b'46American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(BEYONDcontinued fromwe continue to mourn the livesunityamongMarylandlead- would be reopened so soon.igatedunprecedentedchal-page 43) lost in the tragic collapse of theers and public officials acrossThisaccomplishmentisthelenges,providedrelieffor be able to open up in just abridgeand we hold their fam- alllevelsofgovernment.Idirect result of the unrelent- those impacted by the Ports couple months, we should beilies in our hearts. know that all who have beeningdedicationandgritofclosure,andhavecharteda proud. We should honor what Today, we are not onlyinvolved in this recovery andthe Unified Command, whocourse forward to restore the happenedandrespectwhatbringingthePortofBalti- rebuild effort are collectivelyworkeddayandnighttoPorts status as the economic happened,butweshouldmore back up to full capac- drivenbythememoriesandrecover those lost in the col- heartbeatoftheregion.We beveryproudofwhatwasitybyreopeningthefederalspirit of those we lost in thislapse,clearthechannelofdid it all without losing sight accomplished by the Unifiedchannel,butwearealsohorrifictragedy.Mycol- dangerous debris, and returnofthosemostimportantin Command,andeverybodyreopeningeconomicoppor- leaguesintheU.S.HousethePorttonormalopera- this tragedythe Maryland-involved during this time. tunities for the communitiesand Senate will continue ourtion,saidCongressmanerswholosttheirlivesand acrossMarylandand Amer- mission to ensure the federalDavid Trone (MD-06). Thistheirfamilieswhocontinue (REOPENINGcontinuedica that depend on the port.governmentfullyfundsthisis news to celebrate, but wetodealwiththeimpact.I from page 45) I praise Governor Moore foreffort,inlinewithPresidentallmustcontinueworkingwant to thank each and every seeing our state through thisBidens pledge, said Congress- togethertoensureMary- person who was a part of this and the unprecedented collabo- crisisandthankSecretarymanKweisiMfume(MD- landers dont foot the bill foreffort for their contributions. ration within the Unified Com- ButtigiegandtheBiden- 07).Yesterday,IappearedtheBridgesreconstruction.The work is not donebut mandandamongourpublicHarrisAdministrationforbefore the U.S. House RulesWiththesupportoflocal,this period has made it clear andprivatepartners,wevetheir continued support, saidCommittee in support of mystate,andfederalpartners,that well tackle every chal-brought business back to Balti- CongressmanStenyHoyeramendmenttotheNationalwearebuildingastronger,lenge ahead, together.more in a matter of weeks.(MD-05).OurworkisnotDefenseAuthorizationActmore resilient Baltimore. ThereopeningoftheToday, we celebrate thefinisheduntiltheFrancisthatwouldrequirethefed- Thereopeningofthechannelisamajorstepin completereopeningoftheScott Key Bridge towers overeral government to fully fundchannelinPatapscoRivergettingourneighborsback Fort McHenry Federal Chan- Baltimore Harbor once more.the Francis Scott Key BridgewheretheKeyBridgeoncetoworkandjumpstarting nel in incredible time thanksNow,Congressmustfollowrebuild with the requirementstoodisnothingshortofaoureconomyaswecon-totheexpertise,determina- through on President Bidensthatanycompensationpaidmiracle.Thehardworkoftinueourrecoverfromthis tionandgritoftheUnifiedpromise that the federal gov- fordamagesorinsurancethewomenandmeninthenationaltragedy,saidBal-Command and all of the keyernmentwillcoverthefullproceedscollectedbeuti- Army Corps of Engineers, thetimoreCountyExecutive partnersatthefederal,statecost of the replacement proj- lized to make the U.S. gov- UnitedStatesCoastGuard,JohnnyOlszewski.Thank andlocallevelswhohaveect, and I will continue work- ernment whole. Rest assuredPort of Baltimore, the Federalyou to Unified Command, the beenfocusedonthisurgenting to ensure that it does. the Team Maryland Congres- and Maryland DOTs, as wellBiden-HarrisAdministration, task.WealsotaketimetoSwiftlyreopeningthesionalDelegationwillcon- asourentirefederaldelega- GovernorMoore,andtoall mournthesixliveslostinFort McHenry Federal Chan- tinue to pursue all potentialtion,stateandlocalelectedthose who have worked tire-thetragiccollapseofthenel to commerce has been aremediesatourdisposaltoofficials led by our steadfastlessly to get us to this moment. FrancisScottKeyBridge.priority since the tragic col- restore the Key Bridge. Governor Wes Moore is to beThis milestone is a reminder As we praise the hard worklapseoftheFrancisScottThesuddencollapsecommended, said Congress- of what is possible when we ittooktobringthePortofKey Bridge, and this is a cru- oftheFrancisScottKeymanGlennIvey(MD-04).put progress ahead of politics Baltimore fully back online,cial step toward restoring fullBridgewasahumanandNowtherebuildingbegins.and testament to our ability to we know that the families ofoperations at the Port of Bal- economic tragedy that took aMuchblood,sweat,toilandovercome thisand any chal-theseworkersarestillhurt- timore,saidCongressmantoll on the Baltimore region,tears face everyone involved.lengetogether. ingandalwayswill,saidJohnSarbanes(MD-03).theStateofMaryland,andBut I know our team is Mary- The Port of Baltimore is Senator Ben Cardin. Clear- IamthankfultoPresidentournation,saidCongress- landToughandBaltimoretheclosestporttotheMid-ing the debris and reopeningBiden,TransportationSec- manAndyHarris(MD-01).Strongandtogetherwewillwest, providing a quick and the federal shipping channel,retaryButtigieg,GovernorSince the beginning of thisbuild back better than before. inexpensivewayformanu-sothatwecanrestoreBal- Mooreandotherkeypart- tragedy,IhavebeenclearThereopeningofthefacturers to send and receive timoresleadershipamongners for their leadership andthat our efforts must focus onfull federal channel is a majorcargo. The Port of Baltimore thenationsportsandourdedicationtoclearingthereopening the Fort McHenrymilestone,andamarkerofalsoranksnumberonein regionseconomicengine,channel. TheMarylanddel- FederalChannelandIamtheresiliency,grit,andper- handling farm and construc-havebeenessential.Simul- egationwillcontinuework- beyondproudofthededi- severanceofourcity,saidtion equipment and vehicles. taneously,TeamMarylandinginlocksteptosupportcated and quick work the U.S.MayorBrandonM.Scott.The Maryland Transpor-has been focused on follow- rebuilding the bridge, restor- Army Corp of Engineers didEverylevelofgovernmenttation Authorityiscurrently ingprecedentandPresidenting full operations at the portto restore the channel back toandcommunityfromtheacceptingrequestsforpro-Bidenspledgethatthefed- andfacilitatingeconomicits full operational depth.WhiteHousedowntotheposals for a design-build team eralgovernmentwillcoverrecovery in our region. AsmanyofusstoodlocallevelwhereneighborstorebuildtheKeyBridge. 100% of the cost of replacingThe full reopening of ourat the edge of the PatapscoandcommunitymembersAprojectteamisexpected the bridge. We are united inPorts main shipping channelRiver on March 26, the daypitchedintosupportthoseto be selected in mid-to-late thismissionandwilldoallisamatterofnationaleco- the Francis Scott Key Bridgeimpactedmobilizedwithsummerthisyear,withthe we can to make it happen. nomicimportanceandanfell,wewouldhaveneverincrediblecoordinationandentire project estimated to be Today is a huge win forexampleoftheunshakeableimaginedthatthechannelspeed. Together, we have nav- completed in fall 2028Baltimore,forMaryland,and for our nation. Not long ago, restoring full access to the Port ofBaltimorechannelseemed like a distant goal. We wouldnt havereachedthismilestone without the quick release of $60 millioninfederalemergency funding and the tireless focus and drive of the Unified Com-mand,whichincludesfederal partnerslikethe ArmyCorps andCoastGuardworking alongside state and local agen-cies and our port workforce in Baltimore, said Senator Chris Van Hollen. For the rebuilding of the bridge, we have already succeededinenrollingthe project in the federal program that will pay for 90 percent of the costs, and Team Maryland is united in our determination to pass our bipartisan legisla-tiontoensuretheremaining 10 percent is also coveredso thatwecanrestorethiscriti-caltransportationarteryfor our economy as soon as pos-sible.Whilewecelebratethe reopening of the channel today,'