b'14American Journal of Transportation ajot.comPort of Albanys offshoreCARING FOR strategy takes another stepThe Port of Albany, locatedYOUR CARGO nearly 130 miles north up the Hudson River from the mega- FOR 50+YEARStwinportofNew York/New JerseyandtheAtlantic.At glance, this might seem a little distantfromtheproposed offshorewindfarmsofthe USNortheastbutoncloser inspection, it might just be the right place. Foryears,thePortof Albany [and cross river portRich Hendrick, Generial Manager ofRensselaer]havebeenat the Port of Albanyassociated with commoditiesdecided to spend $5.25 million like cocoa beans, grain, steel,to buy 81.6 acres in Bethlehem, woodpulp and in recent timesa plot of land just south of theAlbany, NY Eastport, ME Lake Charles, LA Port Manatee, FL Thorold, ONover-sizedprojectmoves,existingterminal.The2018Burns Harbor, IN Hamilton, ON Milwaukee, WI Tampa, FLsuch as large electric genera- purchase from Beacon Harbor tors and onshore wind powerLLCinNovember2018was equipment. In support of suchpart of a long-term strategy to activities and with an eye onposition the Port of Albany for thefuture,theportsunder- whatmanyfeelcouldbethe taken a number of enhance- next great economic boom infmtcargo.com | 704.714.4644ment projects to improve thethe Northeastoffshore wind. ports infrastructure.Howbigaboom?Offshore Mostrecently,inMaywindisestimatedbyWoodAJOT_November2020.indd 1 2020-10-14 12:28:27thePortawardedcontractsMackenzie [analyst best knownJFK Trafc For July 2020to build a 60,000 sq/ft ware- for their work in offshore oil] in house to handle the increasedtheir study that the sector wouldJuly % Year-to-Date % 12 months %demandforwoodpulpanddraw $17 billion in investmentsPassengersothercommodities.Financ- within five years and $166 bil-ingforthewarehousewilllion within fifteen yearsandDomestic 384,332 -85.1 5,965,436 -64% 17,608,709 -38.3come through a $50 millionsomeobserversbelievetheseInternational 252,551 -92.7 614,415 67.7 20,870.201 -38.7capitalfundthatincludesare conservative estimates.$17 million from the federalAtfirstglanceitseemsFreight (short tons)governmentsTransportationit was a bold move for a portDomestic 9,037 50.6 182,838 8.7 297,142 2.8InvestmentGeneratingEco- located130milesinland nomicRecovery(TIGER)fromtheAtlantic,butonInternational 4,237 -39.7 439,794 -28.2 883,350 -20.2program,plus$23millioncloser examination there is aTotal 86,758 -20.2 622,632 -20.2 1,180,492 -15.4from the New York State andcompelling logic to Albanys $10 million from the port. venture. After all, some of theMail 3,944 -38.1While handling bulk andveryattributesthatAlbany breakbulkcommoditiesishasalwayshadareequally grist to the mill for the Port ofimportanttofuturemar- JFK Airport airfreight falls in first halfAlbany by far the biggest andkets. Tostartwiththeloca-mostambitiousupgradetotion 130 miles north of NewUnsurprisingly, airfreightJFK fell by 89.4%the sharp- Blue,American,Norwegian the ports handling capabilityYork City, 175 miles south ofatNewYorksJFKairportest decline among PANYNJsand British Airways accounted is the addition of the Bethle- Montreal, 135 miles west offell in the first half of 2020topairports(-5.382millionfor the majority of the losses as hem site. Boston and 260 miles east ofaspassengertrafficsufferedpassengers).Theinternationaltheyjointlytransported1.421 Buffalolinkedbyrail,roadsteep declines due to Covid-19sector(accountingformoremillionfewerpassengers. h EadIngo ffshorE and waterway is still as criti- related measuresand with thethan half of JFKs total passen- Domestic passenger traffic at Acoupleofyearsagocal today as it was in the past.cutbacks in flights, belly cargoger activity) saw its passengerJFKplunged85.1%(-2.188 General Manager Rich Hen- (STRATEGYcontinued onfreight tonnage suffered. volume sink by 92.7% (-3.194million travelers). Delta, Jet-drick and the Port of Albanypage 15) Totalpassengertrafficatmilliontravelers).Delta,Jet- Blue and American posted a combined loss of 2.049 mil-lion travelers. The impact spilled over to the freight side of the business as JFKs total freight activity sawa20.2%drop(-21,961 shorttons). Asintheprevi-ous five months, the fall was entirelydrivenbytheinter-nationalsectorsfifthsuc-cessive double-digit decrease (-39.7%/-33,867short tons),whiledomesticcargo improved.Increaseddemand ofe-commercedrivenprod-ucts was reflected in increases in domestic deliveries. JFKs domesticairfreightbusiness surged(+50.6%/+11,906 tons), a trend still in play.JFK Air Freight By Market 12 Months Ending June FreightDomestic 297,142Canada 236customs brokers&freight forwarders Caribbean + Bermuda 6,225Centeral and South America 47,280www . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041 Mexico 9,019Transatlantic 505,524Transpacic 315,06611'