b'18American Journal of Transportation ajot.comai16032848307_RoRo.pdf 1 10/21/2020 8:53:51 AM(INTERVIEWcontinued fromwereattheirlowestduetoCOVID. page 17) Our container gains reflect the increas-exampleofapublic-privateinvest- ing popularity of e-commerce. Weve mentwithCSX,thestateofMary- alsohadsignificantincreasesinourSecond 50 Foot land, and others.project cargo business, including han-AJOT:HowwilltheHowarddling15hugeGeneralElectricheatDeep BerthStreetTunnelcomplementtheworksteam recovery generators.beingdoneatSeagirtTerminalAJOT:TheRo/Robusinesshas the development of new berths (withbeenamajorcallingcardforthe 50-footdepthalongsideandNeo- Portoftendescribedasthemost Panamax handling capabilities)? completeRo/RoservicesinNorth Doyle:TheycomplementeachAmerica with both import and export other very well.We continue to workloadshow has business rebounded closely with our public-private partnerin recent months?at Seagirt, Ports America Chesapeake.Doyle:Ro/Roisalsoonthe Workisprogressingonthesecondrebound.Baltimore has the highest 50-footdeepberththatwillallowmarket share in the nation for high and twomassiveshipstovisitthePortheavy farm and construction machin- Cof Baltimore simultaneously. Under- ery.We have all the major ocean carri- Mwater analyses and retrofit construc- ers call on Baltimore and we also haveYtion are underway, and in December,aunique,industry-renownedqualityCMtheMarylandPortAdministrationsprogramforRo/Ro.ThisprogramMYselectedcontractorwillbedredg- brings together all the key membersCYing the berthing area. That berth, andin the Ro/Ro supply chain monthly toKCMYfour new supersized cranes arriving ingo over the past months performance April, are expected to be operationaland discuss best practices.It has been bysummer2021.Wearealreadya very well-received program over the seeingcontainerreboundsfromtheyears.Also, I cant say enough about COVID-19pandemic.Infact,ourourincrediblelongshoreworkforce. OctobercontainernumbersshouldThosemenandwomenareexperi-be the first year-over-year gains sinceencedwithRo/Roandareamajor the pandemic began.But for Tropicalreason for our success.Storm Beta, our September 2020 con- AJOT: Refrigerated/reefer cargo tainer volumes would have increasedhas generally been in high demand in by three percent over 2019, as we hadthe US, has the Port experienced an three delayed container ships show upuptick in reefer movements? on October 1st.Our skilled longshoreDoyle: Yes, we have. People have workforce also recently set a recordbeen cooking and eating at home more with 5,536 container moves from theduring the pandemic.MTC Logisticsmarylandports.com | 1.800.638.7519 |Maersk Edinburgh.withinthePortofBaltimorereportedGovernor Larry Hogan MDOT Secretary Gregory Slater MDOT MPAExecutive Director William P. DoyleAJOT:InregardtoSeagirt,thethat their refrigerated and frozen food US Army Corps of Engineers recentlyvolumesareupyear-over-year,with awardedthePort$1.5milliontostorage imports on pace for a near 12 studynavigationimprovementsatpercentincreasewhileexportsareonanotherexampleoftheimpactsofNewYork/NewJersey(PANYNJ) Seagirt Marine Terminalspecificallypace for an eight percent rise over 2019.the pandemic on auto imports, as thereported, Autos moved through the the Seagirt Loop Channel. Could youMTC is a key partner for the Port and weport handled 22,732 vehicles in AprilPortofNewYorkandNewJersey explain a little about the current navi- are very happy to support their efforts. which dropped to 12,803 in May fol- totaled 37,888 in August, a decrease gation challenges at the terminal andlowed by 10,319 in June. Farther northof 28.2% compared to August 2019.how the study can help resolve them. on the West Coast the Northwest Sea- One of the few ports recording an Doyle: Were happy to be working(EFFECTcontinued from page 17) port Alliance(NWSA)reportedthatuptick in auto handling this year was with our great partners, the U.S. Armyjammed with undeliverable vehicles.throughAugust2020theportshadtheGeorgiaPortsAuthority(GPA). CorpsofEngineers,onthisproject.Theautosupplychainwascloggedhandled91,874unitscomparedtoTheGPA,whosemainro/rofacility This is a feasibility study that will lookwith vehicles as there was no outlet131,167 units for the same period inis located in Brunswick, reported in at deepening, widening, and improv- because sales had all but dried up. 2019a 30% drop.March [the GPA] handled 66,318 units ing efficiencies for the mega-ships thatTheresultwassimilarontheof cars, trucks and heavy machinery, an we continue to receive at Seagirt.Witha utoPorts s uPPly andd Emand EastCoastasthePort Authorityof(EFFECTcontinued on page 19)our50-footdeepchannelandNeo- In2020Panamax cranes, Baltimore is alreadyThePortofHueneme,whichTop North American Auto Handling Portsvery well positioned to accommodatehandlesmorethan340,000vehicles some of the largest ships in the world.annually along with a strong mix ofPorts 2019 UnitsNow, we want to create a loop chan- reefer cargo such as bananas, and like nel that will make it easier for shipsother West Coast auto ports, sufferedPort of Baltimore, MD 857,890to come in, maneuver, and head out.from the collapse of the auto market. Again, this will nicely complement theCEO & Port Director of the Port ofPort of Jacksonville, FL 696,000second-deep berth work as well as theHueneme Kristin Decas outlined theGeorgia Port Authority [Brunswick] GA 657,685Howard Street Tunnel project. problemsnearlyallautoportswere AJOT:TheJulycargonumbersnavigating in a May interview in thePort of NY/NJ570,023are showing signs of a rebound from theports house blog, There are two parts Covid-19emergency.Whathavebeento this equation, supply and demand.Port of San Diego, CA 480,000the prime drivers behind the uptick?The past month we have been helpingPort of Vancouver, BC 420,000Doyle:E-commerce,distributionourcustomersstoreadditionalauto-centerandfulfillmentcenterinvest- mobilesthatwerenotbeingsenttoPort of Hueneme, CA 342,510mentareallkeyduringtheCOVIDdealerships as a result of the stay-at-rebound.Baltimore is a logistics hub;home orders in several states. Now, asPort of Portland, OR 341,503weve invested a lot of capital in logis- the dealerships re-open and consumerPort of Davisville, RI 338,147tics.For instance, in August Amazondemand comes back up gradually, we opened another one million square footare still going to see a reduced levelPort of Long Beach, CA 302,811fulfillmentcenterthatsthefourthof shipments to the Port from that seg- Port of Charleston, SC 225,191such Amazon center opened in the pastmentuntilthemanufacturingplants few years.We continue to see positivecan resume production and re-estab- Philaport, PA 191,000cargo trends in our various key com- lish their supply chains. Fortunately modities.In August we had a 126 per- forHueneme,duringthepandemicPacic Northwest Seaport Alliance [Tacoma-Seattle], WA 155,930cent jump in cars from May.Cars werepeoplearestilleatingbananasandPort of San Francisco, CA 146,203down earlier in the year and now weotherperishablecommoditieswhich are seeing a buying surge sparked byhas helped offset the downturn.Port of Galveston, TX 131,373pent-up demand. Our general cargo was up 15 percent, our high and heavyo fc oursE , h uEnEmEw asnta lonE . Port of Los Angeles, CA 127,042machinery was up 10 percent, and ourPort of Portland, Oregon, anotherPort of Vancouver USA, WA 86,566containerswereupeightpercent,allmajor West Coast auto port that han-fromJunewhenourcargonumbersdledover340,000unitsin2019,isSource: Port Reports, Public Records 1'