b'ocToBER 26 - NovERMBER 8, 2020NOrth AmericAs trANsPOrtAtiON & LOGistics NewsPAPer23Air C ArgoAir CArgoNEWSnewsThe vaccine cargo cavalry sizes upCincinnati CBP agriculture stops readiness of historic airlift 1,300 pounds of mooncakesU.S.CustomsandBorderofdollars;however,because The medical industrys dashlenge that the logistics industrytasklooksespeciallydauntingProtection(CBP)agricultureofanimaldiseasesendemicto to produce the worlds first coro- is facing today or maybe ever,ontopofthesustained,solidspecialists in Cincinnati recentlymany Southwest Asia countries, navirusvaccinesinjustafewsaidEmirPineda,managerofdemandforonlinemerchan- confiscated1,272poundsofeggproductsfromthatregion months is heightening the urgencyaviationtradeandlogisticsatdiseandbasicnecessitieslikemooncakes and 359 pounds ofposeahighrisktoAmerican for the workhorses of global tradeMiami International Airport andgroceriesthatarealreadyfill- otherprohibiteditemsduringagriculture.Chinaandmost to be ready for the historic chargeaboardmemberoftheasso- ing cargo planes and containerSpecialOperationOvertheSouthwestAsiancountiesare to defeat the disease. ciation,knownasTiaca.Theships. The cost of air freight isMoon.InanticipationofthehoststoHighlyPathogenic Only28%ofcompaniessupply chain is made up of manyup about 50% from a year ago,ChineseMid-AutumnFestival,Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Vir-involved in supply-chain logis- links and if one of those linksand seaborne shipping-containerwhichwascelebratedOctoberulent Newcastle Disease (vND).tics feel well prepared to handlebreaks, then were going to haverates have tripled since the start1, specialists intensified inspec- HPAI, historically known as Covid-19vaccinesand19%an issue. of the year. tionsonfreightcomingfromthefowlplague,causessevere characterizedtheirreadinessWithlittleprecisionaboutMeanwhile, transport com- China, Hong Kong, and South- respiratorydistressleadingto asveryunprepared,accordingwhen drug makers will producepanies have started mapping outeast Asiaduringthefirstfourorgan failure and hemorrhaging, to a survey that showed a wideenoughvaccinesformassdis- where the bulk of the vaccinesdays in October. andishighlylethaltodomes-swathbetweenoptimistsandtribution, logistics estimates arewill be producedin places likeTheMid-AutumnFestival,ticatedbirds.Somestrainsare pessimists. The poll, conductedhard to come by and inherentlyIllinois, North Carolina and thealsoknownastheMooncakeequally as dangerous to humans, in mid-September by the Inter- unreliable. Pineda said that theNortheast in the U.S., the U.K.,Festival,celebratesthanksgiv- with a 60% mortality rate. Viru-national AirCargo AssociationCovid-19 vaccine rollout aloneIreland and Germany in Europe,ing for a bountiful harvest andlent Newcastle Disease is another and Pharma.Aero, is part of anmay generate 65,000 tons of airandinAsiaspharmahubsinis the second largest festival inacute respiratory disease with a effort to coordinate widespreadfreight, more than four times theIndia and China. ChinaaftertheChineseNewhigh fatality rate in poultry. This delivery of the immunizations. amount of vaccines transportedWhile companies like FedExYear. It has been celebrated invirus is not found in the U.S., and Just over half of 181 respon- in 2019 and enough to fill 930Corp. and United Parcel ServiceChina for more than 3,000 years. agriculturespecialistswantto dents already have the vehicles,Boeing Co. 747 freighters. Inc. are investing in freezer space,Mooncakes, which are tra- keep it that way.Our specialists containersandtheconnectionstheres still concern about address- ditionally given to family mem- perform a critical border security neededtomovehundredsofd IffErEntB allgamE ingthelastmileofdistribu- bersandbusinessassociatesroleinsafeguardingAmericas millionsofvialsinaconstantThe drug industry has beention,particularlyinremoteandduringthisholiday,aresweetagricultural and natural resources deep-freeze.Almostaquartertransporting vaccines for manyoftenimpoverishedregionshardpastries filled with lotus seed orfrom harmful pests, and plant and said theyre still trying to pro- yearswithoutmuchfanfare,toreachwithextremerefrigera- bean paste and salted duck egganimaldiseases,saidSupervi-cure such equipment, the surveyso the expertise exists. But thetionanywhere from -20 to -80yolks. These pastries are highlysory Agriculture Specialist Bar-ofairlines,freightforwarders,magnitudeandcomplexityofdegrees Celsius (-4 to -12 degreesvaluedandcancosthundredsbara Hassan.airportoperatorsandgroundthiseffortwillrequiremuchFahrenheit) that will be required.handlers showed. more coordination between pri- Along parts of the vaccines Thepreparednessofthosevate industry, customs officials,journey, there will be electricity responsible for moving the med- governmentsandnon-govern- availableforrefrigerationand icine from manufacturing sites tomental organizations. battery-poweredcoolers.On health clinics worldwide is para- BeforeCovid-19,itwasotherlegs,though,thesurvival mount because the doses, once100%scalable:Weknewhowof the doses will depend on dry in transit, must stay ultra-cold asmanyflustherewereintheicepackedinboxes,raisinga they traverse a world economyworld, we know how many casesrange of risks including prema-where supply chains are alreadyof meningitis there were, saidture thawing to safety questions at capacity. The industry is alsoFrankVanGelder,secretary- for handlers because of the fumes tryingtoavoidbiddingwars,generalofPharma.Aero.Butemitted when it sublimates.shortagesandevery-country- suddenly you have a pandemic,The complexity of the mis-for-itself attitudes that sparked awhich captures the entire globalsioncouldexertstrainsonthe stampede for personal protectivepopulation and then you start tologisticsindustrysogreatthat equipment in the initial monthsplay a different ballgame. itmayrequiremilitarymight, of the pandemic. Suchalargeairliftwouldthroughauthoritieslikethe Thisisthegreatestchal- be difficult in normal times. TheU.S.s Civil Reserve Air Fleet, a program established in 1951 after the Berlin airlift that lets the Pen-Cainiao Partners with Atlas Airtagon use commercial aircraft for national-security reasons.to launch Asia to South Americac oldc orrIdorcharter program ItsaniPhone12launch onsteroids,saidNeelJonesMooncakes are sweet pastries filled with lotus seed or bean paste and CainiaoSmartLogisticsport Alibaba merchants operatingShah,globalheadofaircar-Network, (Cainiao), the logis- over 100,000 online shops, saidrierrelationshipsatSanFran- salted duck egg yolks.tics arm of Alibaba Group Hold- WilliamXiong,CainiaosChiefcisco-basedfreightforwarder ing Limited, have announced aStrategist and General Manager ofFlexportandaTiacadirector.Pilots spot person flying jet partnership to launch a charterExport Logistics. Our partnershipI would still say that the con-program with Atlas Air World- with Atlas Air will help us estab- fidence in our state of readinesspack near Los Angeles Airportwide Holdings, Inc. to enhancelish an efficient, reliable networkis maybe a 6.5 out of 10.Alibabasextensivelogisticsto South America and other world- That cautious optimism mayAuthoritiesareinvestigat- two separate planes saw what networkascross-bordertradewide destinations by significantlygrowasmorecompaniesstepingthesecondreportinlessappeared to be someone in a jet between China and Latin Amer- reducingairfreightdeliverytimein to help. Among the leaders inthan two months that a personpack as they prepared to land at ica continues to expand. for the merchants we support. cold-chain refrigeration is Thermoapparently flying a jet pack wasthe same airport, the FAA said CainiaosparcelvolumeWeareexcitedtosup- King, part of Trane Technologiesspotted by airline pilots near Losafter that incident.to South America reached overportCainiaoandAlibabasPlc,aDublin-basedmakerofAngeles International Airport. TheFAAsaiditalerted eightmillionpackagesinthefast-growinge-commercebusi- industrial equipment. Its position- The crew on a China Air- local law enforcement about the thirdquarterof2020,doubleness and its global expansion ining its line of units for each step oflinesLtd.jetarrivinginLosreport and will also look into it. thenumbertransportedduringSouth America, and we look for- the cold corridor that the logisticsAngeles saw the flying object atIf the object was a person in a the second quarter of this year.ward to developing our partner- industry is trying to establish. about 1:45 p.m. local time, thejet pack, it would be prohibited BeginninginNovember,Atlasship further, said President andWere trying to make all ourU.S. Federal Aviation Adminis- from flying in that area.AirwilloperatethreeweeklyChiefExecutiveOfficerJohncapacityavailable,Francescotration said in an emailed state- Theagencyreceivesthou-charter flights dedicated to Cai- Dietrich, Atlas AirWorldwide.Incalza,theheadofThermoment. It was about seven milessandsofreportsayearfrom niao, linking China with BrazilThe global scale of our oper- KingsbusinessinEurope.(11kilometers)northwestofpilots and others of drones and and Chile, reducing the overallating networks will enable Cai- When I hear, for instance, thattheairportatanaltitudeofothernon-traditionalflying shippingtimefromaweektoniao to continue to enhance itsthere is not enough capacity in6,000feet(1,829meters),objectsoperatingimproperly, three days on average. logisticscapabilitiesandmeetthe supply chain to move 8 bil- which would put it close to thethoughithasbeendifficultto AtCainiao,wecontinueits objectives to offer customerslion doses of vaccineif you getcitys downtown. verifythereportsortocatch to invest in our network to sup- faster deliveries globally. organized, there is capacity. OnAug.30,crewsfrommost violators.'