b'6American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(DISRUPTIONScontinued fromgrowth.However,likeHongKong,Dhabi is at 4.91million TEUs. impact. As a result, many of the North page 2) Busaniscompetingwiththemega- InIndia,Mundra(AdaniPort)Europeanportssawtheirnumbers Kongs port calls. This coupled with theChinese ports of Shanghai and Ningbo- hasgrownrapidlyandisestimatedin2023slip,withlittleprospectof riseofShanghaiandnowNingbo- Zhoushan for hub port vessel calls.to handle 7 million TEUs while therecoveryin2024.Forexample,the ZhoushanvirtuallyeliminatedHongAndinbothsizeandefficiency,port of Jawaharlal Nehru is handlingPortofRotterdam,Europeslargest KongsoldroleastheentrepottotheChineseportsout-performtheiraround 6.4 million.port, which ranked 12th in the Top 100 China.And Hong Kong will be hitKoreancompetitors.ConverselytheAndinSriLankathePortoflist, registered 13.44 million TEUs in withanotherblownextyearwithKorean Port of Incheons throughputColombo with 6.9 million is climbing2023, down from over 14.45 million the realignment of the ocean carrierrose from 3.17 million TEUs to 3.45up the chart and is now 27 th . in 2022. Antwerp-Bruges, 14 thon the alliances.MaerskandHapagLloydmillion TEUs over 2022 to 2023. TheHouthisactionshavehadtop100listalsoshowedasimilar willmoveintothenewGeminian impact on ship calls for Red Seadecline from 13.50 million TEUs in Cooperationagreementin2025.M iddlee ast /i ndia ports and Suez Canal transits, not to2022 to 12.53 million TEUs in 2023. And the Gemini agreement has saidBoth the Middle East and the IndiamentionMediterraneanSeaportsThe Port of Hamburgs numbers also it will adopt a hub and spoke rotationSubcontinent are experiencing risingas well. However, investment in thetold the same story going from 8.27 systemreplacingHongKongwithport investment and TEU throughput.portinfrastructureinMiddleEastmillionTEUsto7.7millionTEUs aPearlRiverporthubcall.(ForIn the Middle East, Dubais Port Jebelhascontinuedtoriseevenwiththeover the same two year period. more information on the ocean carrierAli slipped past Hong Kong into thedisruptions which begs the question ofTherealexceptiontothistrend alliances see: Whats the Future Fornumber nine slot with 14.72 millionjust what will ship traffic look like inisthenorthMediterraneanPortof Ocean Carrier Alliances issue #764TEUs. The port has also become partthe Red Sea region in a normalizedTanger Med in Morocco. Tanger Med, April 2024). ofasolutionforsomeserviceseconomic environment? ranked 20 thon the list, continued its ItisworthnotingthatoceanseekingtoavoidtheRedSeaandupward trajectory rising from 7.6 mil-carrier alliances have a great deal ofHouthis disruption. Further the UAE- e uroPeanP orts lion TEUs to 8.61 million TEUs. The influence over how well a containerIndia CEPA deal has benefited the twoThe European ports have all beenports growth as the hub of choice port performs as they control roughlyregionsandbolsteredportnumbers.impactedbyboththeRedSeadis- for the western Mediterranean bodes 51% of the existing fleet and operateAnd the Saudi Arabian port of Jeddahruptions and their effect on the Suezwell for growth and a chance in the a vast majority of the line-haul sizeishandlingapproximately6millionCanal transit and the ongoing conflictnot too distant future to hit the exclu-(8,000 TEUs to 25,000 TEUs) vessels. TEUs, while King Abdullah port overbetween Russia and Ukraine. In addi- sive 10 million TEU mark. Another And while the numbers in 20233millionandDammam2.3milliontion,economicdisputeswithChinaEuropeanportthatmanagedto might represent a normalization afterTEUs. And the Port of Khalifa in Abuhave escalated and begun to have an(DISRUPTIONScontinued on page 10)the post-COVID flood of TEUs in 2022, another shift is already apparent. The June Global Tracker Report issued by the National Retail Federation (NRF) had a telling comment on 2024. NRF Vice President for Supply Chain and Customs Policy Jonathan Gold said, The high level of imports expected overthenextseveralmonthsisan encouragingsignthatretailersare confidentinstrongsalesthroughoutGUANGZHOU PORT GROUPthe remainder of the year. t hea sianP ortsSinceAsiaisinmanyrespectsTHE FASTEST GROWING PORT IN SOUTH CHINAthewell-springofglobalfreight, the region boasts the largest slice of ports in the top 100. This years chart6TH LARGEST PORT IN THE WORLD WITH has35entries,althoughanumber of other Asian ports if more reliable25.4 MILLION TEUS IN 2023datawasprovidedcouldhavebeen added.Again,itisnosurprisethat China (including Taiwan) reports thePORT OF NANSHA (GUANGZHOU PORT GROUP)largest number of ports20 in total, including 11 ports within the first 25New On Dock Rail (connecting theNew Terminal (4th) Fully Automatedon the list. Hinterlands + Europe) Open 24/7/365Singapore at number 2 with just over 39 million is steadily growing.New Cold and Dry Warehousing16+ Berths, 70+ Cranes and Deep Themega-terminalTuasnowhasFacilities with Air-Sea + Rail EnablingWatereightberthsinoperationandthreeEcommerce Shippers Reduce cost + time by utilizing a Port more are expected to come onstreamthats closer to your Vendors: Nansha!later this year. This year Singapores weeklyvolumeshaverisenfrom 770,000 TEUs to 820,000 TEUs. Tuas is one of the few container terminals that is efficiently able to handle ships above22,000TEUspositioning Singaporewellforfurthergrowth. TheneighboringPortofKelang Malaysia is also benefiting from trade being funneled through the Strait of Malacca, exceeding 14 million TEU throughput for the first time.Theshiftinproductionfrom China to Vietnam has fed a growing need for more container ports. In 2023 it was estimated that Vietnam handled around25millionTEUsin2023. Nearly all of this total goes through three port areas, Hai Phong, Cai-Mep-Thi Vai and Ho Chi Minh (HCM). The VietnamMaritimeAdministration aims to develop a seaport system that will be able to handle 38-47 million TEUs annually by 2030less thanS.CHINA PORT WITH N.AMERICA AND six years from now.EU/UK REPRESENTATIONThe South Korean port of Busan whichpostedathroughputof22.75 million TEUs, ranking number 7 in theFOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT US ATPORTOFNANSHA.COMTop 100 container ports, has benefited from the countrys tremendous export'