b'18American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(LIFTcontinued froma logistic suppliers perspective, page 12) Schoellersaid:Itistruethat renewable energy projects in thewind equipment shipments have next five years. Offshore projectsshiftedfrombeingspecialized worth more than $80 billion are inproject cargo to a standard cargo the works, compared to approxi- in our industry.mately$25billionforonshoreThis especially applies to wind.Withinthat,theUnitedtheonshorewindcomponents, Kingdom accounts for more thanfor which the sheer demand of 40% of offshore wind investment,onshore wind equipmentboth while Germany comes in secondin the past and in the futurehas with more than 15% of upcomingmade it attractive cargo not just offshore wind projects. forspecializedprojectand heavyliftvessels,suchasthe e xPanDIngs coPe AAL fleet, but also for bulk car-Sincetheintroductionofriers, and even containerships. our new Super B-Class fleet inThis has certainly pushed 2024, AAL is now expanding itsthe margins down. The dimen-scope in the wind energy busi- sionsofoffshorecomponents, nessforbothonshoreandoff- however,stillrequirethespe-shore wind transport, with thesecializedfleetofprojectandB115 wind blades being loaded by deugro at the Port of Aalborg, Denmark.vessels specifically designed forheavy lift carriers.this segment, said Schoeller. Notwithstanding his enthu- deugro to expand Europe wind energy divisionThe accommodation blocksiasmfortheUKmarket, hasbeenplacedattheforeofSchoeller noted some of the lim-the vessel to improve visibilityitations of working in the coun- By Luke King, AJOTwhen carrying wind blades thattry. Some common challenges aretiered,whiletheretract- when working on UK renewableProject freight forwarder deugro says it willengineeringandtechnicalteamstocreatethe ableweatherdeckextensionenergyprojectsincluderoughexpand its Wind Renewable Energy Division inrequired products, making us placed to add value system, the AAL ECO-DECK,seas,strongwindsandunpre- Europe in response to rapid growth in the sectorto these clients by overcoming technical challenges booststhecleardeckspacetodictable weather conditions. across the continent. and meet the segment growth in demand.over 5,000 sq/m, meaning moreA recruitment drive within the wind energyWe will continue to make key hires over the blades per sailing. s Pacec onstraInts sectorformspartofdeugrosglobalstrategytoremainder of 2024 and beyond as we expand our The 150 m-long deck space,Another potential challengeincreaseinvestmentinthesustainableenergyfocus on this sector and help our clients achieve a meanwhile, is also well-suited forrelates to port infrastructuretheindustry, coinciding with the companys 100-year- greener, more sustainable future.turbine blades for offshore windavailability and capacity of suit- anniversary this year. deugro operates a green energy logistics hub projects, as they typically exceedableportscanoftenbelimitedOver the last few years, wind and renewablein the port of Wilhelmshaven, Germany, which will 100 m long and are growing inand,attimes,theinfrastruc- energy has played an increasingly vital role in thebe further developed to accommodate wind-related size.Therefore,withagreaterture older. Competition for portdeugro story, which led us to establish a divisionprojects. When complete at the end of this year, the focus on offshore wind, the UKspace,particularlyforoffshorefocused purely on Wind Renewable Energy sev- hub will service the needs of the forwarders clients is a market of great potential forwind projects, can lead to delayseral years ago, said Kasper Heiselberg, head ofin the onshore and offshore wind industry, provid-AAL and an area we will target. and increased costs.global wind renewable industry operations. ing unrestricted access for ocean-going vessels and Asked about the attractive- Furtherstill,inthelastWe focus on the changing needs of our cli- direct hinterland connections to Germanys free-ness of wind-related cargo from(LIFTcontinued on page 20) ents, and to stay ahead we are investing in ourways, as well as the European rail network.EUROPE - GREAT LAKES SERVICELiner servicebetween Europeand the Great LakesContainer service between Antwerp and Valleyfield, Cleveland and Duluth CONTAINERS Liner owned equipment door-to-door serviceBULK CARGOMore info:www.spliethoff.com or [email protected] CARGO'