b'November 23 - december 13, 2020Great Lakes & st. Lawrence seaway ports 11Port of Buffalo on pace forCARING FOR best season in a decadeExplodingistheone- sible for offloading bags ofYOUR CARGO wordPatriciaC.Schreiber,sugar from the vessel, stack-thePortDirectoratPortofing them into our warehouseFOR 55+YEARSBuffalo, used to describe theandscalingourcustomers ports exceptional 2020 navi- trucks for shipping.gation seasonwhich beganHowever,in2020,this on April 12, 2020thus far. new partnership developed in Through early September,a unique way.the Port of Buffalo welcomedThis year, our customer 15vesselstotheportwithdecidedthattheywereonly more scheduled to arrive in thegoing to ship organic sugar, remainderofthenavigationsays Schreiber. So, we cre-season. Attractingnewcom- atedacustomsolutionon moditiestotheportthroughtheirbehalf.Tohandlethe unique business opportunitiesorganic sugar shipments, we and partnerships has been keydecided to certify the Port of for the Port of Buffalos suc- Buffalo as an organic port. Albany, NY Eastport, ME Lake Charles, LA Port Manatee, FL Thorold, ONcess during 2020. The diverseInordertodoso,theBurns Harbor, IN Hamilton, ON Milwaukee, WI Tampa, FLmixofcommoditiesatthePort of Buffalo worked with forefront of the Port of Buf- abrokertoconductrigor-falos busy season are sugar,ous inspections ensuring the wind turbines and salt. portabidedbytherulesof Projects that weve beenhandling organic cargos. Fol-workingonforyearshavelowingtheportssuccessfulfmtcargo.com | 704.714.4644finallycometofruition.certification,thecustomer Weveexpandedtherealmbrought in one organic sugar of everybodys projects herevessel out of Argentina. AJOT_November23_2020.indd 2 2020-11-12 16:11:16byofferingasmuchasweRight after we unloadedBreaking shortsea ground on Seawaycan whether its transloading,that vessel, they decided that warehousing,railordock- theywantedtobringintwoDesgagns Group carries out container shipment to Great Lakesside service, and even long- moreconsecutiveshipments. term storage. ThesecondshipmentwasBy Leo Ryan, AJOTanotherbulkvessel,butthe t heo rgAniCP ort :third shipment that they sentFourdecadesago,in1981,Manchestergeneral cargo vessel, the Claude A. Desgag-s tACkings hiPments of was16,000metrictonsofLiners abandoned a 500-TEU feeder service itns. It was coordinated by the Mediterranean s ugArs eVenh igh bagged sugar. So, we unloadedhad operated for a decade between Montreal andShippingCompany,GroupeDesgagns,the ThePortofBuffalosthem and stacked them seventhe Great Lakes via the St. Lawrence Seaway.Port of Montreal, the Port of Toronto, Termont sugarbusinessbeganinbags high in our warehouse,For many years, fully cellular ships were thenterminal, and Logistec Stevedoring.fall2019whenSchreiberSchreiber describes. absentontheNorthAmericanwaterway.ABut there will be no follow-up this year worked to attract a new ter- The shipments of organicproject was considered in 2009, but dropped into the first dedicated container shipment via minalcustomershippingsugar which began at the startfavor of transit by truck and rail. In 2014, thethe St. Lawrence Seaway in four decades to sugartotheGreatLakesof April 2020 continue to beDutch Spliethoff Group was the first carrier toaGreatLakesport, AlexandreBeauchamp-region with the ports 40,000steady at the Port of Buffalo. launch a liner service with multi-purpose ves- Parent,PresidentofNavigationDesgagns, square foot warehouse. sels linking Antwerp to Cleveland. Earlier thisindicated in an interview.Wewereabletor eAdy for tAkeoff : e Arly fall,however,Quebec-basedGroupeDesgag- Other voyages were planned after the one develop this new partnerships hiPments ofw indt urbines ns created a buzz by transporting nearly 400on October 20 from Montreal to the Port of becausewereaonestopl iftP ort ofb uffAlo containers from Montreal to the Port of TorontoToronto, Beauchamp-Parent said. We had a shopwithcertifiedweighAs has been seen through- to facilitate deliveries to receivers of conges- window. But congestion and other issues arose scales and the ability to bringout the Great Lakes-St. Lawrencetion-delayed cargo in Canadas largest market.inTorontoandpreventedusfromcontinu-inmaterialviavesselandSeaway System, internationalThe shipment was in response to a con- ing before the closing of the Seaway season. out by either train or truck,shipmentsofwindenergytainerbacklogatthePortofMontrealandThings are all in the timing.notesSchreiber.Wewere(PACEcontinued ondelaysontherailwaynetworkineastern ContinuedBeauchamp-Parent: We feel andcontinuetoberespon- page 16) Canadasparkedbylastsummersseriesofthat with some improvements, the model can Montrealdockerstrikes.Thetransportationbe economically feasible. One thing is certain, (DECLINEcontinuedstate.Theprojecthashelpedwascarriedoutbyageared,self-unloading(GROUNDcontinued on page 16)from page 10) offsetthepandemic-related and gypsum shipments werescarcity of cargoes at the begin-upsignificantly,althoughning of the season. the total cargo numbers wereThePortofToledohas down 13% from 2019. lagged behind 2019 totals, but IanHamilton,presidentithaswelcomedoceanves-andCEOoftheHamilton- sels importing and exporting a OshawaPortAuthority,diverse array of cargo from fur-remainsbullishaboutthenace pieces to liquid fertilizer.future, declaring: The integ- ThelargestU.S.port rity of our supply chains hason the Great Lakes, Duluth-beenmaintainedandatthisSuperior,haspostedsharp momenttheresmorethandeclinesincoalandiron $21millionworthofcon- oretonnage,butwheatand struction projects on the go atwind turbine shipments have the Port of Hamilton. Thatsincreased substantially.themostwehaveeverhadIf this pandemic-plagued going on at one time. shippingseasonwasapros-pectors pan, thered be a lot w indt urbines And of black sand and only a few w heAtb ig Atus P ort goldennuggets,saidDeb Among U.S. ports, the PortDeLuca,executivedirector ofMonroeinMichiganhasoftheDuluthSeawayPort been benefitting from the larg- Authority.Butevenafew estprojectinitshistorythisgolden nuggets are cause for season,handling14vesselsexcitement,andwerecer-delivering a total of 560 windtainlypleasedtoseestrong turbine segments from Becan- grain numbers and potentially cour, Quebec for General Elec- record-settingsuccesswithcontainers being unloaded by Logistec Stevedoring from the Claude A. Desgagns geared vessel trics wind energy efforts in thewind cargoes. at the Port of Toronto.(Photo credit: Port of Toronto)'