b'28American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(GATEWAYcontinued from page 22) (TRENDScontinued from page 26) US Forest Products Exports in 2023export,providingClassAwarehousingLooking back at pre-COVID export anddistributionfacilitieswithconnec- numbers in 2017, China was the top des- Top Destinations 2017(US$ million) 2023(US$ million)tions to the North American rail network,tination for US forest products at $3.19 the inland waterways and major interstatebillion.However,in2023,ChinahadCanada 1,990.0 2330.0highways. The GSM team is ready andfallenintothesecondslot$1.48bil-available to work at other industrial siteslion,whileCanadahadtakenovertheChina 3,190.0 1480.0throughout Texas but more specially ontopat$2.33billion.LargelyovertheUnited Kingdom 730.1 1260.0the channel in the Houston area. lastdecadeChinaandCanadaflipped m anchester flopped over the position of one and twoMexico 700.9 977.0asexportdestinationsforforestprod-Manchester Terminal, of which GSMucts,thedifferencenowisthatChinaEuropean Union 601.7 944.2is the exclusive cargo handler, is ideallyhas fallen considerably farther back as an locatedattheintersectionoftheHous- export destination of US forest products.Japan 704.5 824.8ton Ship Channel and Sims Bayou and isPart of the reason is domestic eco-directlyconnectedtokeytransportationnomics:ChinaspropertysectorhasVietnam 264.2 252.9routes which is a huge advantage for break- beeninaprolongedslumpsince2021.Dominican Republic 84.4 106.5bulk, steal and project cargos. There areThere are doubts whether the sector has two deep water docks totaling 3,200 linearhitbottom,andinvestorconfidenceisBahamas 66.9 83.8feet of concrete, and Manchester Terminallow. A second factor is the ongoing trade has invested millions of dollars to ensurewar between the US and China. The de- Source: FASacleanandsafeworkingenvironment,couplingprocessthatcorporationsbothChinas manufacturing surplus is a prob- lion.ExportstotheUnited ArabEmir-includingstabilizingtheentireterminalinChinaandtheUShaveadoptedtolem that impacts every sector.ates (UAE) increased by 27%, reaching with an asphalt overlay for dust control.de-risk their sourcing activities has alsoHowever, the US is finding new trade10,192 cu/m while Saudi Arabia notched The75-acrefacilityhasover150,000contributed to a decline in bilateral busi- partnerstotakeuptheslack. Arecentan8%risewithatotalof4,472cubic square feet of warehouse and office spacenessalthough not to the extent in otherreportnotedthatUSlumberexportstometers shipped.and has Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) statussensitive sectors like tech. Added to thistheMiddleEastisgrowing.HardwoodAnd other trade partners like Mexico, throughout the entire terminal.isChinasexportsurgeacrossmultiplelumberexportstotheMENA(MiddleJapan the UK and EU are all buying more Freightforwarders,shippersandsectors that has alarmed trading partners.East North Africa) region grew 6% in theUS forest products, which bodes well for receivers like the proximity, security andWhether it is the EU, the US or Canada,firsthalfof2024,totaling$34.93mil- the industry.cargo handling expertise provided by GSM and the fact that they invested in modern technologies to enhance operations.c are L E B R A T I NGSM operates the Care terminal atE Gthe Port of Houston, located near Chan- Cnelview on a 32-acre site, where they pro-vide cargo handling services for bulk and breakbulkcargos,transloading,on-site1920-2020rail loading, container stuffing, warehous-ing and distribution and outdoor storage.OF CEThe terminal is located near the intersec- SERVItion of Interstate 10 and Beltway 8 so it is well connected to rail and road. Four miles from Care terminal is GSMs ClassSUCCESS STARTS WITH A WINNING TEAM!Acontainerfreightservicewarehous-inganddistributionfacilityonMarket Street.GSMscustomerscanleverageSince our establishment in 1920, we haveWE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS:the cost-effectiveness of breakbulk vessel transport,containerstuffingservicesatbeen providing our global customers aOn-site Storage and Multi-modalthe warehouse, then direct by rail or roadpremier level of service through superiorDistribution Servicesto customer destination, just one of thehandling and performance, technological manyoptionsopenforcustomersandadvancements, and a perpetual eye Customer Access to 24 hour Inventory Trackingfreight forwarders to consider. on customer satisfaction. Also, we offer oneStandard Berths and Ro-Ro Ramps are availablec eDarP ort of the most cost effective and reliable laborSpecially engineered Lifting GearThe Cedar Port Terminal near Baytownforces in the North Atlantic.Container Transloading from / to Rail or Truckoffers a wide range of services, includingWe have the ability to accommodate aOn-site service provided by 2 Class IContainer Freight Station (CFS) operations,Rail Carriersdrayage, and transloading. The terminal isvariety of automobile, breakbulk, bulk, well equipped with the necessary equipmentcontainer and forest products. OurEfficient Distribution to Two Thirds of the to handle general cargo, steel, bulk materi- distinction, is based on our ability to closelyUnited States and Canadian populations within als, and containerized cargo. Not far fromcoordinate your Stevedoring, Warehousing48 - 72 Hours Cedar Port is GSMs Baytown warehousingand Distribution Logistics. and distribution centre which is an excel-lent choice with over 240,000 square feet of prime space available. s afety anDs ustaInabIlIty at thef orefrontGSMapproacheseverydaywitha focus on safety and sustainability, which is reflected in their safety statistics. GSM has certified five terminals as part of theFOR MORE INFORMATION GreenMarineEnvironmentalProgramCONTACT US AT:underscoringtheircommitmenttosus-tainableoperations.ThisdedicationtoJH STEVEDORING, INC. environmentalstewardship,combined2147 South Columbus Blvd. withitsextensiveserviceofferingsandPhiladelphia, PA 19148strategicterminallocations,positionsTEL: 215-218-3060GSM as a leading partner for businessesFAX: 215-218-3078navigatingthecomplexworldofmari- WEB: www.jhstevedoring.comtime logistics in the Gulf Coast region.t urn - keys uPPlyc haIns olutIons PENN WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION, INC. GSM works closely with their cus- 2147 South Columbus Blvd. tomers and partners to find the right com- Philadelphia, PA 19148bination of services for reliable, efficient,TEL: 215-218-3000FAX: 215-218-3043cost-effective and innovative cargo han- WEB: www.pennwarehousing.comdling.Usingthelatesttechnologiesfor cargomanagement,safetyandsecurity and their user-friendly customer service portal, GSM has a lot to offer customers and supply chain partners and is ideally positioned to leverage their strategic loca-tion in the US Gulf Coast to support the localeconomyandglobalsupplychain for a strong future.'