b'22American Journal of Transportation ajot.comWorld Trade Association of PhiladelphiaPort of Oakland Maritime Director Brandes hosts 2nd Annual Golf Outing predicts strong fourth quarterThe World Trade Association of Philadelphias 2nd Annual Jan Fuhrer MemorialBy Stas Margonanis, AJOTGolf Outing was held on Friday, September 25th at the Scotland Run Golf Club in Phila-delphia. 72 golfers began the day with breakfast and a bloody Mary bar.Golf was fol- InaninterviewwithAJOT,Bryanincrease the volume of international ship-lowed by a cocktail hour, lunch, and awards presentation. Brandes,thenewmaritimedirectorforments moving through Oakland. The Sea-the Port of Oakland, also projects: Theport Logistics Complex is right next to the first quarter of 2021 also looks to be aPorts new $100 million rail yard. Construc-strong quarter. tion is projected to be completed by the end of 2020. Pma r aIlr EPort Transload facility. A third rail trans-A recent Pacific Maritime Associa- load facility for dry goods is also planned. tion report warned that British Columbia ports could take away up to 45% of theB lanks aIlIngsintermodal business from the Asia oceanAlongwithotherports,Oakland carriertradeofU.S.WestCoastportshas suffered from uncertainties related to dependent on U.S. Midwest customers. recent ocean carrier arrivals and departures The PMA report cited high rail ratesdue to cancelled or blank sailings. These charged by the Burlington Northern Santawere instituted by the carriers in response Fe(BNSF)andtheUnionPacific(UP)to reduced demand in March caused by the totaling $400 per container between U.S.Covid pandemic, Brandes said.West Coast ports and Chicago. This wasPeter Friedmann, executive director,(L to R) vince PintamalliGloucester Terminal, Todd BrownHolt Logistics,the most significant of several factors thatAgriculture Transportation Coalition rep-Bill MendekHamburg Sud, Eric HoltHolt Logistics could cause the U.S. ports to lose their Asiaresenting agricultural exporters has cited trade to lower cost freight charges betweentheseschedulechangesasadisruptive the U.S. Midwest and the British Columbiaforce on his members.ports of Prince Rupert and Vancouver. Brandes says, There isnt a lot of con-As the first ports of call from Asia,trol that we have over carrier schedules, but the Ports of L.A. and Long Beach havewecanfacilitatecommunicationbetween themostrailrequirementstotransportthe parties and we can publicize those sched-importcontainerstoMidwestdestina- ule changes on our website to help alert ship-tions. We are the second port of call andpers with the latest information.so our rail business is much smaller. We are, however, looking to expand rail con- I mProVIngt ruck& r aIlt raffIcnections to Salt Lake and Denver. Brandessaidthattherearethree improvementsatthePortthatshould f ocusIng onE xPorts improve the flow of truck and rail traffic Brandes said that Port of Oakland is for- reducing delays: They are:tunate to have a market that is 50% importThe 7th Street grade separation. This and50%exportandishopefulaboutitswillimproveroadwayflowsfortrucks export market potential: We are the secondand rail. The project will elevate the inter-(L to R) John Antonucci721 Logistics, Dave collins721 Logistics,port of call and so exporters can load exportsection between Maritime and 7th Streets, Ron DorazioMatson Logistics,christopher DillonTransGlobal Foods, Inc. containers in Oakland and have a faster tran- reconstructanailingrailroadunderpass sit time than from L.A. and Long Beach toand construct a new rail spur. The project Asia. Also, we are right next to the San Joa- is anticipated to be completed in 2023 and quin Valley, a major U.S. agricultural centercost nearly $600 million. andsourceofagriculturalexportswhichTheFreightIntelligentTransporta-are all trucked and not rail dependent. Wetion System (FITS). This system will pro-are looking to expand our export market byvide electronic updates and wait times at attracting agricultural exports from the Mid- terminals that will be available to drivers west and from the Gulf. on mobile phone apps. The project will To enhance its rail business, the Portalso enhance port security monitoring and willbesupportedbythreenear-dockaccidentandincidentwarningsthrough transloading facilities. The facilities are: improveddataexchange.Thisupgrade Cool Port. Cool Port is a 280,000-square- should be completed by 2021. foottemperature-controlleddistributionNight-gate capacity. Capacity at ter-center. It was opened by Lineage Logisticsminalsisexpandingandwillallowfor and Dreisbach Enterprises. The facility hasmore daytime deliveries to be shifted to clayton ManthorpecMS Transportation George cirillaJohn A. Steer the capability of shipping 1 million tons ofnighttime deliveries with the cumulative beef and pork annually. According to theeffect of reducing truck traffic at the Port. Port of Oakland website: Meat shipments from as far away as the Midwest will goa ccommodatIng18,000 tEu s hIPsdirectly into Cool Port by rail. Cargo willThe Port plans to handle mega 18,000 whisk across Cool Ports dock into 40-footTEU ships and larger on a regular basis. refrigerated containers. From there, ship- To do this, all three terminals at the Port ments can be drayed across the street to thewill need taller cranes.Ports marine terminals for export.In the case of the Oakland Interna-Seaport Logistics Facility. The 460,000tional Container Terminal (OICT), oper-square foot facility is located on a 27-acreated by Stevedoring Services of America site. The $52 million project allows contain- (SSA), three new ship-to-shore cranes will erized cargo to be quickly transferred frombe arriving from the Chinese crane maker, ships to trucks or rail which it expects toZPMC, after Thanksgiving, Brandes said.(EXPANDScontinued from page 20) gers depending on availability. Charging an output of 129 kW and a payload of upcan be reduced to around 90 minutes if a (L to R) Jim WalshPhilaPort, Joe PetruzziPhilaPort, Mike DayPhilaPort,to 3.2 tons for urban short-radius distri- high-speed charger is used.Andy SentyzDelaware River Stevedores bution in major European cities such asDBSchenkerwillbecomeFUSOs Oslo,Copenhagen,Madrid,Salzburg,largest electric fleet customer with a total Vienna,Hamburg,RomeandMilan.Inof41eCantervehiclesindailyopera-total,DBSchenkerselectriclight-dutytions. Experience gained with the FUSO trucksdeliveralmostsilentlyandwitheCanter to date has been consistently posi-zero emissions to customers in inner-citytive. Drivers praise the smooth and instant locationsin20EuropeancitiesinGer- accelerationandagilityoftheelectric many,Finland,Denmark,UK,France,drive and the lack of noise or vibration in Ireland,theNetherlands,Norway, Aus- the cockpit. For DB Schenker, the FUSO tria, Spain and Italy. This also means, theeCanter has proven its reliability in real FUSO eCanter will be making its marketoperationsoverthepasttwoyearsand entriesinFinland,Austria,Spainandoffers an ecological mobility solution for Italy. The 7.49-ton truck vehicles boast aits truck fleet as an important component range of at least 100 kilometers and areof its sustainability strategy. On the road thus able to cover the requirements of DBtoCO2-neutraltransportation,another Schenkerininner-cityshort-radiusdis- truck from the Daimler Truck Portfolio, tribution without problem. The vehiclesthe Mercedes-Benz eActros, is also in ser-are charged simply overnight either withvice for DB Schenker in Leipzig as part of (L to R) Bob Quinn, Jim Walsh Sr., Mark PetroskiPhilaPort, Tom Petroski alternating current or direct current char- the so-called innovation fleet.'