b'40American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(RESILIENCEcontinued fromand its incredible to see the amount of page 38) progress that theyve made so quickly, And a hallmark of TPAs supplythe collaborative approach with every-chain resilience lies with the logisticsbody,ithasbeennothingshortof hubs unique location:TPA was theamazing, he said. only terminal site within the Port of Baltimore located south of the FrancistPag roWinga cross theB oardScott Key Bridge. For that reason, TPATPAhasestablisheditselfasa was able to remain open following themultimodalgloballogisticshubbut March 26 collapse of the Francis Scottthereisstillconsiderableroomfor Key Bridge as the result of a collisiongrowthwithinthe3,300acres of the MV Dali and resulting closureincludingaplannedcontainerter-of the 50-foot-deep shipping channelminal,Wehandleawiderangeof in the Patapsco River. Their locationcargo types, bulk, break bulk, roll-on/proved crucial in enabling the uninter- roll-off and the heavy-duty sector. In rupted handling of redirected vesselsaddition, the planned Sparrows Point carrying a variety of bulk, breakbulk,Container Terminalwillbethenext and ro/ro (vehicles and out of gaugephaseofdevelopmentatthistime, freight)cargosfollowingthebridgeWilliams said.collapse. Ro/ro operations represent aThe container terminal plan was key service component for the Port ofannounced in October 2022 and is a Baltimore as the Port handled aroundjointventurebetween TPAand Ter-850,000 autos in 2023the most ofminalInvestmentLimited(TiL),an any US port.TPA besides having theaffiliateofMediterraneanShipping terminalavailabilitytohandlero/roCompany(MSC),thenumberone ships, also has direct connections toocean container carrier in the world. CSX and Norfolk Southern railroads,The project includes a 330-acre rede-alongwithinterstatehighwaylinksvelopment,consistingof168-acresSparrows Point Container Terminal project layout[I-70, I-81, I-83, I-95, I-97 and I-895]allocated for new container develop-to facilitate onward movements of thementandanenhancedintermodalvate investment project that will leadAndfromaregionalportper-vehiclesandothercargo.Addition- yard,withtheremaining162acresto1,100directjobsandover6,000spective the new forecast will boost ally, TPA, because of the sites ampleslated for support facilities to enhanceindirect jobs the Port of Baltimores overall TEU acreageandfortuitouslocation,wasthe overall operations of the terminal.Williamssaystheplannedcon- handling capacity by 70%. This will able to provide space to aid Federal,Thecontainerterminal,namedtainer terminal will allow the Port ofenable the port to be more competi-State, and Local agencies during theirtheSparrowsPointContainerTer- Baltimoretogrowfromaregionaltivewithother AtlanticCoastports recovery efforts.minal(SPCT)willbeservedbyancontainer port to a much larger hub,likeVirginia,Charleston,Savannah At this writing, the channel is nowintermodal yard providing a connec- coveringalltheEastCoastandand New York/New Jersey.clear of debris and open to be traversedtion to trunk lines operated by CSXextendingintotheMidwestmarket.Andwhilethefuturecontainer by vessels for business and as Williamsand Norfolk Southern that both haveThis is a vital reach needed to attractterminal is the headline grabber, it is points out, Theres been an incrediblenationwidedistributionreach.Theand retain top global liner container(RESILIENCEcontinued on amount of hard work, around the clock,new SPCT terminal is a $1 billion pri- shipping companies like MSC.page 45)U.S.-flag shipping & logistics solutionsfrom Americas leading Ro-Ro carrierLEARN MORE'