b'20American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(LIFTcontinued fromtrailers,arangeofmodular page 18) axles and various heavy ballast twoyears,wehavewitnessedtrucks and was prompted by the anincreaseintheamountofincreased demand that were wit-ESG-relatedmaterialrequirednessing within the UK market.whentenderingprojects.This mayalsoapplytoUKrenew- b usIness Isb oomIngableenergyprojects,whichHe said: Whilst we work requireslogisticssupplierstoacross the whole energy sector, includemoreenvironmentaltheprojectsaresignificantly impactevaluationsrelatingtobiasedtowardsrenewable their transport operations. energy, and we dont expect to Schoellerwelcomedthesee this slowing down. We work new Labour governments deci- hand in hand with transmission sion to repeal the earlier de factoandgeneratingcompaniesto onshore wind ban as a big stepdeliverthecountryscommit-forward,becauseitremovesment to a greener future.furtherrestrictivestandards,Allelys said it was keeping implyingthatonshorewindbusy with a range of cargo, from applications would now be con- peakerplants[peakdemand sidered equally with other pro- electricalfacilities]andsyn-posals for energy expansion. chronous condensers, through to Headded:Thissendsaenergyfromwasteandbattery strongsignalonthecommit- storage.Weredoingitall, ment to the doubling of onshoresaidBeardmore.Weseeour-wind energy by 2030 to 35 GW.selves as the connector between However,thenineyearsunderthegoalsandtheresultsofAllelys Liebherr LG1550 lifts a 121-ton turbine, 7m high into position at West Brom Energy From Waste Plant. thebanhasresultedindelaysachieving net zero.ingridconnectionsandplan- Despite the otherwise prom- Theongoingissueswiththeweight restrictions, we have thepanies. These partnerships allow ning systems. Therefore, it willising outlook, Allelys canquitegradual deterioration of the UKsequipment,knowledge,experi- Omni to secure reliable capacity take time for operators to planliterallysee bumps in the road.road network is a considerableenceandengineeringcapabilityand competitive rates, according and consider onshore wind as aconcern and has the potential toto overcome the route challenges.to Rodriguez.viable opportunity in the UKsseriouslyaffectthedeliveryofHowever,withtheageingroadAfinalfactorthatiscriti-renewable sector. key components in the future,network, this type of solution iscal to the success of all logistics Demonstrating the health ofsaid Beardmore.something thats now required onefforts, including Project Cargo is theUKmarket,Warwickshire- Theavailabilityofheavymore routes than ever before. communication. With the many basedheavytransportandlift- haulageroutesthroughouttheWhateverthechallenges,shareholdersinvolvedthrough-ingcompanyAllelysrecentlyUKiscompromisedandourdemand on the logistics sectorout the process, communications announcedsubstantialinvest- internalroutespecialistsareto service UK renewable energyis a priority, Noguchi said.ment in new equipment, at leastworkingharderthanevertoprojects is unlikely to slow anyMaintainingclearcom-inpartinspiredbytherenew- identify viable routes.time soon. munications is the best way to ables boom.Forexample,wehavecreate a shared view of expecta-Accordingtochiefcom- been supporting customers withtions,addressanydisruptions, mercialofficerRichardBeard- overbridging solutions for many(HEADWINDScontinuedand deliver successful outcomes, more, the Allelys shopping spreeyears, so that when theres a routefrom page 14) regardless of any headwinds or includedmultiplegirderframeRichard Beardmore, Allelys CCO withculvertsorbridgeswithlines, airlines, and trucking com- mitigating circumstances.Liberty Global Logistics LLCA Leading Ocean Shipping & Logistics Company516-488-8800 LibertyGL.com1979 Marcus Ave # 200, Lake Success, NY 11042'