b'Trade Report & AnalysisSection XV8American Journal of Transportation ajot.comBase Metals and Articles of Base MetalPaper & Wood Pulp the auto manufacturing in thebase metalU.S., Asia, Europe and Mexico.ThedeclinesintheautoOverall ImportsOverview & Digest sector also hit home with other14.commodities. Take the case of Billionstires. Pneumatic tires hit nearly12.Imports of base metals and minerals under10.$8.6 billion in 2019 but fell to $6.7 billion in 2020a nearly8.Section XV of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule 22% drop for the year-on-year tally. For articles of unhardened6.fell 18.9 percent in the first seven months of4.vulcanizedrubber(thebasic 2020 compared to 2019, a decline in totalmolding2.rubberofmaterial forarticleslikegaskets,etc.),0.FOB value of nearly $5 billion USD. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Julyimportsweredroppedover 19% from $2.5 billion in 2019 to $2 billion in 2020. Another2020 2019The only commodity in the top ten by value in itemimpactedbytheauto Section XV to increase in year-over-year valueimport patterns remained fairly$1.43billionin2020].Vari-(OUTLINEcontinuedcommodities were also sig- manufacturing shutdowns was from page 6) nificantly down. Iron ore wassafety glass. In 2019 imports ofsimilarperiodtoperiod,ous types of paperboard also is the third-ranked HS 7308, which coversCOUNTRY OF ORIGIN store shelves tell it all delv- off over 38% and iron anothersafety glass nearly hit $656.7meaning it likely was more aposteddoubledigitornear ing a little deepestructures and parts thereof. million but fell to $476.3 mil- pandemic driven drop than adouble digit declines. Among r into base31%. Both data points reflect- 19%commodities like minerals anding the impacts on steel makinglionin2019,adropofovertariff war fallout. the largest losers was uncoated agriculturalproductsprovidesin the U.S. (see Buxbaum arti- 27%.VehiclesthemselvesAnother import that caughtpaperboardwhichfellby Among top value imports, tenth-rankeddownwardthe attention of the Americanover 28% [$1.3 billion 2020 CHINAa more comprehensive view ofcle on page 2). alsoreflectedthe46% CANADAthe effect of the pandemic onAnd the impact of COVIDtrend[seeAJOTissue#714publicwastoiletpaperandto $930 million 2020]. Even aluminum plates, sheets and strips [HS 7606]19% MEXICOindustry and commerce. spread across the entire metalOct.24-Nov.8,Automotivesimilar products. Unlike mostprintedmater I ialandpaper TAWANmost themanufacturingsector.ImportsLogistics:RubberbandeffectOTHEROneofthehad highlylargest year-over-year decline in value,commodities, toilet paper wasfor printing was unexpectedly impacted import sectors was min- ofunwroughtaluminumUSdemandforautoimportssignificantlyupby15.54%down as Descartes-Datamyne dropping 39.1 percent compared to the same5% 11%erals. According to Descartes- (apointofcontentionwithsnaps back] although has since[$880million2020to$762wrote:Surprisinglyduring Datamynesdata,intermsofCanadaandChina)wasoffrebounded.Motorvehiclesmillion 2019]. As the Big Bookanelectionyear,importsof period in 2019.value,(mineral)importsfellnearly19%withroughly$5were off over 34% [$104.2 bil- noted the reason for the boomprintedmaterialunder[HS by 39.33%. Collectively, thatbillion in imports in 2019 com- lion 2019 - $68.5 billion 2020],was, Early during the pandemic,4901] have seen the sharpest amounted to a more than $40pared to just over $4 billion intrucks nearly 32% and trailersmany consumers were seekingdecline in FOB value, falling billiondeclineinvaluecom- 2020. Aluminumsheetswereand semis over 23%. out and hoarding paper prod- 33.2% compared to the same pared to 2019, the trade dataoffevenmoreatover39%.ucts, creating a false scarcity. period in 2019.Percentage2019 2020 Product HS (4) t Ariffs AndCoVid % %companyreported.AlthoughSteelandironproductswereFOB Value (US$)Other paper related com- Inthiscase,theques-FOB Value (US$)Changepetrolandpetroleumrelatedsubstantiallydownaswell,Althoughtariffshavemoditiesfollowedthegen- tioniswhetherthedemand 7601 - ALUMINUM, UNWROUGHT$5,189,949,422.006.725289$4,209,061,359.006.7 -18.90%productswerethehardesthit$3.2 billion in 2019 to $2.783played some role in the fall- eraldownwardtrend.Forwasdownbecauseofthe (accountingforover90%ofbillion in 2020, a 15.7% drop.off of these imports, in look- example, chemical wood pulppandemic or is this the new 8302 - MOUNTINGS AND OTHER HARDWARE FOR FURNITURE, DOORS, WINDOWS ETC.; HATRACKS, value in dollars) both iron oreThisisnotasurprisingdroping at the monthly charts forwas down nearly 30% for thenormal5.7 theaccelerated CASTORS ETC.; DOOR CLOSURES; THE FOREGOING AND PARTS THEREOF, OF BASE METAL$4,256,253,864.005.5153788$3,575,407,278.00with-16.00%and coal importssteel makingconsidering the shut downs inbothyears[2019-2020]theperiod [$2 billion in 2019 torise of the digital economy?7308 - STRUCTURES (EXCLUDING PREFAB BUILDINGS OF HEADING 9406) AND PARTS THEREOF $ 2,603,721,618.003.373979$ 2,887,883,030.004.6 10.91%(BRIDGES, TOWERS ETC.), INCLUDING PREPARED SHAPES ETC., OF IRON OR STEEL7318 - SCREWS, BOLTS, NUTS, COACH SCREWS, SCREW HOOKS, RIVETS, COTTERS, $3,375,869,863.004.3745514$2,772,380,421.004.4 -17.88%COTTER PINS, WASHERS AND SIMILAR ARTICLES, OF IRON OR STEELALWAYSRELIABLE$2,736,270,729.004.4 -15.67%7326 - ARTICLES OF IRON OR STEEL, OTHERS$3,244,788,098.004.20469187403 - REFINED COPPER AND COPPER ALLOYS (OTHER THAN MASTER ALLOYS OF $2,369,898,309.003.0709839$2,321,350,952.003.7 -2.05%HEADING 7405), UNWROUGHTDEPARTSWEEKLY$2,080,774,009.003.3 -0.42%7321 - STOVES, RANGES, GRATES, COOKERS, BARBECUES, BRAZIERS AND SIMILAR $2,089,461,343.002.7075854NONELECTRIC DOMESTIC APPLIANCES, AND PARTS THEREOF, OF IRON OR STEEL7210 - FLAT-ROLLED IRON OR NONALLOY STEEL PRODUCTS, 600 MM (23.6 IN.) OR MORE $2,014,022,300.002.6098293$1,779,046,683.002.8 -11.67%WIDE, CLAD, PLATED OR COATEDSMOOTHSERVICE 2.3032163$1,583,887,867.002.5 -10.89%8207 - INTERCHANGEABLE TOOLS FOR HANDTOOLS (POWER-OPERATED OR NOT) OR FOR $1,777,407,078.00 MACHINE-TOOLS, INCLUDING DIES FOR EXTRUDING METAL, AND BASE METAL PARTS THEREOF7606 - ALUMINUM PLATES, SHEETS AND STRIP, OVER 0.2 MM (0.0079 IN.) THICK$2,595,204,596.003.3629424$1,579,944,112.002.5 -39.12%EXPRESS SERVICE FOR OVERSIZE CARGOCOVID-19 ImpactAmerican Independent Line offers the most professional and comprehensive service available for the ocean and inland transportation of oversize and project cargo. Much like imports under Section XIII and Section IX, the halting of construction played Our service: predictable, expedient and competitive. a significant part in the decline of Section XV imports. In addition to construction, Our people: knowledgeable, attentive and responsive. Section XV imports have also been impacted by a lack of manufacturing as factories Shippers and forwarders entrust American Independent Line around the country shut down during the pandemic.to move the capital goods that move the world.New Y |[email protected] manufacturing shutdown is also the reason the values of imports under HS Chicago|[email protected] have increased as businesses have needed to turn to international suppliers San Francisco|[email protected] domestic operations temporarily closed.15 of 25 | www.descartes.com | www.datamyne.com Asia | Australia | Europe | Mediterranean | Middle East | South Americawww.aishipping.com'