b'14American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(HEADWINDScontinuedlikeAI-enabledTransportationProject cargo service goes beyond transportationfrom page 4) ManagementSolutions(TMS), Congestion and capacity con- canprocessvolumesofdata straints are also getting worse, notquicklyandprovideactionableBy Debra Phillips, AJOTbetter,accordingtoRodriguez.informationforusers.Todays Increasedtradevolumesandbest-in-classtechtoolsofferFor some logistics providers, Project Cargofor Combilift.limited infrastructure can lead tostreamlined implementation, user- management does not end when the raw materialsCombilift partners with a variety of transporta-congestion at transportation hubs,friendly platforms, and cost-effec- have been delivered. Combilift, one of the largesttion providers to ensure all elements are delivered. causingdelaysandadditionaltive options. globalmanufacturersofmultidirectional,side- Oncetherawmaterialshavebeenreceived,the costs. Even in the best of circum- Cloud-nativesystemsareloading, and articulated devices, recently helpedair conditioning manufacturer often needs to store stances, managing Project Cargotypically less expensive becausemanage the opening of a new manufacturing plantthem before processing and assembly in their pro-can be challenging beginning withthey do not require extensive ITfor a company that produces industrial-size andduction. This requires specialized equipment to lift transportation.Theseshipmentsstaff or infrastructure. The cre- grade air conditioners,the whole unit such as those offered by CombiLift.oftenrequirespecializedroutesation of integration tools makesFully constructed the AC units weigh up toBy providing RAM material storage, Com-andpermitsduetotheirsize,it possible for multiple, diverse30,000 pounds and are 30 feet long. The raw com- biliftprovidesthemanufacturerwithincreased weight, or hazardous nature. Thissystemstocommunicatewithponents that are used to create the air conditionersproduction area and flexibility to adjust production caninvolvecoordinationwitheach other providing a 360 vieware also oversized, long, and overweight products,schedules. Storage of the finished product is also multipleauthorities,transporta- of every transaction. Real-timeaveraging between 3000-6000 lbs and up to 30handled by a Combi SC for yard storage and trailer tion providers, and infrastructurevisibilitythroughouttheship- long, said Paul Short, President of North Americaloading, said Short. owners, Rodriguez noted. ment process is a goal for many Transporting Project Cargosupply chain managers, and it is often requires specialized equip- definitely ideal when managingtifypotentialchallengesandchainmanagement,especiallyproject requirements.ment such as heavy-duty cranes,Project Cargo. developstrategiestomitigateProject Cargo logistics. Choos- As with many aspects of life, flatbedtrailers,orspecializedthem,suchascontingencyingalogisticspartnerwithwho a person knows can be as vehicles.Sourcingandcoordi- r Iska ssessment anD planning,insurancecoverage,expertiseandcontactswithinimportant as what they know. To nating the use of this equipmentm ItIgatIon andalternativetransportationtheglobaltradingcommunitythat end, Omni Logistics main-can be challenging. Sincethepandemic,mostroutes, said Rodriguez. is a good first step, according totains strong relationships with a MaintainingcompliancesupplychainmanagershaveNoguchi. He said, Our teamsglobal network of transportation withdiversedomesticandfocused on strengthening theirs trategIcP artnershIPs expertiseinmanaginglarge- providers,includingshipping internationalregulationsaddsresilience.Weconductthor- Strategicpartnershipsarescaleprojectsensurestailored(HEADWINDScontinued on anotherlevelofcomplexity,ough risk assessments to iden- an important element in supplysolutions that align with specificpage 20)requiringathoroughunder-standing of each regions legal and safety requirements. As with any logistics initiative, effectiveEXPERT LOGISTICS communication is critical, espe-ciallywhendealingwithmul-tiple stakeholders. President&ON DEMANDAccording to Kyosuke Nogu-chi,SeniorVice General Manager of the Interna-tional Freight Forwarding GroupANYWHERE. ANYTIME. ON TIME. ofYusenLogistics(Americas) Inc.,ProjectCargoforgovern-mental entities has its own set of unique characteristics.Theseprojectstendtobe highly sensitive and often include anonymity during the entire ship-pingprocess,saidNoguchi. The need for increased security, special packaging, the ability to loadfreightlastanddischarge itfirstandavoidingadversary countries are all part of managing freight for governments.Theenergyindustryalso poses unique challenges, accord-ingtoDanielWieland,SVP ofGlobalProjects&Industry Solutions, Schenker AG.Energy is a huge industry sector that includes fossil fuels, renewableenergies,so-called cleantechs,likehydrogen,and many other sub-sectors, Wieland said. Looking at an LNG plant or solar farm or an offshore wind energy park naming only these threeexamplesindicateshow complex this can be.Howareindustrieslike energyandmanufacturingand theirpartners,providerslike Omni Logistics and Yusen Logis-tics, dealing with the routine and currentchallengesinmanag-ing Project Cargo logistics? The beststrategiesinvolvetheuse of advanced technology, careful riskassessmentandmitigation plans, and strategic partnerships.a DvanceDt echnologyAdvanced technology plays an important role in driving effi-ciencyinallaspectsofsupply chain management and is crucial in managing Project Cargo. Most providersleverageadvanced technology such as digital plat-forms and data analytics to opti- CONTACT USmizetransportationroutes,and trackshipmentsinreal-time,1000 Foust Road Brownsville, TX 78521+1 (956) 831-4592such as digital platforms and datawww.portofbrownsville.comanalytics to optimize transporta-tion routes and track shipments.Supplychaintechnologies,'