b'ocToBER 26 - NovERMBER 8, 2020Auto Logistics 17US Automaker Sales During Key Months of 2020 Interview with MPA Executive February March April May JuneBMW 27,204 16,474 10,123 22,497 27,524 Director Doyle Dailmer 31,650 19,170 12,112 27,901 29,492FCA 187,863 113,612 66,073 146,834 154,175 EditorsNote:William(Bill)P.DoylewasappointedbyMary-Ford Motor Co. 216,395 131,072 77,815 172,928 181,572 landGovernorLarryHoganastheExecutiveDirectorofthe General Motors 255,217 157,005 88,377 196,377 206,204 Maryland Port Administration (MPA) on July 22, 2020. As execu-tive director, Doyle oversees and manages the Helen Delich Bent-Honda Motor Co. 120,006 77,153 57,7561 120,977 114,774 ley Port of Baltimores six state-owned, public marine terminals.HyundaI-Kia106,777 81,500 66,479 104,696 97,090Nissan Motor Co. 123,865 75,006 36,256 74,864 78,491 By George Lauriat, AJOTSubaru 51,695 32,611 30,620 51,988 53,911 AJOT:What is the latest update on thefiled its completed environmental assessment Toyota 194,152 135,730 71,645 159,210 167,174 Howard Street Tunnel Expan- applicationwiththeFed-Volkswagen 53,994 32,710 21,053 46,784 49,128 sion Project? eralRailroadAdministration MPAExecutiveDirec- (FRA)onOctober2,2020 Mazda 28,385 15,664 10,940 24,933 25,326 tor Bill Doyle: The Howardwhichkickedoffa30-day Jaguar 9,222 9,606 3,888 7,528 7,904 StreetTunnelprojectisreviewperiodbytheFRA. Tesla 20,450 10,000 6,624 14,720 15,456 moving forward. The expan- Constructionisscheduledto sionoftheHowardStreetbegin next year, and it will be Volvo 7,841 5,487 3,866 9,519 10,385 Tunnelfordouble-stackrailoperational in 2024.The proj-Source: US Census is something that has been aect will increase our container priority for the State of Mary- throughput by about 100,000 (EFFECTcontinued fromoff WestCoastportsloadedlandandthePortofBalti- containersannually.Notall page 16) withvehiclesthathadnomoreforaverylongtime.thosecontainerswillgoout Ti in their recently releasedplace to land because all theItwillbeagame-changerby rail though, as some will studyAutomotive Logistics, Aavailable tarmac ashore wasfor the Port.Right now, thebe delivered by trucks to our market in crisis observed, In(EFFECTcontinued onproject is in the environmen- William P. Doyle, MPA Port Directorlocal market.This is a great some respects, even more con- page 18) tal review and planning phase. In fact, CSX(INTERVIEWcontinued on page 18)cerning to the sector has been thecollapseinsalesdriven bytheCOVID-19pandemic. ThishasdisruptedbothsalesLIBERTY GLOBAL LOGISTICS llcandproduction.Theweak-nessofshort-termcashflows has forced many VMs to seek financefromcentralbanks Such has been the destabilisa-tion of VMs that governments have been working behind the scenestoarrangemergersover the summer of 2020 the Japanesegovernmentwas pressing for Nissan and Honda to arrange some sort of merger.Becauseoftheglobal nature of the auto industry, the impacts on production varied. WhiletheUSwasshutter-ing its production in the first quarter,automakersincoun-tries like South Korea, Japan and China and in some cases Europe, were either emergingOFFERING REGULAR SAILINGSfrom the pandemic or had yet to feel the full impact.Hyun- INTO THE MIDDLE EASTTakethecaseof dai. The South Korean auto-maker was back to nearly full domesticproductionbythe end of March after recovery fromtheFebruaryeffects1of the pandemic. The South Koreanautomakerwasable to initiate the startup because oftherecoveryinSouth Korea and also because parts supplied by China and other Asiansupplierswereback onlineasthosecountries recovered from the pandemic. And Hyundai began shipping theirpopularTucsonSUVs to the US33,990 vehicles, a4.3%increaseover2019, according to a Reuters report. But at that moment there was no market in the US for SUVs or for that matter any- Liberty Global Logistics (LGL), an owner and operator of RORO vessels in International Trades, announces theythingelseasthedoorsofhave increased their sailingsto three (3) per month from the U.S. into the Middle East and surrounding areas.car dealerships were locked, layoffsrampantandstayat home orders issued in manyCONTACT US AT:Ports of call -Beaumont, Freeport, Jacksonville, states. The vehicles like thosePhone: 516-488-8800 Baltimore, Wilmington, Boston, Livorno, Beirut,from other foreign automak- Website: www.LibertyGL.com Aqaba, Jeddah, Jebel Ali, Abu Dhabi, Hamaders were being shipped to aKuwait, Dammam, Karachimarket-less market in the US.For Rate Quotes: [email protected] Transshipment -Mersin, Alexandria, Bahrain, The result was PCTCs parkedFor Bookings: [email protected] Mumbai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Sohar'