b'6American Journal of Transportation ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1Dedicated lanes for pool chassisOat Port of NY&NJ through a better use ofONNEESSHHIIPPContainervesselscall- times ing the Port of New York andresources for all gate moves as New Jersey are getting largerport volumes continue grow.C onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggooand we are serving more ofJohnNardi,Presidentof these larger vessels each year.NewYorkShippingAsso-JustthispastweekendweciationandCo-Chairofthe welcomedtheCMACGMCouncil on Port PerformanceBrazil, a 15,072 TEU vesselEachcontainerterminal andthelargesttoevercallwillprovideinstructionsto the US East Coast. One thirdthetruckingcommunityon of the total container volumewhere these lanes are located in the Port through July wasand how to use them. shippedonavesselwithaImplementing dedicated capacityof10,000TEUorlanesforpre-inspectedpool more.Justthreeyearsagochassisisagreatsolution whentheBayonneBridgethatwilldecreaseconges- A SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE RORO Customer ServiceNavigational Clearance Proj- tion at the marine terminals,Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday 877-918-7676Export Customer Serviceect was completed, less thanimprovetruckerproductiv- FROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235seven percent of all containerityandturntimes,andalsoTO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Export Documentation volume in the Port was trans- reduceemissions.GreatforANTWERP 1620 18888-802-0401DUBLIN 12 portedona10,000TEUoralltruckers.GreatfortheBELFAST 13Import Customer Servicelarger vessel.Port.Greatfortheenviron- GTEBORG 21888-802-0403LogisticsLargershipsmeanfewerment. JoeRagusa,Presi- HAMBURG 13 17 15 22 866-821-7449shipcalls,buteachvesseldentoftheMetropolitanLE HAVRE17 Credit & CollectionsLIVERPOOL 9 13exchangesmoreandmoreMarineMaintenanceCon- LONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747cargo in a single port call. Withtractors Association ROTTERDAM11 20more cargo being exchanged at one time, the need for efficiency andproductivitythroughoutCONECT PRESENTS THE 19TH ANNUALthe supply chain increases. The Ports Council on Port Perfor- NORTHEAST CARGO SYMPOSIUMmance(CPP)hasremained steadfast in continuing to work withleadersfromallsupply chain sectors to address issues VIRTUAL EVENT thatimpacttheproductivity, efficiency and competitivenessTwo Days of Expert Industry EducationNovember 9 & 10, 2020of the gateway.With 85 percent of con-tainerizedcargoinourport beingmovedbytruck,the chassis are an essential com-ponentofthesupplychain. The various intermodal equip-mentprovidersservingthe port have done an incredibleTrade Day KeynoteTransportation Day KeynoteMario Cordero, Special Guest Speaker Randall Donlen, Barb Secor,Executive Assistant Comm.Comm. Rebecca F. Dye,Executive Director, Kate Weiner, Sr. Director, TransportationSenior Director of Global job in recent years to increaseBrenda Smith, Federal MaritimePort of Long Beach Director, Global Customs& Logistics, Tapestry, Inc. Trade Compliance,the supply of chassis and withOffice of Trade, U.S. CBP Commission Regulatory Affairs, Cargill Thermo Fisher ScientificthesupportoftheInterna-tional Longshoremens Asso-ciationmechanics,improve the quality and safety of the units and decreasing the out of service level of chassis to single digits. WiththechassisnowMatthew Bock, Ken Kellaway, Greg BrinkmanUffe Ostergaard isMatthew E. Novak,allbeingconsolidatedinoffPartner, Middleton Shrull Peter Friedmann, President & CEO,Vice President InboundPresident of Hapag-LloydVice President of Distribution terminaldepots,acomplete& Bock, LLC Principal, FBB FederalRoadOneLogistics,(America), LLC.& Transportation,Relations; Washington, intensiveroadabilityinspec- D.C., Counsel for CONECT IntermodaLogistics Bobs Discount Furniture The Global Plumbing Group, tionisconductedbeforeaFortune Brandstrucker leaves the depot withTRADE DAYMON., NOV. 9, 1:003:30 PM Transportation DayTUES., NOV. 10, 1:003:30 PMa chassis. The chassis wouldTopicsthenbesubjecttoasecondTopicsinspectionuponarrivalataForced Labor, enforcement investigations, penaltyDetention and demurrage, ocean freight market, containerterminalwhichismitigation, notifications, appeals, trade remedies,port congestion, carriers capacity deployment, most often, just minutes later.E-commerce, USMCA, China & Europe in 2021, best COVID-19 practices for BCOs and moreIn an effort to further stream- and moreline the process at the termi- Additional Participantsnalandincreaseefficiency,Additional ParticipantsMichael Murphy, Camerican Internationalwearepleasedtoannounce Lenny Feldman, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A.Alison Leavitt, Wine & Spirits Shippers Associationthat beginning Monday, Sep-tember21,2020,therewill David Murphy and Bob Silverman, GDLSKNicole Uchrin, Gemini Shippers Associationbededicatedgatelanesat Amy Magnus, A.N. Deringer, Inc. Kendall Kellaway III, RoadOne IntermodaLogistics,eachcontainerterminalfor Paula Connelly, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A. and CONECT CYP Chairpersonpre-inspected pool chassis. A trucker presenting a pool chas- ALSO FEATURING:sis in one of these lanes will onlybesubjecttoacursoryNetworking Opportunitiesinspection.ThisisanotherREGISTER Chat Sessionsimportantstepinproviding efficiencies and reliability forNOW!Sponsor Exhibitschassis which was one of the NEI Points (5 Total)CPPs top priorities. at CONECT.orgGrand Prize Weekend Getaway DrawingImplementingdedicated lanesforpre-inspectedpoolPARTNERSHIPS, SPONSORSHIPS AND BOOKLET ADS ARE AVAILABLE!chassisisanotherstepinCall Coalition of New England Companies for Trade at 508-481-0424 or go to CONECT.org for details.improvingtruckprocessing AJOT_FP_101620v3.indd 1 10/16/20 3:06 PM'