b'22American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(ADAPTINGcontinued fromagainst the cost of not starting SPONSORED CONTENT page 4) as planned.policywillonlyprovideDSUYeshinsaidtoprovide coverage for debt service, stand- properlypricedDSUcover-Gulf Stream Marine - Connectinging charges and fixed expensesage,withadequatelimitsand while other programs will alsotherightwarrantiesinplace international and North American marketsincludenetprofit.Thefinalyou need to ensure that you are decision as to extent of coverageworking with insurers and bro-through the US Gulf Coast gateway ismadebytheclient.Under- kers that can go through the pro-writers will then price DSU cov- cessplus it requires a project erage accordingly. team that is aligned to having For over 30 years, Gulf Stream Marine (GSM)We consider ourselves fortunate to have builtthe project timeline and critical has been a leading marine cargo handling servicestrong relationships in the Gulf coast, with our port,t heD ownsIDe of milestones suitably established provider along the shores of the US Gulf Coast.vessel, rail, truck, and barge partners, and we credits tartIngu PP rojects inconjunctionwithinsurance GSM has continued to stand out as the go-to han- the high level of service our customers have comeMatthewYeshin,Manag- procurement. dler for breakbulk, bulk and project cargo with ato expect to this supply chain collaboration, saidingDirector-GlobalDigital solid reputation for specialized expertise, excellentRodney Corrigan, President of LOGISTEC. TheCargoLeaderforMarsh,saidm oDularc onstructIoncustomer service, quick turnaround and damage- GSM team is always ready to find innovative solu- the complexity of underwritingTheemergenceofmodu-free handling. tions that go beyond stevedoring to include newaprojectcargoDSUpolicyislarconstructionascontractors GSM is a major player in the Gulf Coast region,services like container freight handling, drayage,compoundedbythevastarrayseek lower costs has enlarged a makingsmartinfrastructureinvestmentstogrowwarehousing and distribution, providing them withofvariablesthatcouldpoten- market for project cargo insur-with their customers for the future. GSM operatesturn-key options from vessel to destination. tially cause a delay in start-up.ers. Kinsey said marine insur-port terminals in Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Free- Manchester Terminal has evolved into a leadingIdentifyingthesevariablesisance risk engineering is critical port and Houston (Texas), Lake Charles (Louisiana)destination for breakbulk, bulk and container shippersquitedifferentthanevaluatingto projects using modular con-and Pascagoula (Mississippi) but their reach doesntlooking to access the Houston market, said Vinnyperils that could damage cargostructionprinciples.Giventhe stop there. They are a part of the larger LOGISTECPilegge,PresidentofManchesterTerminal,LLC.in transit, he said.sizes and weights of the com-network of 89 terminals and 60 ports across CanadaWorking with GSM, we have created an efficientEveryone involved should haveponents, front end collaboration and the US. This connectivity is a plus for customersfacility that is unique in the Houston market. Man- asolidunderstandingofwhaton the safety and efficient trans-looking for the same reliable service in other partschester terminal offers a complete range of servicesisgoingintotheprojectsuchport methodologies are critical, of North America, bringing their products closer toand expertise to safely handle all commodities.as the incoming equipment andhe said. their end markets along the Atlantic coast and in theBBC has been doing business with GSM andlead times and when that equip- Wolfesaidmodularization Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway. Solid rela- LOGISTEC for many years, and we share the samement needs to be installed percreated new and increased expo-tionships with rail, trucking, barge and vessel opera- vision to deliver superior, reliable and innovativetheexpectedtimelineaswellsuresformarineprojectcargo tors across the network has provided an integratedservices for the competitive market in Houston,aswhatcontingenciesthereunderwriters than site assembled service focused on operational excellence.said Tim Kopfensteiner, President BBC Charteringmay be for installing equipmentstick-builtconstructionprac-USA. We know that cargo handled by GSM willoutsidetheoriginallyplannedtices which had low limit risks. a w InnIngc ollaboratIon be treated safely, with attention to detail. timeline,Yeshinsaid.AndHecalleditthenewnormal Known for their expertise in cargo handling,thenthefinancialimplica- again emphasizing most insurers from applying the latest technologies and equipmentI nnovatIves olutIons forh ouston anD tions of running over the targetwill not write modular projects to the planning of the load or unload, to docksideI nlanDm arkets start date as a result of a piecewithout marine surveyors being storage or warehousing to loading onto rail or truck.OperatingthreemajorterminalsinHouston,ofequipmentnotarrivingoninvolved in the entire process. GSMs team of specialized experts customize theirstrategically located in the heart of the citys indus- time.ThismayalsoincludeIt dramatically changed the services to meet their customers needs, and the part- trialcentre,GSMhandlescargoforimportandthe costs related to expediting(ADAPTINGcontinued on ners they work with that make this possible. (GATEWAYcontinued on page 28) replacement if that is an option,page 50)'