b'16American Journal of Transportation ajot.comAAL transports 22,400CBM(PACEcontinued frommany and Korea to the port. (GROUNDcontinued from page 11) page 11)wC : kof heavy lift components forcomponents are taking off. Theo inter is oming eePing wehavebeenverygrateful Port of Buffalo in particular isurr oAds& h ighwAyss Afe to have partnered with MSC Eliwana mine & rail project no stranger to this trend. On the forefront of Sch- insuchashortseaoption Wind turbines are long- reibers mind is winterandthat has long been sought by Globalprojectheavyoutputting 30 million tonnesterm bids. The process startswiththat,shipmentsofsaltvariousstakeholdersinthe liftcarrierAALShippingper annum. The project willoutabouttwoyearsbeforewhich are used to keep roadsGreat Lakes.(AAL)hasrecentlydeliv- create up to 1,900 jobs duringtheprojectitselfcomesin.andhighwaysfromicingItwasaverypositive ered22,400cbmofstackerongoing construction and 500But our hard work paid off.during winter months. experience for us, the Port of reclaimercomponentsfromfull-timesitepositionsonceThisyear,wevebeenhan- We won the Erie CountyMontreal and MSC. We want Dalian in North East China tofully operational. dlingmultipleshipmentsofHighway contract this year,tolookatwaysofmaking Port Hedland in Western Aus- Bernd Schuler, Commer- wind turbines. To us [the PortSchreibersays.Ourportsuchvoyagesmorepredict-tralia. The cargo, destined forcialManagerAustraliaforof Buffalo] that means a fullstoresthehighwaysaltforable in the future.the Fortescue Metals GroupsDB Schenker Global Projectsdock for the season. Its keptthecountyand,then,wellAccording to Beauchamp-Eliwana Mine and Rail Proj- &IndustrySolutions,con- us busy all the way into fall,loadandweighthesaltforParent,thegearedgeneral ect in the Pilbara, was loadedcluded, We look forward tonotes Schreiber. themunicipalitiesthatpickcargovesselstypicallyused onthe19,000dwtheavya successful and safe conclu- Withanincreasedfocusit up and any contractors thatbyDesgagnsduringits liftmpv,AALFremantlesiontothisimportantproj- on commodity diversificationwould like to purchase it. summerArcticsealiftsrep-(S-Class). Months of meticu- ect. DB Schenker is proud tothroughprojectcargo,earlyIntotal,thePortofBuf- resentanexcellentfitfor lousengineeringplanningdesign bespoke project cargoseasonshipmentsofwindfalo will receive 200,000 tonsshortsea ventures of this kind. were made significantly moresolutions for our most presti- turbines landed at the Port ofof salt. In early September, theWearealwayslookingfor difficult due to newly imple- gious client Fortescue on theirBuffalo. This season, a totalport handled three shipments ofcreativesolutionopportuni-mentedCOVID-19restric- Eliwana project in the Pilbaraoffivevesselscarriedwindsalt and is anticipating six moreties and alterative options to tions in Dalian. Despite theseregion of Western Australia. turbines venturing from Ger- in the 2020 navigation season. transportation problems.challenges,thecargowas loadedsafely,andschedule integrity maintained.Thestackerreclaimer components were shipped on behalfofoneoftheworlds leadingprojectlogisticspro-viders,SchenkerAustralia Pty Ltd. The cargo comprised ofmultiplecomponentsof whichtheheaviestwasjust over230tand,thelongest, 40minlength.Tandemlift-ingwasrequiredusingthe vesselsportsideheavylift cranes (700t max lift) and the operation proved challenging. NicolaPacifico,Headof AALTransportEngineering explained,Whenhandling heavy lift and over dimensional project cargo, considerations of weight distribution, lift height restrictions,maximumout-reach and of course time and safety are significant.Projectrequirements werealsoexacting,andwe prepared extensive engineer-ingmodellingandfeasibil-ity scenarios to illustrate the safety of our transport solu-tion, its response to potential weather fronts during typhoon seasonandtocomplywith additional requests submitted by Marine Warranty Survey-ors.Ultimately,wemetall required standards and made full use of the AAL Freman-tles 1,600sqm weather deck andthe53mlengthofher hold number 3 to safely stow and secure every piece of our customers 22,400cbm cargo for its onward 3,700nm jour-ney to Port Hedland.He added, At 19,000dwt, the S-Class is one of AALs smallestfleetclasses. Designedandbuiltby AAL toservicethedemandsof theheavyliftprojectcargo market,itsoptimisedand flexiblecargointakecapac-ityhavemadetheS-Class extremely popular.LocatedinthePilbara RegionofWesternAustra-lia, construction began on the Eliwana project in July 2019. Theironoreminingproj-ectincludes143kmofrail track and a dry ore process-ing facility (OPF) capable of'