b'38American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comM A RY L A N DP O R T S2024 Beyond the bridge An Interview with Jonathan Daniels, Exec-utive Director, Port of BaltimoreBy George Lauriat, AJOTt hea llision .allisionwiththebridgeat On June 11 theleven weeksapproximately1:30amon afterthecontainershipMVMarch 26 th .Dalis allision with the Fran- ForthePortofBalti-cisScottKeybridge,themoresExecutiveDirector bridges subsequent collapseJonathanDaniels,thecalls and the closing of the Port ofandtextsbeganveryearly, BaltimoresFortMcHenryshortlyaftertheMVDali ChannelinthePatapscosmashedintotheFrancis River, the U.S. Army Corp ofScott Key Bridge. And with An aerial view of Tradepoint Atlantic, Tradepoint Terminals and a portion of terminal storage area Engineers (USACE) declaredthoseearlymorningmes-Tradepoint Atlantics multimodal globalthechannelclearandoncesages Daniels immediate job again open to ship traffic.changedeveniftheports Thespeedatwhichtheoverall mission didnt.logistics hub shows supply chain resilienceshipchannelwasreopened wasbeyondextraordinary Baltimore-based Tradepoint Atlantic (TPA) in less than a decade developedgiven the immense challenges into a major multimodal global logistics hub.that the salvors faced remov-ing the bridge debris and free-By Dan Ronan, AJOT ing the MV Dali itself. After the allision with the bridge on Tradepoint Atlantic, soon coming up on itsest consumer regions in the world is virtuallyMarch 26th, the MV Dali was tenth anniversary, has emerged in that short spanimpossible to duplicate anywhere else on thewedgedinplace,weighted of time as a global logistics hub andEast Coast of the US. with bridge wreckage and at is still growing fast with more majorWehavethestrategiclocation,thatmoment,noonewould developments already in the works.the space and the multi-modal capa- have imagined that the water-The 3,300-acre logistics center isbility to provide a customized logisticsway would be cleared in such built on the site of the former Bethle- solutiontouserslookingforlong- an expedient manner. Port of Baltimore Executive Director hem Steel facility at Sparrows Pointterm supply chain resilience, Trade- Still,despitetheincred- Jonathan Danielswithin the Port of Baltimore. Whilepoint Atlantic Vice President Russelliblespeedofthedebris environmentallyremediatingandWilliams told AJOT. We know howclearance,forthoseintheB altiMorec oMest ogetherrebuildingindustryonthesitewasthe logistics and transportation indus- BaltimoresportcommunityGoing into 2024 the Port aformidabletask,theallureofthemassivetry works and this is the right time. it has been eleven very long(BEYONDcontinued on waterfront space adjacent to one of the great- (RESILIENCEcontinued on page 40) weekssincetheMVDalispage 42)COUNT ON CONNORAn industry leading provider of customs brokerage, transport services, project cargo and vessel agency, with specialized experience for global sectors. Founded in 1917, John S. Connor, Inc.,third-generation family-owned and operated, provides comprehensive logistics strategies,with access to a technology platformdelivering real-time brokerage, logisticstracking and visualization of the supply chain.jsconnor.com 410-863-0211 [email protected]'