b'44American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comIntermodal facility creates new link to ease supply chain demandsSC Ports looks to accommodate future growth andCAROLINA capacity needs. By Brenda Silva, AJOT PORTS 2024In the Southeastern Unitedbooming,withagrowing States, the impact of a growingpopulationdrivingimports population has East Coast portsandnewmanufacturing looking to ease the burden of aninvestmentsspurring exports. already-stressedsupplychain.SouthCarolinaPortsiswell-Assuch,manyportshavepositioned for this growth with projects underwaywith mosta 52-foot-deep harbor, efficient including expansion plans andterminals, new capacity on the infrastructure improvements horizon,andanimpressive tohelpalleviateshippinginland port network.bottlenecksandcargodelays. AtSouthCarolinaPorts,thec argoc ommoDItIesg etpurchaseofadditionalpropertyr aIlr elIefandtheconstructionofaAs a solid competitor for newintermodalfacilityareEast Coast shipping business, twokeyprojectsexpectedto(CREATEScontinued on addresscurrentsupplychainpage 48) South Carolina Ports is well-positioned with a 52-foot-deep harbor, efficient terminals and new capacity on the horizon.challenges,andhelpprepare SC Ports for future growth.P oPulatIonP roblemsanDP ortP lannIngAmong the shared challenges beingfacedbytheshipping industry (i.e. lack of available staff,employeeeducation/training, infrastructure issues, transportationbottlenecks, pirates, tariffs, etc.), there are also additional challenges that are specific to certain areas of thecountry.IntheSoutheast, forexample,bothstatesand portsarefeelingthegrowing impact of a growing population, asmorepeoplearrivedaily, increasingthedemandsof suppliers and shippers that are already stretched too thin to be as efficient as they want to be for their clients.At SC Ports, a spokesperson reported, Shippers and companies arefocusedonadjusting and responding to the major populationshifttothe SoutheasternUnitedStates, especiallypost-COVID.We hear a lot about how companies havetoevaluateandadjust future supply chain needs for theSoutheastmarket,and they look to us for solutions. SCPortsisinvestingtoday to ensure we can continue to meetourcustomersfuture capacity needs.The spokesperson continued, Ourrecentinvestmentsin theNavyBaseIntermodal Facility, the purchase of the WestRockpropertyadjacent toourNorthCharleston Terminal,andexpansionof InlandPortGreer,allmake SCPortswellpreparedto handle growth for many years to come. We are adding rail infrastructure, cargo capacity, andenhancedoperationsat boththePortofCharleston terminalsandrail-served inland ports. SC Ports offers reliable,highlyproductive port service in the Southeast to speed goods to market.Barbara Melvin, SC Ports PresidentandCEO,added, TheSoutheastmarketis'