b'36American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(PURSUEcontinued fromIn a world where you wantother Canadian ports and ports page 34) to optimize strings which havearound the world, we continue parties have currently respondedthelowestcarbonfootprint,to navigate the effects of infla-toaninternationalrequestforMontrealoffersthedeepesttion,generalconsumerand proposals which will also closeinlandportbringingcargoeseconomicweaknessandgeo-off by the end of Q1 2025. Bothdestined for the Quebec, Ontariopolitical challenges that impact processes,therefore,finishatandtheMidwestmarkets.Wecontainerized cargo.the same time in 2025. arereducingfootprintandgasContainerized cargo declined Duringthecourseoftheemissionsatthemostefficientby just over 9% to 546,163 TEUs interview,Mr.Birdunderlinedslotcostscomparedtodoingbut was consistent within a five-Contrecoeursfuturecompetitivethings another way. yearaveragelevel.Ofspecial contributiontowhathasbeenOn the environmental front,note: the port received 107 large widely described as the Montrealthe port is working on compen- containerships of 10,000 TEUs Model. sation plans and mitigation mea- or greater. Total port-wide traf-sures to meet the several hundredfic increased to 9.9 million tons conditionsofthefavourablefrom 9.6 million tons in 2022. DP World terminal at Saint John to receive two additional cranes. DP World2021decisionreceivedbytheWeworkedwithourpart-ImpactAssessmentAgencyofnerstoachievesolidresultsinIn May of this year, the portterminal operated by DP World. Canada.Mr.Birdreportsthat2023 and Im proud of the workreceivedthefirstfourofeightThelatterwelcomedtwo the MPA has already completedby everyone on our team at theelectric rubber tyre gantry cranesadditionalpost-Panamaxcranes most of the 367 conditions andPort to deliver exceptional service(E-RTG)forterminaloperator boosting capacity to four cranes 268engagements.Hefeelsonce again, MacIsaac said. WithPSA Halifaxs Atlantic Hub. Theandtheabilitytohandlemore veryconfidentthemitigationour partners at PSA Halifax, CNfinalbatchoffourisslatedtocargo quickly.measures will protect all speciesRail, labour and trucking, and thearrive later in 2024. As a result of the upgrades, going forward. framework set out in our 50-Yeartheportsmanagementforesees Inconclusion,BirdsingledPlan,Halifaxiswell-positionedP orts aIntj ohn annualcontainer-handlingcapacity out the green significance of theto capture opportunities as econo- AtthePortSaintJohn,advancing from 325,000 TEUs in Contrecoeur project. Contrecoeurmiesrecoveraroundtheworld,total traffic (mainly oil related)2023 to 800,000 TEUs by 2025.Paul Bird, Chief Commercial Officerwill be a 100% electrified termi- and to demonstrate the importanceincreased slightly to 27.9 millionEarlythisSeptember,DP of the Port of Montreal(Photo: Hlnenal. It will be carbon neutral fromof planning for sustainability in alltonsin2023.Butasawhole,WorldandPortSaintJohn Maillot, Montreal Port Authority) day one. All ships will be able toaspects of operations. 2023 proved to be a stellar yearannounced they will welcome two connect to shore power. Lookingaheadto2024,for the Bay of Fundy port withadditional cranes to the terminal Our model is different. WeinvestmentwillcontinueinthecompletionoftheWestbeforetheendoftheyear.The are, in fact, a port of destinationP ort ofh alIfax projectssuchastheextensionSideModernizationprojectcranes will arrive from the Port of andnotaportofcall.ShipsForthePortofHali- atOceanTerminalstoprovideand its performance as the soleVirginia, joining the four existing comefullinandleavefullout.fax,2023wasasolidyearmoreyardspaceforcontainerCanadian port to show containercranes to bring the total number to Onaverage,wehandle4,800incargoandcruiseactivity.operationsatPSA,consolida- cargo growth. six. They are expected to be opera-TEUsonafull-in,full-outshipInhisassessmentofperfor- tionofbreakbulkbusinessatTheportscontainertraffictional in early 2025.compared to any port of call onmance,PaulMacIsaac,SeniorRichmondTerminalsandtheattained 153,000 TEUs in 2023 the East Coast, whether it be NewVice-President,declared:Weexploration of sustainable cruisecomparedtojustover100,000P ort ofs ePt - lesYork/New Jersey, Halifax or Saintwelcomedmorethan100shipexpansiontoDartmouthTEUs in 2022. Work was begunFor the Port of Sept-les, on John. Even at NY/NJ, the averageUltra-Class vessels, and saw athat complements the surround- onenhancementstoincrease(PURSUEcontinued on is 2,200 TEUs. return in cruise visits, but likeing community. laydownareaatthecontainerpage 37)With more than 250 locations across five continents, we are a premier terminal SSAMarineoperator offering a full spectrum of services and cargo handling.www.ssamarine.com A Carrix Enterprise'