b'November 23 - december 13, 2020breakbulk quarterly9(RULEScontinued from page 3) (PANELcontinued from page 4) havebeentraditionallyparticipating seamlessly integrated into their exist- profession, Morrow said. intheSSS-conferencestofeelthe ing production structures.Besidestheacutedrivershort- industrys pulse and be able to offer The rules are flexible enough toage, which had caused capacity limi- customizedsolutionsfortheindus-cover all potential hull shapes, includ- tations,insurancepremiumsweretry,asonelogisticsrepresentative, ing barge, semi-submersible, verticalhiked because of the rising numberwho preferred to remain anonymous, floating columns (Spar) and tension- of accidents.This had forced manytold theAJOT. The presence of Port leg platform. The basic classificationcarriersoutofbusiness.Heurgedof Brownsville at the event illustrates scopecoversthefloatingstructure,logisticscompaniestoinvestinthat ports closely coordinate with the includingmooringsystems,withTransportation Management Systemindustrytoimproveandcustomize anadditionalvoluntaryclassnota- (TMS)whichcouldhelpbettertheir service offers.tioncoveringthepowergenerationmanage their business. GrowthinAsiaparticularly system, including the tower. The rulesHe spoke of the benefits of devel- insteel-producingcountriesChina, are also designed to scaleconsider- oping an outsourcing logistics manage- India, Japan and South Korea - was ingnotjusttheindividualunitsbutment strategy which can offer a flexiblealso discussed since the continent is a theentirefieldwithdata-basedser- optionallowingshipperstooutsourceheavyweight in global steel trade.vinay Shroff, executive vP, JSW Steelvicesandcondition-basedmonitor- everything,savecostssincenostaffVinay Shroff, Executive Vice Pres-ing (CBM) and through linking withcostsortechnologycostswouldbeident (sales/marketing) of Indian steel- freight corridor across India, etc. The fatigue methodology sensor data. entailed, and other service benefits, etc. maker,JSWSteel,providedinsightsSagarmala is another mega infrastruc-Scaling up floating offshore windIt would also provide cost-savingon Indias huge market.Shroff saidture project.A heavy-haul rail corridor will depend on empowering interestedbenefitsthroughinboundmainte- theIndianGovernmenthadambi- will connect Talchur with Paradip Port, businesses with the confidence to takenance,repairandoperation(MRO)tious plans for developing the coun- afreightexpressway,roadandrail on a new challenge, says Geir Fug- freightmanagement,andsupplierstrys infrastructure which will generateconnectivity, multimodal logistics hub, lerud, Director of Offshore Classifica- paying for and shipment of freight torobust demand for steel. etc.aremajorelementsoftheinfra-tion at DNV GL - Maritime. And thisshippers sites, etc. Shroff said that India is the worldsstructure development program.is one of the great strengths of our newWhileitisdifficultformanysecond largest steel producer; its steelOthermegaprojectsincludethe rules. As the first truly integrated ruletocomprehendthedrivershortageproductiontouched111.2millionMumbai-Ahmedabad high speed rail set for floating offshore wind we drawagainstthebackdropofhighunem- tonnes and consumption 101.5 metriclink, and a 700-km long expressway onmanydifferenttypesstandardsployment, Morrow explained that thetonnes in 2019/20 fiscal year. India, heconnecting Maharashtra state on the from different sectors. This means thatbiggest problem lay with the profes- said, was planning to allocate a totalwest coast to Indias central region.the new rules dont shut out the othersion.Truck driving is a difficult jobof $ 2 trillion for mega infrastructure sectors that need to work together tobecause you are away from the familyprojects within the next five years; the realise a floating offshore wind proj- for a week or two at a stretch, he said.major investments will be earmarked(TRENDScontinued from page 4)ectbutexpandtobringthemallWould the launch of the autono- for energy, roads/highways, railways,in near-term market conditions due to together. Also,becausetherulesaremouscarexpectedin2024mitigateports,airports,urbandevelopment,COVID-19,Lundgrenbelievesthat part of DNV GL class, we can providetheacutedrivershortage?Driversdigital communication, etc. thelonger-termtrendsremainintact tailored in-service follow-up. This alsowill still be needed even if autonomousSome of Indias mega projects, thatand are gaining in relevance. enables operators to demonstrate theyvehicles are introduced, he said. could produce good demand for steel,Theseinclude,shesaid,the are continuing to meet an expert inde- Logisticsplaysacrucialroleinclude the extensive Bharatmala net- increased focus on reducing the envi-pendent quality standard through usinginanyindustry,includingthesteelwork of roads across the country, theronmentalimpactfromsteelmaking risk-basedinspectiontechniquesandsector.Indeed, many shipping compa- North-West,East-Westandsouthernby lowering greenhouse gas emissions ai160079800013_Heavy Load.pdf 1 9/22/2020 2:06:40 PMdata driven service. nies, port operators and other playerscorridors,logisticsparks,agiganticand reducing energy consumption.CMYCMMYCYCMYKmarylandports.com | 1.800.638.7519 |Governor Larry Hogan MDOT Secretary Gregory Slater MDOT MPA Executive Director William P. Doyle'