b'November 23 - december 13, 2020breakbulk quarterly3Northern California offshore transmission lineNew DNV GL class rules could fast-track wind farms powering SF Bayfor floating offshore wind By Stas Margaronus, AJOT expands industry horizonProposedfloatingwindAsthefirstsuccessfulsive space of opportunity for farmsoffNorthernCalifor- pilots transition into the firstyards,vesseloperators,and niasHumboldtBaycouldcommercial projects, floatingoffshore companies. Unleash-generatepowerfortheSanoffshore wind is opening uping this industry will require FranciscoBayAreautiliz- newvistastooffshorewindbusinesses from many differ-ing an underwater transmis- generation. To help expand theent sectors and new types of sionlinesystemextendedsegment, DNV GL, the worldsstandardstoenhancecross over250milesandcost- leadingclassificationsociety,sector cooperation. Our new ing upwards of $3.1 billion,has released the first integratedrules build from this founda-accordingtoaHumboldtrulesetforfloatingoffshoretionbringing together off-State University report.wind structures (DNVGL-RU- shore,energy,maritimeand ThereportwasproducedOU-0512). The rules providedigitalexpertisetoforma by the Schatz Energy Researchboth new entrants and expe- truly integrated rule set.Center at Humboldt State Uni- rienced stakeholders a set ofThenewlydeveloped versity, Arcata, California andwell-testedrulesandstan- DNV GL class rules for float-is entitled California Northdardized processes for theseing wind turbine installations, Coast Offshore Wind Studies:new structures. DNVGL-RU-OU-0512, SubseaTransmissionCableFloatingoffshorewindapplystandardisedwell-Conceptual Assessment. is poised to be one of the keyprovenmaritimeprocesses The report said that routingtechnologiesthatcanhelpandapplythemtofloating a high voltage direct currentbuildtherenewableenergywind. Owners, designers and (HVDC)transmissioncablegeneration of technology andSternsaidthereare10powerbasethatunderpinsmanufacturersbenefitfrom fromtheHumboldtBayareais necessary since Californiaoperationalfloatingwindglobal decarbonization, saidbeingabletoshiftintothis to the San Francisco Bay (SFcoastalwatersaretoodeepprojectsand8moreduetoKnutrbeck-Nilssen,CEOexciting new segment, while Bay) area would be intended toto handle traditional shallowbe functioning by 2022. Heof DNV GLMaritime. Byhaving a familiar framework deliver power generated fromdraft wind turbines built intoobservedthatauctionsforbringingmanynewplayersso that new processes can be an offshore wind farm(s) in thethe sea bed that are planned(WINDcontinued onintothesector,floatingoff- (RULEScontinued on Humboldt area to load centersfor the U.S. East Coast. page 7) shore wind can create a mas- page 9)intheSFBayarea.The subseadistancebetweenSF Bay and Humboldt Bay (250BREAKBULK AND PROJECT CARGO.miles) necessitates the use of anHVDCelectricalsystemSAVANNAH AND BRUNSWICK.to minimize electrical losses. TheHVDCcablesystemSMART MOVE.wouldconsistofthecable systemitselfandanHVDC converter station at each end ofthetransmissioncableEXPERIENCE, FLEXIBILITY AND RAPID MARKET ACCESS (Humboldt Area and SF Bay Area) to convert the power to/ MAKE THE GEORGIA PORTS THE PERFECT HUBfrom the standard alternatingFOR BREAKBULK AND PROJECT CARGO.current (AC) grid system.In July, Adam Stern, exec-utivedirectoroftheMenlo Park, CA-based trade associa-tion,OffshoreWindCalifor-nia, toldAJOT that progress hasbeenmadeinthefederal approvalprocessconducted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) so that auctions of offshore wind sites, may begin in 2021.Threeprospectiveoff-shore sites are: Morro Bay Diablo Canyon Humboldt BayIntotal,11companies appliedforleasesinboth DiabloCanyonandMorro Bay off the Central Califor-niacoast,while10applied forspacesoffofHumboldt BayinNorthernCalifornia, according to BOEM.Sternnoted,thereis goodtransmissioninfra-structureatMorroBayand at Diablo Canyon, but more Dedicated teams well-versed in the special355,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space at Port of limitedtransmissioninfra- handling requirements for each type of cargo Brunswicks Mayors Point Terminalstructure at Humboldt Bay.Thenewwindfarms Direct interstate access to manufacturing points1.3 million sq. ft. of warehouse space at Port of could create economic devel- throughout the U.S. Savannahs Ocean Terminalopment for California and for Established relationship with the GeorgiaRail: Brunswick - Direct CSX and Norfolk SouthernportssupportingassemblyDepartment of Transportation for overweight Savannah - Direct Norfolk Southern and and manufacturing, he said. and dimensional cargo permitting assistance CSX via SwitchThefloatingoffshore windplatformsplannedin California would be fastenedFor additional information, contactto the ocean floor with cablesBobby Keel, Regional Sales Manager, Trade Development at andfloatonthesurfaceof(912) 965-6369, [email protected]. Thisreflectsanextgaports.com/cargo/breakbulk'