseRockcontendsthesurgeindivisionspecializinginwarehouse loaded containers, but also wraps thee-commerce has led to lasting shortagesandautomationinengineering pallet and applies the tracking label.ofwarehousespacesoon-demandsystemsspecializingsolutionsfor With this robotic solution, the supplywarehousing is gaining prominence.manufacturing,warehousingand chainande-commerceservicepro- Hesayscompanieswantflexibledistribution facilities, Rock explains.vidercontinuestosystematicallystorage solution so they can scale upTostreamlinethee-commerce implement its strategy of automatingor down based on demand. In short,supply chain, keep up with continuous its global logistics centers.itisstoragecapacitythatadaptstoordertakingandsatisfycustomer The use of the palletizing robot,changing needs efficiently. demand for quick deliver. Rock says whichwehaveinternallynamedFinding and retaining labor todaymore warehouses will adopt additional BuckyafterthesuperheroBuckyisachallengeineveryindustry,staffshiftsthatwillhandlemore Barnes, is the next step in our roboticsparticularly logistics, so Rock reportsindividual orders than bulk orders. But implementation. After the initial suc- warehouse-centric companies such asthetechnologyistheretopositively cess of our three depalletizing robots,Equipment Depot are embracing andimpact individual order picking from we have gradually implemented moreadopting automation technologies thathighplacesandshipping.Other robotic solutions, from picking robotsguidedvehicles(AGVs)forstorageenhance efficiency, speed and safety. innovations: electric pallet jacks, agile tocontainerunloading,saysKaro- in the existing pallet shuttle. We areAmong them: collaborative robotswavepickers,reachtrucks,very lineKowalik,logisticsengineeratcurrently working intensively on per- orco-botsthatworkalongsidenarrowaisletrucks,addingprecision Arvato. Bucky is not a stand-alonefectly integrating everything into thehumanworkersandassistwithto vertical storage.system,butafurthercomponentinoverall process. receiving,storing,picking,packingSumsupEquipmentDepots our automation strategy, with whichThe new robotic solution in Venloand shipping goods. They automateJeremyRock:Asthee-commerce weareredesigningandcompletingwas planned and tested jointly by arepetitive processes, allowing humanlandscapecontinuestoevolve, the process chain towards a fully auto- teamfromoperations,technology,workerstofocusonmorestrategicwarehouseswillkeepadaptingto mated inbound and putaway process,project management and IT develop- activities, he says.Rock notes thatmeet consumer demand and optimize highlightsBernhardLembeck,Headment. The palletizing robot, suppliedmodernroboticsareshrinkinginoperations.Plus,thecompanywill of the Future Warehouse departmentby automation specialist Segbert, cansizetodayandcanworkinsmallercontinuetoexpandtocapturethat at Arvato. We want to use Stretchgrip multiple boxes at the same timewarehousesanddistributioncenters,growth. Located in six of the top 10 fromBostonDynamicsinthecon- with its vacuum gripper and processoptimizing floor space. forklift markets in the US, it recently tainer,Buckyforscanning,palletiz- between700and3,000cartonsperTodaysrobotshavegreatermovedintoSeattleandtheInland ing and packing as well as automatedhour, depending on their size.capabilities.VisionenabledrobotsEmpire region in Los Angeles.'