b'4American Journal of Transportation ajot.comPercent of Port of NY/NJ US Trade By Country2019 %US2018 %US Trade TradeChina $34,676 18.9% $39,505 21%Germany $13,449 7.3% $14,007 7.4%India $12,895 7% $12,814 8%Italy $10,752 5.9% $10,449 5.6%Japan $8,746 4.8% $8,989 4.8%France $8,618 4.7% $8611 4.6%United Kingdom $7,061 3.8% $7,529 4.0%Vietnam $5,615 3.1% $5,509 2.9%South Korea $5,611 3.1% $4,851 2.6%Spain $4,274 2.3% $4,394 2.3%US $ MillionsSource: PANYNJ(COPINGcontinued from page 2) The first eight months of this year pandemic. Thanks to them the wheels ofsaw an increase of 1.4% in rail vol-global commerce kept turning.We haveumesover2019,accordingtoPort workedclosely withthemto ensure our workOnce people started shopping more, stores environment andstartedrestockingproductsthatenhance container-han- life at home. Jon Poelma, managing direc-dlingequipment wasdisinfected.tor at APM Terminals, Elizabeth, NJHandwashing stations were added throughout the ter- Authorityfigures,whilecontainers minal,masksandsanitizerdistributedmovingbyrailspikedby7.8%in and many other measures were taken.August year over year. On-dock rail WesparednoexpenseinprotectingserviceatGCTsBayonnefacility ourfrontlineessentialbegan last year.workersatthetermi- Somegrowth nal.Theirsafetyandisbeingdrivenby health protection wereproductionshiftsto ourtopconcern,South East Asia, wid-added Poelma. ening of the Panama ThediversionofCanal,andharborhe added. Our first and last port-of- ing significantly.cargo from West Coastdeepening in NYNJ,calladvantagecreatessomeofthe toEastCoastports,saidJohnAtkins,fastesttransittimesforrailcargo.E conomIcP owEr ofw IndincludingNYNJ,haspresidentofGCTWehaveseenexponentialgrowthThe interest in handling offshore accelerated during theUSA. We expect thein intermodal in NYNJ over the pastwindequipmenthasbeengather-pandemic. Ruda cred- production shift awayyear and look forward to continuinging momentum in many ports across itsraileconomicsfromChinatocon- the trend.North America, and the Port of New for that phenomenon.Jon Poelma, managing director attinue for the foresee- Intermodal offerings are also anYorkandNewJerseyisnoexcep-TherehasbeenaAPM Terminals, Elizabeth, NJ able future. important selling point for containertion. Wind is in on the radar screen, shiftespeciallyinintermodaldiscre- On-dock rail operations enhanceterminals at the port. We are aftersaid Ruda. It is an evolving business tionarycargoawayfromtheWestservicelevelswithfast,seamlessintermodalfreight,saidPoelma.opportunity and we have been looking Coast and to the East Coast, he said. connections to inland destinations,We are seeing rail volumes increas- closely at it.The challenge is to find the required lay-downareasfortheunwieldy towers, acreage which is hard to come by in the region. The South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, which is being rede-veloped, has advanced its candidacy as an offshore wind port. So,haveAPMandGCTNew York.Weareaterminaladeptat handlingout-of-gaugecargoandwe regularly handle yachts, said Poelma. We are looking at how we can be a part of the wind supply chain. Atkins describes GCT New Yorks location on Staten Island as perfect to facilitate construction of offshore wind farms.Meanwhile,AtlanticOffshore Terminals,acompanyorganizedin 2018, is developing the 30-plus acre ArthurKillTerminal,nearStaten Islandssoutherntip,asanoffshore wind staging area. The route between thatlocationandtheopenoceanis unobstructedbybridgesthatwould jeopardize the preferred vertical trans-portation of towers to offshore sites.1 n aVIgatIngt hrough thEP andEmIcRudacreditsPort Authorityand (COPINGcontinued on page 8)'